With Iowa on the horizon, I just can't seem to reconcile that they are a garbage fanbase that

When has Iowa ever been a relevant program? Last top 10 finance sh? Maybe two or three in the last 30 years, I would be shocked. As far as their posts go, it's all envy!
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If you livid in Iowa you would hate life too - I like Ferentz because he is a PA guy but the fanbase is trash and the rest of the Big10 also knows it.
For all their faux revulsion at what occurred, many of fans of opposing fan bases love that it happened. They love being able to begin and end any trash talk with "ped state." They don't care about the victims, they're just losers whose life revolves around pimping their team and trashing yours.
I've posted in other threads on Iowa, that my experience there was by far the worst in the B10.
Dear Gregg, very bad people often see themselves in almost everyone. Iowa fans are among the best. I hope others don't judge us based on what is posted on an anonymous fan board.

I agree and thank you for saying this.

I have posted over here before. I am an Iowan. I am a University of Iowa graduate. Nearly two months I started a thread here providing information for those making the trip to Iowa City for the PSU-Iowa game--now only 6 days away. I think I'm a good guy and I know the majority of Iowans are also.

I think I couldn't be more open than I've been in my respect for the Nittany Lion program and my experiences every time I have come to Happy Valley.

To make a judgement on the Iowa fan base based on the vast minority of posters is unfair. PSU has some posters who also could give your school/fan base a bad name too, but thankfully myself and many others don't allow that to label PSU in any way.

There is a huge level of respect of Penn State in the Iowa Lounge--which is Rivals' pay site for Iowa fans. Let's remember this too before we just judge and label and blast a schools fan base. Thanks.
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I agree and thank you for saying this.

I have posted over here before. I am an Iowan. I am a University of Iowa graduate. Nearly two months I started a thread here providing information for those making the trip to Iowa City for the PSU-Iowa game--now only 6 days away. I think I'm a good guy and I know the majority of Iowans are also.

I think I couldn't be more open than I've been in my respect for the Nittany Lion program and my experiences every time I have come to Happy Valley.

To make a judgement on the Iowa fan base based on the vast minority of posters is unfair. PSU has some posters who also could give your school/fan base a bad name too, but thankfully myself and many others don't allow that to label PSU in any way.

There is a huge level of respect of Penn State in the Iowa Lounge--which is Rivals' pay site for Iowa fans. Let's remember this too before we just judge and label and blast a schools fan base. Thanks.

I've never been there but my parents have a few times, and loved their fan experience each time. They always raved about how nice the Iowa fans were that they met. This is why I don't go to other teams' message boards b/c there will always be loons.
I agree and thank you for saying this.

I have posted over here before. I am an Iowan. I am a University of Iowa graduate. Nearly two months I started a thread here providing information for those making the trip to Iowa City for the PSU-Iowa game--now only 6 days away. I think I'm a good guy and I know the majority of Iowans are also.

I think I couldn't be more open than I've been in my respect for the Nittany Lion program and my experiences every time I have come to Happy Valley.

To make a judgement on the Iowa fan base based on the vast minority of posters is unfair. PSU has some posters who also could give your school/fan base a bad name too, but thankfully myself and many others don't allow that to label PSU in any way.

There is a huge level of respect of Penn State in the Iowa Lounge--which is Rivals' pay site for Iowa fans. Let's remember this too before we just judge and label and blast a schools fan base. Thanks.
Of course, the vast majority of Iowa alumni that I've come across over the years are wonderful people, full of passion and enthusiasm for their alma mater. Message boards + passionate people sometimes is a dangerous cocktail (and you're right - that most definitely includes us) that seems to attract the mouth breathers of society. I, for one, am truly very sorry for a handful of my posts on your board last night - I tried my best to be civil, but as the hour got later, I probably hit below the belt a couple of times. I'm continuously surprised how being called an enabler simply for being associated with a community still stings and how reflexive my claws can be in response. Regardless, thank you for stopping by and extending your hospitality for any Staters coming to your campus this weekend. Good luck to the Hawkeyes.
These negative posts about other teams fans actually are more of a comment on some of the psu fans posting here. I wish it didn't always have to happen for game week but hopefully the Iowa visitors know this isn't the majority of psu fans who are so bitter and negative.
Dear Gregg, very bad people often see themselves in almost everyone. Iowa fans are among the best. I hope others don't judge us based on what is posted on an anonymous fan board.

