They need a filmmaker or 2 or 3 of them to make a documentary of the entire Sandusky saga going back to 98 and all the little important details people do not know. I'm sure most people have heard or seen the documentary Making a Murderer" on Netflix, unless you were from that area you had no idea who Steve Avery was, now everyone does. Another documentary that helped society right a wrong was "Paradise Lost" on HBO and its two sequels. The initial documentary got people involved which eventually got 3 innocent people out of prison, who were falsely convicted of murdering 3 little boys. Somebody needs to gather all the little pieces of evidence and minutiae that show Joe did inform the authorities in 98 and nothing happened. Show how many powerful people were directly connected to Second Mile. Show how the Centre County DA went missing and his body was never recovered so there are zero answers why nothing happened in 98. People in our world today need someone else to do the legwork, put it all together and then visually show us what really happened. Hopefully this is already happening. Also in the documentary they need to show all the holes in the Fresh Report and explain why the powers at Penn State gave it a rubber stamp approval.