Why "Social Media" is great....

If anyone hasn’t listened to Monday’s FRL and you grew up in the 80s, Shane Sparks’ riff on 80s music is hilarious. I’ve got to meet him someday to talk hair bands
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If anyone hasn’t listened to Monday’s FRL and you grew up in the 80s, Shane Sparks’ riff on 80s music is hilarious. I’ve got to meet him someday to talk hair bands
Tears for Fears ROCKS! LMAO
i asked Shane....Bruce Hornsby in your top 4???

He said, "Yeah....That's just the way it is. Some things will never change."

I thought this paragraph from the article was interesting and comical. Reminds me a lot of my dad who wrestled in opens until he was 50. I probably shouldn't share this article with him or he might do something crazy! :p

Mahonski hired recent Williamsport state champion Cael Nasdeo to work out with him. “I worked with Cael two to three days a week when I first began training. I would go up to Williamsport High School practice at least three times a week. Training took a lot of discipline and ice, a lot of ice, especially on my back and fingers,” said Mahonski.
When you consult GIA after your Taylor and Ruth graduate, you get this. Nelson Brands probably thinking to himself “about 15 months too late…”

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Sad the "why you gotta disrespect JB like that" comment has 57 likes. Though maybe that was tongue in cheek like it is here--I'll go w/ that.
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There’s some real entertainment value in reading the auto-translated comments here, trying to make sense of a bar & half. Many think it should be illegal. 😂

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  • Haha
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Serious credit for even doing this video. Would've been completely understandable if he declined to participate in a video that was all about his humiliation.
I managed to screen capture these two images from the video at the time of the pin. Pretty awesome moment for us Penn State wrestling fans!
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