What book(s) are you currently reading?

I read Say Nothing. There’s a lot of research in the book into various aspects of the Irish-British conflict over many years. I can’t say it was enjoyable because of the brutal nature of the subject, but it’s very worthwhile reading.

that's been on my list since last spring/summer, but I've yet to get to it

I’m currently reading my third book by William M Fowler who is a retired history professor from Boston. Most of his books are about events and people during the early years following our Independence. The current read is about historically brave women pioneers. He is a terrific writer and you savor every word as you read. The others I read were a biography of John Hancock and one about the creation of the Navy during revolutionary war times. I highly recommend him to history buffs.

Fowler is a good historian/writer. The Hancock book (The Baron of Beacon Hill) was informative. I think the Rev War navy book you're referencing is Rebels Under Sail. It's pretty good, though I found Give Me A Fast Ship, by Tim McGrath to be a better history of the US Navy during the Rev War. I own An American Crisis: George Washington and the Dangerous Two Years After Yorktown, 1781-1783, and think it's very good. He has two books on the French and Indian War which I've had on my radar for some time, but haven't found the time to read. I wasn't aware that he he had a book about female pioneers.
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The End of Baseball by Peter Schilling. Fiction about the time Bill Veeck , as the A's owner in 1944, bought a negro league club. He stock it full of stars . Paige Gibson Campenella Bell and others. The day before opening day, he switched rosters with the A's. While commish Landis blew a gasket, the team played out the year. Pretty good story so far. Though, as you can imagine, lots of racism
Didn’t realize Larson had a new book out. One of my favorites. I’m finishing up “Bellevue: 3 Centuries of Medicine and Mayhem at America’s Most Storied Hospital” by David Oshinsky. If you enjoy medical history, you’d like it.
New ELarson: Hits bookshelves on 2/25!
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To Reign In Hell by Steven Brust
in a few words maybe a prequel to Milton's Paradise Lost?
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The Struggle for Europe by Chester Wilmott and
Rise and Kill First by Ronen Bergman about the Mossad.

I attended a lecture in the Washington DC area regarding British intelligence in WW2. Speaker told us that the, contrary to opinion, the British and Americans did not share intelligence reports and he also said the British new about Pearl Harbor but did not tell us. His opinion
The Struggle for Europe by Chester Wilmott and
Rise and Kill First by Ronen Bergman about the Mossad.

I attended a lecture in the Washington DC area regarding British intelligence in WW2. Speaker told us that the, contrary to opinion, the British and Americans did not share intelligence reports and he also said the British new about Pearl Harbor but did not tell us. His opinion
I've heard the same conjecture about Britain and Peral Harbor. IIRC, Winston Churchill's papers were to be kept classified for 75 years after his death, which is still 20 years away. I always wondered about that.
Well, Great Britain wanted us in the war and Hitler was not about to risk either attacking us or declaring war. So it makes sense that they would not forewarn us. However, the feeling was that they simply did not trust our people and, to bear in mind, our military was not highly rated before we got into the game.

I’m reading When the Lions Roared by Bill Contz. The story of the ’82 Nittany Lions which happened to be my junior year and first year at main campus. I’ve read some stories that I haven’t heard before. I’m up to Sugar Bowl week and can’t wait to find out how we do against Herschel Walker and #1 Georgia in the Sugar Bowl! Who doesn't love a happy ending?
American History Revised - S. Morris Jr. Good so far.....
In 1939, FDR's labor secretary Harold Ickes submitted a proposal that would've provided a settlement in Alaska for European refugees, with a particular emphasis towards resettling Jews from Germany and Austria.

The proposal never went anywhere, but Michael Chabon's novel "The Yiddish Policemen's Union" imagines a world where it DID happen and a large number of European Jews settled in Alaska. The novel picks up in modern times just as the territory is scheduled to revert back to Alaskan control.

While religion, end-times prophecy and politics all play a part, this novel is actually a noir-style murder mystery. The protagonist is a down-on-his-luck, close to retirement cop trying to piece together the clues to solve the murder.