I agree and thank you for saying this.

I have posted over here before. I am an Iowan. I am a University of Iowa graduate. Nearly two months I started a thread here providing information for those making the trip to Iowa City for the PSU-Iowa game--now only 6 days away. I think I'm a good guy and I know the majority of Iowans are also.

I think I couldn't be more open than I've been in my respect for the Nittany Lion program and my experiences every time I have come to Happy Valley.

To make a judgement on the Iowa fan base based on the vast minority of posters is unfair. PSU has some posters who also could give your school/fan base a bad name too, but thankfully myself and many others don't allow that to label PSU in any way.

There is a huge level of respect of Penn State in the Iowa Lounge--which is Rivals' pay site for Iowa fans. Let's remember this too before we just judge and label and blast a schools fan base. Thanks.

Good post, excited for a good game!
For all their faux revulsion at what occurred, many of fans of opposing fan bases love that it happened. They love being able to begin and end any trash talk with "ped state." They don't care about the victims, they're just losers whose life revolves around pimping their team and trashing yours.

You are spot on with that. It's not about the victims, it's schadenfreude, comeuppance or whatever. F$ck em all
As soon as they post Ped State, enabler, or Joe Knew, then you know you're dealing with someone who's not particularly bright. They don't have the wit or intelligence to discuss anything in a meaningful way and they're certainly not capable of having an intelligent conversation. It's a pretty reliable eye test that works 100% of the time.
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For all their faux revulsion at what occurred, many of fans of opposing fan bases love that it happened. They love being able to begin and end any trash talk with "ped state." They don't care about the victims, they're just losers whose life revolves around pimping their team and trashing yours.
Exactly. When the can't win an argument with facts, they fall back on "sandusky", "Joe knew", "Pedd State", etc.......
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For all their faux revulsion at what occurred, many of fans of opposing fan bases love that it happened. They love being able to begin and end any trash talk with "ped state." They don't care about the victims, they're just losers whose life revolves around pimping their team and trashing yours.
You nailed it. This has been my contention all along, also.
These negative posts about other teams fans actually are more of a comment on some of the psu fans posting here. I wish it didn't always have to happen for game week but hopefully the Iowa visitors know this isn't the majority of psu fans who are so bitter and negative.
So, let me get this straight. Their posters come over here for the last six years and spew some of the most vile comments toward Penn State and you're apologizing to them for our actions? Got it.
So, let me get this straight. Their posters come over here for the last six years and spew some of the most vile comments toward Penn State and you're apologizing to them for our actions? Got it.

tboyer has yet to meet an anti-Penn State position he can't wholeheartedly adopt. Sometimes he's subtle about it. Others, he's very overt. His act is old. Just keep calling him out so others will see who he is.
Several of us over there fighting the good fight...nice job Dan! I've tried, but I'm very much dumber for it. Can't believe I got suckered into it.
I Also went to the Iowa board to congratulate them on winning but just could not do it.Notice that the less successful big ten brothers and that's a real laugh are the most vile mouth breathers.They expected Psu to remain in the rat hole that the ncaa put them in and were only too happy To pile on.They are shocked at the speed in which Psu football returned.
Just pure jealousy.
tboyer has yet to meet an anti-Penn State position he can't wholeheartedly adopt. Sometimes he's subtle about it. Others, he's very overt. His act is old. Just keep calling him out so others will see who he is.
He is the Dick LeBeau of defensive analysis on here. His verdict? We are horrible on defense
If you livid in Iowa you would hate life too - I like Ferentz because he is a PA guy but the fanbase is trash and the rest of the Big10 also knows it.
If you "livid' in Iowa? Don't they teach riting, rithmetic, spelling, at Penn State? Ok, just kidding. Goood luck to Penn State, but not next week.
Back in my management consulting days, I worked a couple of projects in the Des Moines insurance industry (second largest after Hartford, CT) and became friends with quite a few Iowa grads and fans. On a couple of occasions, we traveled together to Iowa City for PSU vs Iowa games. Both times PSU won and I noticed something rather odd about them. They takes losses personally.
Yeah, I told another Iowa poster(Iowasox or some such name) earlier last week to stop by again this week and remind us what classy people they all over there in Iowa.
Where has he gone?

