Too funny, keep spinning there Spin-Meister.... Yea, he didn't get along with the administration that handed him a $3.6 million per year before incentives contract despite never having had a Head Coaching contract at any level before? (easily the biggest premium paid for a HC w/ zero HC experience in CFB history). Oh yea, after GUARANTEEING this contract for 5 years removing all risk from this absurdly rich contract given FLO's experience (e.g., buying the "option" that FLO was writing at a huge premium - full price), this same administration turned around and "renegotiated" his "buyout clause" at the end of one year from $19.6 million to under $6 million!?!? (e.g., the amount the new employer/FLO would have to pay PSU should FLO leave prior to the 5-Year Guaranteed term he signed). If you don't think this was hugely beneficial to FLO by this administration (e.g., giving him a 5-Year Guarantee for a minimum of $3.6 million - e.g., before incentives - and then selling him a "put option" at a 70% Discount), well then you don't know diddly-$hit about finance, optionality and trading options, because the administration you claim FLO didn't get along with gave him a put option worth $19 million to PSU for $6 million all the while maintaining a long-term guarantee for the $19 million! Neither the original contract or the renegotiated contract after 1 year - both of which were beyond absurdly generous to FLO given his experience level and the the lock-in clause he signed and was generously paid for, suggests in any way, shape or form that these parties didn't get along - quite the contrary nimrod. Oh yea, let's not forget about the corrupt BOT orchestrated PR stunt at their Board Meeting which had FLO do a slide presentation that basically said the newly elected alumni BOT members were making matters worse with the NCAA and "harming the program" when we all know who is really responsible for harming the program with utterly FALSE ACCUSATIONS AND ILLIGITIMATE NCAA SANCTIONS and that would be the scumbags that FLO was doing the bidding of at that BOT Meeting in exchange for massive amounts of $$$ like the good servile bootlicker he was (let's also not forget that Joyner was a MEMBER of the corrupt BOT prior to being named AD and lived in Lubert's basement - Lubert headed up Committee hiring the new HC!). IOW, FLO clearly did the bidding of his masters out of unmitigated self-interest, specifically in exchange for $$$ and lot's of it! The manner in which he left again demonstrates this extreme hypocrisy on his part relative to what he told his team, his coaching staff, prospective players in the form of recruits, etc... - he lied to all of them and then gave a completely self-serving FALSE NARRATIVE that pissed all over the program and its supporters in the name of providing cover to himself & his corrupt BOT masters (I guess you missed that FLO's FALSE NARRATIVE reason for leaving was identical to the BS FALSE NARRATIVE of the corrupt Executive Committee of the Board of Thieves, Liars, Charlatans and Whores as well as their co-cospirators in crime Freeh, the NCAA, Jim "I'm a Douche" Delany and the Big Turd Concerence). If the Alumni-elected BOT Members were harming the team so much and risking "the death sentence" as the corrupt BOT and their lacky FLO claimed at the scripted "PR stunt" BOT Meeting, why precisely has the same NCAA agreed to remove all the sanctions including restoring Paterno's wins and admitting that it wasn't legitimate in the first place if those Alumni-elected BOT Members weren't fighting injustice, strongly SUPPORTING the program contrary to what the corrupt EC of the BOT had done working in unison with their co-conspirators and very much helping the program in direct contradiction to what the corrupt EC of the BOT and their lacky FLO claimed at that BOT MEETING with their scripted "PR stunt" slide show????