When were you sold on women’s wrestling?

2011 WTT. Hadn't thought much about it, and hadn't seen it. Saw the first girl wrestler in my life in 1974 in Junior High, a few through the years wrestling boys. But watching the trials really opened my eyes to the talent.
Pretty early for me as Helen Maroulis went to my high school so I started rooting for her and watching women's wrestling when she started winning World medalsl so probably 2015 or so, certainly no later than 2016 when she won in Rio.

BTW, welcome back slushhead, hope to see you in Detroit.
Thanks, NoVa. Won’t be able to make Detroit, but hope to see you at another! One of these years, I’ll get back into going.

Re: the OP . . . I was late to the game, but the Helen Maroulis foot-sweep-to-pin of Jenna Burkert at OTT this spring was my “Yes, I will watch this” moment.
Probably the first time I saw Helen wrestle... She is, after all, a Colonel. Here come the Colonel's (Kernels) was a common cheer at our mutual HS -- as we tossed corn kernels on the opposing fans. (There was a corn field next to school at the time).
This question came to mind during the recent buzz about PSU potentially adopting a women’s wrestling program. Yeah, I know, the question itself is a bit cringe given that wrestling is wrestling, we are all people (I reserve the right to disagree in my particular case), and equality rules, but reality is also reality, and boys will be boys. So give me a pass on that angle. I suspect the average person has experienced a shift in his/her enthusiasm for or fandom of women’s wrestling over time, so look at the question that way.

When/where/how/why were you hooked?

If your answer is the same as mine, I might even give you a Like.
10th grade at the Lake