Seriously dude, you using him as a poster child for Iowa fans? That guy is hated even on the Iowa boards. Try putting a certain % of message board posters, of all schools, in the proper bucket before making broad brush statements about a fan base. Some of you in this thread aren't exactly making the PSU reputation look good either and are as bad as the fans of Iowa or other schools you say are pathetic. While I love the PSU fans and its environment, if I was basing it off posts of some of you here, I would think very much otherwise of PSU fans as a whole.

Sorry, everything people point out is not all one sided.
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Several of us over there fighting the good fight...nice job Dan! I've tried, but I'm very much dumber for it. Can't believe I got suckered into it.
Yeah, I'm not one to quickly recognize when I'm fighting a losing battle (see run game discussion in GA St. thread). I don't think it did any good, because some people are going to believe what they believe, and others just want Penn State's reputation to continue suffering.
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Seriously dude, you using him as a poster child for Iowa fans? That guy is hated even on the Iowa boards. Try putting a certain % of message board posters, of all schools, in the proper bucket before making broad brush statements about a fan base. Some of you in this thread aren't exactly making the PSU look good either and are as ad as the fans of Iowa or other schools you say are pathetic--and sorry, everything people point out is not all one sided.

There's good and bad fans with all teams. I've appreciated your posts here for those making the trip to Iowa and as far as I'm concerned you're welcome here anytime.

I get that you're upset when all Iowa fans get lumped in with the bad apples. That said, the Iowa fans that flooded this board 4-5 years ago (with such vile posts) left a lasting impression. Just skimming the Iowa board yesterday only reinforces the dislike many here have developed (in general) for the online Iowa fan base.

I think most here recognize that online fans aren't always representative of the greater fan base (of any school). It's just that on these boards, the opposing team's online fan base is what gets the attention usually.
If you "livid' in Iowa? Don't they teach riting, rithmetic, spelling, at Penn State? Ok, just kidding. Goood luck to Penn State, but not next week.

If you are going to insult someone's intelligence for what was likely a phone auto-correct, you should make sure you don't have any errors in that post. Just a tip.
There's good and bad fans with all teams. I've appreciated your posts here for those making the trip to Iowa and as far as I'm concerned you're welcome here anytime.

I get that you're upset when all Iowa fans get lumped in with the bad apples. That said, the Iowa fans that flooded this board 4-5 years ago (with such vile posts) left a lasting impression. Just skimming the Iowa board yesterday only reinforces the dislike many here have developed (in general) for the online Iowa fan base.

I think most here recognize that online fans aren't always representative of the greater fan base (of any school). It's just that on these boards, the opposing team's online fan base is what gets the attention usually.

While I understand your comments, again, the same goes both ways. The stuff I'm reading on this very board this morning about Iowa and its fan base has very little good in it.

I presume you've not spent time in the Hawkeye Lounge--which is Rivals pay site for Iowa fans? You are basing everything on a message board (the Iowa Football board I presume) that anyone can take a few minutes to create an account and not pay a penny to post and their language, vile, goes hand in hand with that. EVERY fan base has those. The threads here so far today, also on the Penn State "free site" by Rivals, and beginning to leave a poor reputation to the online PSU fan base also.
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