With Iowa on the horizon, I just can't seem to reconcile that they are a garbage fanbase that

Thank you for showing common sense. Everything is oblivious to the uninformed.
Funny you should say that. Now, do enlighten us all with your personal knowledge regarding the Sandusky situation. And be as specific and detailed as you can. Feel free to tap the vast library of information provided by so many on your board who have come over here to tell us what they all know and think about it.
So, let me get this straight. Their posters come over here for the last six years and spew some of the most vile comments toward Penn State and you're apologizing to them for our actions? Got it.
I am just not sure why some continue to get caught up in these unwinnable arguments. One crude response to someone's else's crude post makes us classy?
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It has happened elsewhere.
Where else was the former defensive coordinator molesting kids in the football facility? Where else did the school administrators continue to allow the the defensive coordinator to bring random kids into the facility after hours and shower with them? Where else were multiple school administrators arrested and charged, later convicted or plead guilty for failing to protect children?
These negative posts about other teams fans actually are more of a comment on some of the psu fans posting here. I wish it didn't always have to happen for game week but hopefully the Iowa visitors know this isn't the majority of psu fans who are so bitter and negative.
So, you are ok with being labeled a pedophile enabler? Really? You think its OK for their fans to do that, and we shouldn't stand up for our reputation? I guess there may be a limit to the personal/hateful nature of the responses so that we can still take the "high road", but your post sounds like we were just supposed to turn the other cheek.
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So, you are ok with being labeled a pedophile enabler? Really? You think its OK for their fans to do that, and we shouldn't stand up for our reputation? I guess there may be a limit to the personal/hateful nature of the responses so that we can still take the "high road", but your post sounds like we were just supposed to turn the other cheek.

No, i'm not about turning the other cheek at all. If I were to encounter people in person calling PSU alums pedophile enablers I would be very inclined toward physical violence.

However, any troll who comes on this board calling PSU pedophile enablers is A) not worth our time and B) not going to read or think about the responses.

But even that's not what really gets me. What gets me is the PSU fans who go on OTHER team's boards to respond and THEN they have to come back here and post about it. So we are actually CAUSING the pedophile enabler messages and threads to propagate across the internet.

I know message boards are by definition a waste of time, but going to someone else's board to respond and then talk about it on your home team board -- that is like a waste of time cubed.

What bothers me about this board right now is that people don't seem to want to have actual discussions about football. And if you don't want to talk about football right at the start of conference season, then you basically don't want to talk about football.

They get snippy when anyone wants to talk Xs and Os and team strengths and weaknesses and strategies for upcoming games.

They'd rather talk trash about Sandusky and Pitt. Pitt fans, Pitt coaches, Pitt players -- the obsession with Pitt is bizarre -- it's almost like some people here have a weird hard-on for Pitt.
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And really RD the reason I posted on the "Garbage fanbase" thread is because I just hate to see PSU fans look like jerks to other people's fans.

I don't know why, who cares really, maybe at some level I believe in karma. If you are nasty and rude to people it comes back to bite you in one way or another. For people to say Iowa fans are "garbage" because there is 1 Iowa jerk spewing crap about Sandusky and pedophile enablers -- well then that person is doing exactly what the dumb s--- Iowa fan was doing -- making a broad and inaccurate characterization of a fan base.

It's just juvenile, all of it.

So, you are ok with being labeled a pedophile enabler? Really? You think its OK for their fans to do that, and we shouldn't stand up for our reputation? I guess there may be a limit to the personal/hateful nature of the responses so that we can still take the "high road", but your post sounds like we were just supposed to turn the other cheek.
So, you are ok with being labeled a pedophile enabler? Really? You think its OK for their fans to do that, and we shouldn't stand up for our reputation? I guess there may be a limit to the personal/hateful nature of the responses so that we can still take the "high road", but your post sounds like we were just supposed to turn the other cheek.
If your skin is that thin that you get upset by it then it time to become a fan of another team and never mention PSU to anyone ever again. There is nothing anyone can do that going to stop or change the way people think. The damage is already done. It not just Iowa fans who think this way. Life is to short to worry about this crap.
I am just not sure why some continue to get caught up in these unwinnable arguments. One crude response to someone's else's crude post makes us classy?
No it doesn't. B
No, i'm not about turning the other cheek at all. If I were to encounter people in person calling PSU alums pedophile enablers I would be very inclined toward physical violence.

