With Iowa on the horizon, I just can't seem to reconcile that they are a garbage fanbase that

The threads here so far today, also on the Penn State "free site" by Rivals, and beginning to leave a poor reputation to the online PSU fan base also.
Tough darts. No one cares, nor should they.
Seriously dude, you using him as a poster child for Iowa fans? That guy is hated even on the Iowa boards. Try putting a certain % of message board posters, of all schools, in the proper bucket before making broad brush statements about a fan base. Some of you in this thread aren't exactly making the PSU reputation look good either and are as bad as the fans of Iowa or other schools you say are pathetic. While I love the PSU fans and its environment, if I was basing it off posts of some of you here, I would think very much otherwise of PSU fans as a whole.

Sorry, everything people point out is not all one sided.

Come on, enough with the happy horseshit. Go read through that Iowa Rivals free board on the topic of Penn State. It will give you eye cancer. I don't see many "good" Iowa fans trying to talk some sense into any of them. Where are your posts in those threads?
Come on, enough with the happy horseshit. Go read through that Iowa Rivals free board on the topic of Penn State. It will give you eye cancer. I don't see many "good" Iowa fans trying to talk some sense into any of them. Where are your posts in those threads?

Where are my posts there? There are NONE because I don't post there because I rarely even visit that site--I post in the Rivals pay site--the Hawkeye Lounge. Ever paid a visit there?
Why the f*** would I pay money to read an Iowa message board?

You have the ability to go set straight the "minority" of Iowa fans on the Rivals free board. Go. We'll watch you.

I still contend Penn State has some tremendous fans and have loved my trips there. And not having any idea what is said in the Hawkeye Lounge about PSU shows you're quite narrow minded. You clearly aren't one of the good PSU people but again, I understand every fan base has fans it's not proud of. Have a good day.
I still contend Penn State has some tremendous fans and have loved my trips there. And not having any idea what is said in the Hawkeye Lounge about PSU shows you're quite narrow minded. You clearly aren't one of the good PSU people but again, I understand every fan base has fans it's not proud of. Have a good day.

Why don't you go lecture your brothers on the Iowa free board?
I still contend Penn State has some tremendous fans and have loved my trips there. And not having any idea what is said in the Hawkeye Lounge about PSU shows you're quite narrow minded. You clearly aren't one of the good PSU people but again, I understand every fan base has fans it's not proud of. Have a good day.

Go read the board. I could spend the rest of the day copy/pasting the crap all your wonderful fans post. Worse than Pitt fans.

James Franklin

hawkbleederHR Legend
All I can say is what a complete ahole to do something like that.

Liked by 12 posters




Douche bag, nozzle included

Franklin got out of Nashville just before his Vanderbilt players rape trials started. He is not missed by many people here.

Franklin was a dick for calling time out. PSU's holier than though attitude is disturbing.They did not pay enough for their transgressions. The Big is culpable too by giving them night games and all the pub.

Tom Ace
Franklin is the same guy who won't hire an assistant coach if he feels that guy's wife isn't attractive enough. Something about having confidence to go after bimbos. He's a win-at-all-cost type of guy. He'll probably cover up more rapes and such just like he did at Vandy. I guess that's why they like him so much at psu.

Lol. Keep posting, pedo boy. We are enjoying the fact that posters like you represent PSU on other boards.
And please remember that attitude goes the other way also.
Given that I'm not in the pork chop industry in Des Moines, I don't care. Even if I was, I still wouldn't care. The iowa fanboys should be more worried about the PSU offense than labeling us all CSA enablers, but that would require a trip back to reality for most of them.
My theory on why Iowa fans act the worst towards us of any of the Big Ten schools is that they had that run of success against us, they won 9 of 11 at one point? Which is absolutely crazy for a program with the history of Iowa vs. a program with the history of Penn State. Maybe they thought it would always continue? Maybe they don't have much respect for us because of that stretch of time?
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The fact that Hayden Frye (while a serviceable college coach for years) couldn't carry Joe's jock is the real reason for the hatred and jealousy.
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There's good and bad fans with all teams. I've appreciated your posts here for those making the trip to Iowa and as far as I'm concerned you're welcome here anytime.

I get that you're upset when all Iowa fans get lumped in with the bad apples. That said, the Iowa fans that flooded this board 4-5 years ago (with such vile posts) left a lasting impression. Just skimming the Iowa board yesterday only reinforces the dislike many here have developed (in general) for the online Iowa fan base.

I think most here recognize that online fans aren't always representative of the greater fan base (of any school). It's just that on these boards, the opposing team's online fan base is what gets the attention usually.
There was a hate filled post on this board last night from an Iowa fan.
Go read the board. I could spend the rest of the day copy/pasting the crap all your wonderful fans post. Worse than Pitt fans.

