World Cup live Thread

With short time left and on shot-clock, Frank scores a beautiful double. This match is getting chippy. 3-0 Frank.
Another passivity call on Frank. Can't score on the clock. 3-1 Frank. Each has a caution.
AZE headbutts Frank. Frank wins 4-1. AZE and Frank share pleasantries after the match. A little shoving, a little jawing. Good stuff. 3-0 USA, going into 70kg
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Frank sure knows how to make friends. No one's going to out-dogfight him.
I'm a folkstyle guy but if I get more matches like the one Frank just wrestled I'm really really gonna love freestyle! Lol
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Green with a blast double for 2. Never noticed this, but he initiates contact with his lead leg hand a lot. Risky.
Dieringer gets in on leg twice. Second one looks like a dump, but AZE grabs his ankle. After a smart pressure over, Dieringer gets 2 exposure to lead 2-0.
After a step-out, Dieringer with the same attack. Transitions well into a trap-arm gut. 2 & 2.
7-0 Dieringer after 1/
High-C to a step-out for Dieringer. Ref doing a little finger-wagging at the guys for headbutts.
Just misses another TD at the buzzer. 8-0 Dieringer. USA up 4-0, I think. They haven't lost. 17-2 team score.
Cox looks like a dude who'd save you from being mugged on the street, but also would beat mugger up for fun, afterwards. Gets warned for passivity. As does AZE, now.
Cox gets AZE on the clock, AZE scores at the end of the clock after great quad-pod effort from Cox. 2-0 AZE going into 2nd.
Cox has been getting denied the initial attempt, but front-headlocking. Finally gets the shot to work. Takes 2. gets another step-out. 3-2 Cox.
I know this is our best team and not AZ best team but damn we look good. Guys aren't settling and pushing to the end.

The practice room must look like a blood bath. cael and see how dt does against cox.....cox just took out world #3.

We could be looking at 3 medals in Rio. I also think the wild man could make a run for 4.
Caution for fleeing &1 against Snyder at the buzzer. Snyder wins 2-1. 6-0 USA, 23-4.
Varner vs Said Gamidov
Ref doing more finger-wagging. At least we don't have to watch Zach Rey not shoot for 6min.
Varner scores on the clock right away, looks side-headlock. Ref stops it for choking and Varner gives him the Kanye-shrug. 2-0 Varner.
Another pick, plus a gut wrench. 6-0 Varner going into 2nd. When he wants to score, it almost looks effortless. It's frustrating when he doesn't initiate offense.