However, any troll who comes on this board calling PSU pedophile enablers is A) not worth our time and B) not going to read or think about the responses.

But even that's not what really gets me. What gets me is the PSU fans who go on OTHER team's boards to respond and THEN they have to come back here and post about it. So we are actually CAUSING the pedophile enabler messages and threads to propagate across the internet.

I know message boards are by definition a waste of time, but going to someone else's board to respond and then talk about it on your home team board -- that is like a waste of time cubed.

What bothers me about this board right now is that people don't seem to want to have actual discussions about football. And if you don't want to talk about football right at the start of conference season, then you basically don't want to talk about football.

They get snippy when anyone wants to talk Xs and Os and team strengths and weaknesses and strategies for upcoming games.

They'd rather talk trash about Sandusky and Pitt. Pitt fans, Pitt coaches, Pitt players -- the obsession with Pitt is bizarre -- it's almost like some people here have a weird hard-on for Pitt.
Well, put like that I do get your point. And I agree with you on Pitt. I never go on other boards, but will fire back at Iowa and others that come over here with their BS about Ped State, etc. And aside from Pitt, Iowa was the worst.
I've got nothing against this guy. He was nice enough to come over here and offer assistance to Penn State fans. I'm sure he's a good guy. However, he wants to whitewash the shitshow that is Iowa fans online in regards to all things Penn State. It's a f'g salty bunch. We're supposed to just take it and not fire back? Nah.

Just as tO$U, scUM, Butgers, sPitt, etc, etc, etc fans do. For every asshat in any fanbase there are any number of rational ones - much like our own.

I've been to a number of home and away games, only place I've ever been close to a fight was at... Beaver Stadium. Was a few years ago and some idiot PSU fan had way too much whiskey. He was so drunk he nearly rolled my father down the East stands from row 80.

Most fans will give you some friendly ribbing, never heard any cursing or 'in-your-face' finger pointing or anything of that sort. Hell even the Pitt fans I encountered two weeks ago were civil and even minded!

This dude came over here to provide some friendly help... and because he has attempted to defend his University's honor he has received nothing but a load of ridicule... not very classy of us PSU fans... is it?
Where else was the former defensive coordinator molesting kids in the football facility? Where else did the school administrators continue to allow the the defensive coordinator to bring random kids into the facility after hours and shower with them? Where else were multiple school administrators arrested and charged, later convicted or plead guilty for failing to protect children?

Everyone here seems to forget the lovely Dr. Nassar's molestation of young female athletes and MSU's failure to investigate. I have yet to see the vile comments and moral judgements thrown at MSU or Michigan (his alma mater) for that matter.

I have also not seen any mention of the scandal in MSU's sports coverage.

One has to wonder, why is that?
Everyone here seems to forget the lovely Dr. Nassar's molestation of young female athletes and MSU's failure to investigate. I have yet to see the vile comments and moral judgements thrown at MSU or Michigan (his alma mater) for that matter.

I have also not seen any mention of the scandal in MSU's sports coverage.

One has to wonder, why is that?
Let's be honest pnny. You are always on other boards saying nasty things about these very things. Shocked that @Judge Smails is such a big fan of yours the way you act. You're a tool but I always gave him more credit for the way he used to handle things.
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Let's be honest pnny. You are always on other boards saying nasty things about these very things. Shocked that @Judge Smails is such a big fan of yours the way you act. You're a tool but I always gave him more credit for the way he used to handle things.
Don't you go dissin' pnny, he is the epitome of Success with Honor.
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I agree and thank you for saying this.

I have posted over here before. I am an Iowan. I am a University of Iowa graduate. Nearly two months I started a thread here providing information for those making the trip to Iowa City for the PSU-Iowa game--now only 6 days away. I think I'm a good guy and I know the majority of Iowans are also.

I think I couldn't be more open than I've been in my respect for the Nittany Lion program and my experiences every time I have come to Happy Valley.