James Franklin

hawkbleederHR Legend
All I can say is what a complete ahole to do something like that.

Liked by 12 posters




Douche bag, nozzle included

Franklin got out of Nashville just before his Vanderbilt players rape trials started. He is not missed by many people here.

Franklin was a dick for calling time out. PSU's holier than though attitude is disturbing.They did not pay enough for their transgressions. The Big is culpable too by giving them night games and all the pub.

Tom Ace
Franklin is the same guy who won't hire an assistant coach if he feels that guy's wife isn't attractive enough. Something about having confidence to go after bimbos. He's a win-at-all-cost type of guy. He'll probably cover up more rapes and such just like he did at Vandy. I guess that's why they like him so much at psu.

Lol. Keep posting, pedo boy. We are enjoying the fact that posters like you represent PSU on other boards.

Good for you taking your time copying and pasting posts.And for every one of those, I could give you many many examples of posts on the boards, especially the paid site, that are full of PSU respect.
Good for you taking your time copying and pasting posts.And for every one of those, I could give you many many examples of posts on the boards, especially the paid site, that are full of PSU respect.

You are one obtuse dude.
While I understand your comments, again, the same goes both ways. The stuff I'm reading on this very board this morning about Iowa and its fan base has very little good in it.

I presume you've not spent time in the Hawkeye Lounge--which is Rivals pay site for Iowa fans? You are basing everything on a message board (the Iowa Football board I presume) that anyone can take a few minutes to create an account and not pay a penny to post and their language, vile, goes hand in hand with that. EVERY fan base has those. The threads here so far today, also on the Penn State "free site" by Rivals, and beginning to leave a poor reputation to the online PSU fan base also.
Speaking for myself, I was only defending the reputation of our team and our fan base. If that kind of thing results in a poor reputation by someone, then I don't care what that individual thinks.
Good for you taking your time copying and pasting posts.And for every one of those, I could give you many many examples of posts on the boards, especially the paid site, that are full of PSU respect.

That's wonderful. All hidden behind a paywall. Does us all a great amount of good.
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Good for you taking your time copying and pasting posts.And for every one of those, I could give you many many examples of posts on the boards, especially the paid site, that are full of PSU respect.

So how many posts calling all of us pedophile enablers do we have to tolerate before we're allowed to have a jaundiced view of Iowa fans?
So how many posts calling all of us pedophile enablers do we have to tolerate before we're allowed to have a jaundiced view of Iowa fans?

Novel idea: Instead of forming your opinions on others through message boards, why not make the trip out to Iowa City Saturday and see for yourself what reception you'll receive from our fans and what things you'll hear said or not said.

Clearly you take message boards way too seriously and need a new hobby.
Remember the WHY, which JZ aptly pointed out:


iowa fans fit right in there.
Novel idea: Instead of forming your opinions on others through message boards, why not make the trip out to Iowa City Saturday and see for yourself what reception you'll receive from our fans and what things you'll hear said or not said.

Clearly you take message boards way too seriously and need a new hobby.

Bite me. Have a nice day, you sanctimonious boob.
Good for you taking your time copying and pasting posts.And for every one of those, I could give you many many examples of posts on the boards, especially the paid site, that are full of PSU respect.
Please do so. Fans of many schools have visited this board, and posted on their own sites, since the Sandusky Scandal broke in 2011. Iowa fans have been, by far, the worst. When you consider what we've seen from Rutgers fans, that's not a badge of honor. Not that it matters, or you should care, but I openly root against Iowa in every sporting event, men or women, and I take great joy in every Iowa loss. As others have suggested, instead of preaching here, why not go back to the Iowa boards and talk about the great respect you have for Penn State. I'm sure you will be warmly welcomed.
[QUOTE="frydaze, post: 2982828, member: 41249"]I still contend Penn State has some tremendous fans and have loved my trips there. And not having any idea what is said in the Hawkeye Lounge about PSU shows you're quite narrow minded.
You clearly aren't one of the good PSU people but again, I understand every fan base has fans it's not proud of.
Have a good day.[/QUOTE]

Well, we are honored by your contention, clearly. And thank you for pointing out, for our information, who the "narrow-minded" and not so "good people" are in our midst. It is much appreciated, clearly. And, have a nice day. Clearly, of course.
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Do you realize the irony of you spending so much time and effort on a message board defending the reputation of Iowa fans, and then telling us that we take message boards too seriously?
Clearly, I'm sure he does.
Why the f*** would I pay money to read an Iowa message board?

