Why not professional wrestling?


Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2002
I know it's been tried before and it failed. Wouldn't it be great if the true traditional wrestling fan could come up with a plan to make it work. Please add your import with revisions and add-on as you see fit. I never liked the fake stuff after being body slammed by my older brother with both his knees imbedded in my gut as a fourth grader. However Bruno Sanmartino (sp) was my favorite performer mostly because he was always the good guy.

Marketing would have to be essential as well as a fanbase to drawl from.

First, as I already mentioned. I know it was tried before and it failed. I believe it was do to not enough interest to make it cost effective. My issue is I love the sport and would love to see it develop to a professional level. In my opinion the MMA is not an option. I was thinking how if I could make something like this work, what would I do to draw more interest to make it cost effective. Here are my delusional thoughts on what might work. If anyone would like to tweak or make changes to this please feel free to do so, but please don’t mess up this thread with cleaver innuendos and off handed comments.

With our sport cancelled due to the Covid-19 virus which included the NCAA tournament, maybe this is a prime-time period to brainstorm a possible solution.

To begin with, I recognize the sport would have to transition from the NCAA ranks to a professional level. I believe a radical change in format may be needed to accomplish this yet not too radical in appearance. My initial thought was to include the three wrestling programs (folk, free style, and Greco) into one program. The sport would continue with periods. Each period would consist of one three-minute segment (Greco, free style, and folk). I truly am not all that familiar with Greco or free style. The wrestler would have to be familiar with all three. Each segment would have a one-minute break between segments. The referee would have to have knowledge of all three as well. Maybe an alternative to this would be to have a specialized referee for each segment.

First major change for folk style would be the wrestlers would start in the bottom positions. Each wrestler would have ninety seconds on top and bottom. If bottom escapes before the ninety seconds, he will be awarded two points and the clock stops. He will then assume the bottom position again and the clock resumes until clock is expired. If the top person rides him out without bottom escapes, he is awarded three points. They would then change positions and a new ninety seconds would begin. Folk style wrestlers would not start in a standing position because both Greco and Free start in that position. A pin would not end the match. Wrestler would receive set point value which would be included at the end of the segment. Those points would be added to the total at the end of the bout. His total point value would be determined at the end of his match and the victor will be determined. The winner of match would earn points to be applied to a team total.

Greco and freestyle periods would be similar with their point value added at the end of their bout.

Teams might be determined by having a wrestling draft. Perhaps initially each event could be sponsored by pay per view with each team sharing the proceeds. This might work until sponsorship could be established. Of course each individual could find sponsors depending on their popularity. Marketing to the area of interest would be crucial.

These thoughts were not well thought out but I believe might get something going in the right direction.

Nova, your comments would be definitely appreciated. So guys, have at it.

Edit: Draft could include international participants to increase viewership.
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I like the folk style direction and the 3 minutes with each getting 90 seconds in each position. Greco and Freestyle maybe a 2 minute period of each or 2.5 minutes because 9 minutes of wrestling would be pretty taxing even for a well conditioned wrestler like you Rod.:p Just my two cents.
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I really like the team aspect in professional wrestling as opposed to the individual style of boxing. Set the weights and then draft per weight. Maybe some sort of substitution or have several wrestlers from the same team weigh in so you don't know who is coming out. I like this
I've thought about this from time to time and I think that to make it work, the rules must be set up to encourage international stars to join in too. If guys like Sadulaev and Chamizo were to compete, you would also draw in a whole new group of fans who otherwise wouldn't bother to watch.
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I think the difference in pro wrestling and the alternate football leagues is the same. Without an attachment to the team, it loses a lot. Between 50 and 90% of our fandom of any PSU wrestler is based on the winglet they are wearing. There are great wrestlers and great guys on other teams certainly, but if they are wearing red or black we cheer against them passionately most of the time. and when those guys are wearing red, white, and blue we cheer for them again (and even some guys who might not be great guys).

without the passion for the uniform, most sports get boring pretty fast, at least for me.
I've thought about this from time to time and I think that to make it work, the rules must be set up to encourage international stars to join in too. If guys like Sadulaev and Chamizo were to compete, you would also draw in a whole new group of fans who otherwise wouldn't bother to watch.

Good point. Although many US fans don't like freestyle (I have a number of things about it I don't like) wrestling fans will still watch if the big names are wrestling. Ergo I think the most likely way to make this work would be for it to be freestyle rules. You could add some wrinkles but mainly it would need to be freestyle rules to attract the US post grad wrestlers that are still competing and hopefully some international wrestlers as well. In any case the main thing would be to find someone with deep pockets willing to sponsor and promote this as it would definitely not be a money maker right off the bat.

I also agree with aalion's point about team loyalty. You would need to have some way to promote that. Maybe teams made up of wrestlers from certain states. Say a PA team, a OH/Michigan team, a NJ/NY team, a Midwest team, etc.

In any case I would love to see it and I would watch, but not certain if it would be a money maker and if it isn't it would not last long similar to the league formed back in the mid 2000s whose name I cannot remember.
I love wrestling more than most other things in life. I don't know if I'd watch a modified ruleset.

It's fun and quirky in the XFL (RIP) because NFL football has become bland and stagnant for my uncultured self (in terms of football). The international styles rulesets are wonderful. Don't try to Americanize it for the sake of Americanizing. Love this country, but we don't need an English system of wrestling. The metric system is great.
Keep in mind that we don't know for sure if the Russians, Iranians and other big wrestling powers love the current rules or would also like to see some changes. That's something the organizers would have to sort out. The bottom line would be to come up with something that has the widest possible appeal. Look at how much the MMA leagues have grown since the early days. Someone did that one right. There are probably some good lessons to be learned from those guys.
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