To make a judgement on the Iowa fan base based on the vast minority of posters is unfair. PSU has some posters who also could give your school/fan base a bad name too, but thankfully myself and many others don't allow that to label PSU in any way.

There is a huge level of respect of Penn State in the Iowa Lounge--which is Rivals' pay site for Iowa fans. Let's remember this too before we just judge and label and blast a schools fan base. Thanks.

Great post...I agree with what you said. We all love our teams and sometimes a few of us cross the lines of intellect and disrespect....we also are all not like this on the PSU board. Some of us do have brains and don't post just to talk smack...there is sportsmanship and humanity among many of's that the few seem to screw it up for the many on both sides....
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Where else was the former defensive coordinator molesting kids in the football facility? Where else did the school administrators continue to allow the the defensive coordinator to bring random kids into the facility after hours and shower with them? Where else were multiple school administrators arrested and charged, later convicted or plead guilty for failing to protect children?

That didn't even happen at PSU. Which victims testified in court to being molesting in the football facility? Which PSU admins specifically allowed the EX defensive coordinator to bring random kids into the facility after hours and shower with them? C/S plead guilty due to a tainted jury pool and a promise of no jail time, that doesn't mean the deserved the punishment. Spanier's verdict was a "mistake" that will be overturned soon enough. Just because with the benefit of hindsight, PSU admins could have handled the situation better doesn't mean they are responsible Sandusky's crimes.

When people like you put all this blame on PSU, it ignores those who truly failed the victims. Thus the actual problems that led to CSA haven't been highlighted or addressed. Shame on you.
Where else was the former defensive coordinator molesting kids in the football facility? Where else did the school administrators continue to allow the the defensive coordinator to bring random kids into the facility after hours and shower with them? Where else were multiple school administrators arrested and charged, later convicted or plead guilty for failing to protect children?
Different circumstances, same result, where's the outrage?
Different circumstances, same result, where's the outrage?

Right here, where it's always been. :eek: .

I've been lookin' for OUTRAGE. :eek: in all the wrong places, lookin' for OUTRAGE. :eek: in all the wrong faces...
I spent two years as an Econ TA in grad school at Iowa, starting a year after my PSU days ended. I'd actually say that, on average, the people there were noticeably better/cooler than those at PSU. Far more willing to share, and less about any societal rank and showing off. And when you get into the smaller towns you can't find a more helpful set of people if you were on the road and in need. The smarts of many of the "farmers" would surprise you too.

Every fan base has its a-holes.
I spent two years as an Econ TA in grad school at Iowa, starting a year after my PSU days ended. I'd actually say that, on average, the people there were noticeably better/cooler than those at PSU. Far more willing to share, and less about any societal rank and showing off. And when you get into the smaller towns you can't find a more helpful set of people if you were on the road and in need. The smarts of many of the "farmers" would surprise you too.

Every fan base has its a-holes.

That's true. Also, I've never understood the farmer bashing thing. What exactly is wrong with being a farmer, and where would we all be without them? A very noble living. And coming from a school with one of the better agricultural departments in the land, you'd think we all would recognize that.
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That'a true. Also, I've never understood the farmer bashing thing. What exactly is wrong with being a farmer, and where would we all be without them? A very noble living. And coming from a school with one of the better agricultural departments in the land, you'd think we all would recognize that.

Agreed. Am blown away by how hard farmers work.
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That'a true. Also, I've never understood the farmer bashing thing. What exactly is wrong with being a farmer, and where would we all be without them? A very noble living. And coming from a school with one of the better agricultural departments in the land, you'd think we all would recognize that.

Agree 100% with that.
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Agreed. Am blown away by how hard farmers work.
When I consider that in my career I probably made significantly more money but contributed less to society than the average farmer, I am truly humbled. Further, I am no more erudite than anyone else simply because of where I happen to live.
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That's true. Also, I've never understood the farmer bashing thing. What exactly is wrong with being a farmer, and where would we all be without them? A very noble living. And coming from a school with one of the better agricultural departments in the land, you'd think we all would recognize that.

Agreed about farmers and PSU's connection to agriculture.