Overall, it's beautifully written -- everything by Chabon is -- but to me it loses steam a little bit about 2/3 of the way through. Every time I read something by Chabon, I find myself in awe of his writing for about 2/3rds of it, then I grow a little tired of it. It's like listening to Yngwie Malmsteen -- once the awe of the technical brilliance of it wears off, you wish he'd just play a simple G-chord every now and then.

Nonetheless, definitely worth a read for fans of noir-style murder mysteries and maybe for fans of historical fiction.
Well, Great Britain wanted us in the war and Hitler was not about to risk either attacking us or declaring war. So it makes sense that they would not forewarn us. However, the feeling was that they simply did not trust our people and, to bear in mind, our military was not highly rated before we got into the game.
Well, Germany declared war on the USA after Pearl. And only then did the USA reciprocate.
Speaking of that, was watching History Channel on the North Africa campaign....they said that there was a US colonel who was assigned to observe the Brits before Pearl and our involvement. Churchill wanted us in the war so gave the guy unprecedented access. The Colonel wrote a nightly recap, coded it and it was sent to Roosevelt. Well, the Italians stole the code book in Rome, took photos and replaced it so we didn't know the code was broken. Rommel was getting daily updates as to what the Brits were doing which is why he was so good in N. Africa. I never knew that.
Me neither...great find!

I finished this last night. It's a very good book. It looks at the Rev War experience from the perspective that is rarely written about -- from that of citizens going through the revolution, as opposed to the Founding Fathers. I read so much about this subject (Rev War), that I appreciate books that bring new information, or a fresh perspective, to the public arena.

The book examines all 13 colonies/states, but doesn't get bogged down in examining any particularly one too much. That's a strength of the book, in that it allows a good overview, and also enables the author to point out the commonality of many experiences, reactions, etc. throughout the USA during this period.

It wasn't the best book on the Rev War era that I read in the past year (and I read over 25), but it was one of the top 5.
Correct about Germany declaring war after Pearl. Superstitious, Hitler said they had now aligned with A country that was undefeated (Japan).
Japan, however, never declared war on the USSR, allowing them to fight on only one front, Europe.
Japan, however, never declared war on the USSR, allowing them to fight on only one front, Europe.
This was because Japan and USSR signed a peace treaty in 1939 to end hostilities on the border between north China and USSR. That fighting was heavy and Japan lost their hunger for combat in that theater after the Soviets took a lot out of them.
Late to the party but “ready player one.” Way better than the Spielberg movie, which is very different from the book.
Famous spy, Richard Sorge, reported back to Moscow That Japan would not fight in the East, allowing USSR to concentrate forces for defense of Moscow. Sorge was later executed by Japanese, if I recall correctly.
A tremendous site for deals on used books for the avid readers is sure if it's already been mentioned in this thread yet.
Two works of Yeats, from 1912 and 1914, which reflect my current mood. They are side-by-side in his Collected Poems. The "mother" in the second poem is Maud Gonne. (Wiki link

To a Child dancing in the Wind

Dance there upon the shore;
What need have you to care
For wind or water’s roar?
And tumble out your hair
That the salt drops have wet;
Being young you have not known
The fool’s triumph, nor yet
Love lost as soon as won,
Nor the best labourer dead
And all the sheaves to bind.
What need have you to dread
The monstrous crying of wind?

Two Years Later

Has no one said those daring
Kind eyes should be more learn’d?
Or warned you how despairing
The moths are when they are burned?
I could have warned you; but you are young,
So we speak a different tongue.

O you will take whatever’s offered
And dream that all the world’s a friend,
Suffer as your mother suffered,
Be as broken in the end.
But I am old and you are young,
And I speak a barbarous tongue.
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About to dig into this - Amy Hempel is an amazing short story writer and this is her first work in over a decade.

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Just finished reading "The Blitz: The British Under Attack" by Juliet Gardiner

This book is a superb account of the Nazi bombing of Britain in 1940/41. Filled with first hand accounts, you get an unforgetable picture of what the Brits endured in 9 months of terror when 40,000 civilians died and 2 million homes were destroyed. This is as interesting a book as I've read in the past 5 years. 375 pages plus photos.
Highly recommended.