You have the ability to go set straight the "minority" of Iowa fans on the Rivals free board. Go. We'll watch you.
C'mon, Judge, this guy is obviously a sports fan who enjoys interaction with knowledgeable and rational sports fans.
He knows that trying to convince many of those on the free board would be an exercise in futility. I don't think you would do what you requested of him if the roles were reversed.
He appears to be a good guy. Let's not make another enemy from that fan base.
C'mon, Judge, this guy is obviously a sports fan who enjoys interaction with knowledgeable and rational sports fans.
He knows that trying to convince many of those on the free board would be an exercise in futility. I don't think you would do what you requested of him if the roles were reversed.
He appears to be a good guy. Let's not make another enemy from that fan base.
Sanctimonious better describes him. With regard to the last sentence, what is the downside?
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C'mon, Judge, this guy is obviously a sports fan who enjoys interaction with knowledgeable and rational sports fans.
He knows that trying to convince many of those on the free board would be an exercise in futility. I don't think you would do what you requested of him if the roles were reversed.
He appears to be a good guy. Let's not make another enemy from that fan base.
Agree 100%

And I wouldn't be so quick to call the posters on the free board dumb. Some of them know exactly what to say to get a bunch here foaming at the mouth. They could not do that if it wasn't so damn easy.
C'mon, Judge, this guy is obviously a sports fan who enjoys interaction with knowledgeable and rational sports fans.
He knows that trying to convince many of those on the free board would be an exercise in futility. I don't think you would do what you requested of him if the roles were reversed.
He appears to be a good guy. Let's not make another enemy from that fan base.

I've got nothing against this guy. He was nice enough to come over here and offer assistance to Penn State fans. I'm sure he's a good guy. However, he wants to whitewash the shitshow that is Iowa fans online in regards to all things Penn State. It's a f'g salty bunch. We're supposed to just take it and not fire back? Nah.
Sanctimonious better describes him. With regard to the second sentence, what is the downside?
The downside would be the resulting build-up of frustrations while sacrificing his time.
Look, we all know that dealing with the fanatical arrogant is futile and a waste of time and effort.
Seriously dude, you using him as a poster child for Iowa fans? That guy is hated even on the Iowa boards. Try putting a certain % of message board posters, of all schools, in the proper bucket before making broad brush statements about a fan base. Some of you in this thread aren't exactly making the PSU reputation look good either and are as bad as the fans of Iowa or other schools you say are pathetic. While I love the PSU fans and its environment, if I was basing it off posts of some of you here, I would think very much otherwise of PSU fans as a whole.

Sorry, everything people point out is not all one sided.
It's true that message board posters don't represent all of a team's fan base, but it is a cross section of that fan base and the percentage of morons on a message board is a pretty good indication of the percentage of morons in a fan base. So Iowa likely has a higher percentage of morons than other fan bases.
I agree and thank you for saying this.

I have posted over here before. I am an Iowan. I am a University of Iowa graduate. Nearly two months I started a thread here providing information for those making the trip to Iowa City for the PSU-Iowa game--now only 6 days away. I think I'm a good guy and I know the majority of Iowans are also.

I think I couldn't be more open than I've been in my respect for the Nittany Lion program and my experiences every time I have come to Happy Valley.

To make a judgement on the Iowa fan base based on the vast minority of posters is unfair. PSU has some posters who also could give your school/fan base a bad name too, but thankfully myself and many others don't allow that to label PSU in any way.

There is a huge level of respect of Penn State in the Iowa Lounge--which is Rivals' pay site for Iowa fans. Let's remember this too before we just judge and label and blast a schools fan base. Thanks.

Thank you for showing common sense. Everything is oblivious to the uninformed.
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This is why the 2012 beat down out there was one of my favorite games. The jail bird outfits, the harassing of our fans and players, and the BS personal foul call on Bill Belton for making the hush gesture after a TD. In my lifetime of 37 years it is the ONLY time I've EVER seen that called.
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This is why the 2012 beat down out there was one of my favorite games. The jail bird outfits, the harassing of our fans and players, and the BS personal foul call on Bill Belton for making the the hush gesture after a TD. In my lifetime of 37 years it is the ONLY time I've EVER seen that called.

That was a great game. Very satisfying, especially under the circumstances.
It's true that message board posters don't represent all of a team's fan base, but it is a cross section of that fan base and the percentage of morons on a message board is a pretty good indication of the percentage of morons in a fan base. So Iowa likely has a higher percentage of morons than other fan bases.

Sorry, but I can't agree with your generalization. The people on sites like these are self selected samples who are true fans, (fanatics). Those on the Iowa free board most likely hated Penn State and Joe well before the scandal.
"I don't see many "good" Iowa fans trying to talk some sense into any of them."

Do you really think anyone could talk any sense into some of the guys on their free board? Not sure that its fair to expect anyone to do that.
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Sorry, but I can't agree with your generalization. The people on sites like these are self selected samples who are true fans, (fanatics). Those on the Iowa free board most likely hated Penn State and Joe well before the scandal.
And I would say most Iowa fans hated PSU and Joe before the scandal as did most other fan bases. Success brings hate...look at Duke basketball.