However, Iowa has an "ANF" sticker on their helmets, which stands for America Needs Farmers. While this is true, you cannot study agriculture at Iowa (Iowa State is the land grant school and houses all of the ag related majors). This has always amused me for some reason.
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Where else was the former defensive coordinator molesting kids in the football facility? Where else did the school administrators continue to allow the the defensive coordinator to bring random kids into the facility after hours and shower with them? Where else were multiple school administrators arrested and charged, later convicted or plead guilty for failing to protect children?

In a controversy with parallels to the Jerry Sandusky sex-abuse scandal involving Penn State, Dr. Larry Nassar, a former Michigan State University and USA Gymnastics doctor, is accused of abusing patients for most of his career. Read an in-depth look at the scandal.

"It's Penn State all over again," alleges Brian McKeen, a Detroit attorney representing one of the women. "You have the same kind of institutional failures, involving multiple victims violated by a trusted staffer."

Nassar, 53, has pleaded not guilty to the criminal charges. His attorney, Matthew Newburg, declined comment for this story and neither Nassar nor his attorney have responded in court documents to the civil lawsuits.
In a controversy with parallels to the Jerry Sandusky sex-abuse scandal involving Penn State, Dr. Larry Nassar, a former Michigan State University and USA Gymnastics doctor, is accused of abusing patients for most of his career. Read an in-depth look at the scandal.

"It's Penn State all over again," alleges Brian McKeen, a Detroit attorney representing one of the women. "You have the same kind of institutional failures, involving multiple victims violated by a trusted staffer."

Nassar, 53, has pleaded not guilty to the criminal charges. His attorney, Matthew Newburg, declined comment for this story and neither Nassar nor his attorney have responded in court documents to the civil lawsuits.

It's way worse than PSU. First off, it actually happened on campus. There are many more victims, and the university actually tried to cover it up to protect their image. He likely did the same things at Michigan too... both schools should fry for this.
It's way worse than PSU. First off, it actually happened on campus. There are many more victims, and the university actually tried to cover it up to protect their image. He likely did the same things at Michigan too... both schools should fry for this.
That may well be, but rest assured, neither school will have to deal with what Penn State did. In fact, we'll hear next to nothing about this going forward. You know, no big names for the media to bring down, or the petty jealousies that existed within our BOT at the time.
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Agreed about farmers and PSU's connection to agriculture.

However, Iowa has an "ANF" sticker on their helmets, which stands for America Needs Farmers. While this is true, you cannot study agriculture at Iowa (Iowa State is the land grant school and houses all of the ag related majors). This has always amused me for some reason.

I don't get the American Needs Farmers campaign? Have you been to a grocery store lately? There are plenty of fruits and vegetables there.

Hail to Pitt!
Wow that was clever....must have taken you four years of third grade to come up with that one! Almost as funny all those empty yellow seats at your home games....
For all their faux revulsion at what occurred, many of fans of opposing fan bases love that it happened. They love being able to begin and end any trash talk with "ped state." They don't care about the victims, they're just losers whose life revolves around pimping their team and trashing yours.
Irony - does the typical Penn State football fan care more about the victims or Joe Pa's tainted legacy?
Irony - does the typical Penn State football fan care more about the victims or Joe Pa's tainted legacy?

Do Iowa fans care about sports anymore? Doesn't appear they do. Remember, a long time ago, when Iowa was pretty good at least in wrestling? What happened?
Irony - does the typical Penn State football fan care more about the victims or Joe Pa's tainted legacy?
See, that you don't get to do. You don't get to come over here and talk about anything related to that man and you won't get an answer. Posts like this are used to elicit a viceral response but they only display ignorance.

Tell me have you ever heard of Abe Satterfield and Cedric Everson? Careful throwing stones, just about ever house has windows.

Tell you what, since you're such a big man, why don't you reveal yourself at the next Iowa vs Penn State game at the Beav. I'll give you 5 bucks to ask that very same question to a heavy set man wearing a Penn State jersey. Hell, I'll give you 50. But we both know that won't happen don't we, because you're just an idiot troll poster aren't you? With tiny little marbles.
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