World Wrestling Clubs Cup


Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2015
It's going on right now, but Flo preview here, livestream here [though link changes each round]. Titan Mercury sent the following team:

57kg: Nico Megaludis
61kg: Vladimir Khinchegashvili (Georgia)
65kg: BJ Futrell
70kg: Nazar Kulchytskyy
74kg: Alex Dieringer
86kg: David Taylor
97kg: Kyle Snyder
125kg: Nick Gwiazdowski

Nico is 3-0 so far, DT 1-1, though last round he erased a 6-3 deficit with a gorgeous cradle to a pin.

Kyle Snyder just lost 2-2 [Flo article here] though it seemed ridiculous that Odikadze wasn't hit with furious backpedaling in the minute.

Team is 2-0 so far and wrestling Ukraine's "A" squad, score tied 1-1 with Futrell losing at the moment.
Futrell and Kulchytskyy lost, making it 1-3, but Ringer and DT tech'd both their opponents, leaving it tied going into the Snyder match, where he's struggling getting offense going again, but up 3-2 at break.

Wonder if anyone can explain how the NCAA is okay with Snyder wrestling in club competition; I get the Olympics and deferring prize money but club competition? Is he deferring Titan Mercury's money too? Genuinely curious b/c I don't think I've seen the question asked.

Snyder prevails, 6-3, but it was close. TMWC up 4-3 going in Gwiz's match. Not sure how they break ties in club round-robin tourneys like this but three of Titan Mercury's wins were by tech.
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Gwiz loses but TMWC moves on to finals (I assume 4-4 tie broken b/c of Nico, DT, Ringer techs) where they'll face Bimeh Razi (Iran) who went through their group 8-0, 8-0, 8-0. That'll be 9am EST tomorrow.
Last year Bimeh-Razi beat Titan Mercury 7-1.

57 kg/125.5 lbs. – Vladimir Khinchigashvili (B-R) dec. Tony Ramos (TMWC), 4-1
61 kg/134 lbs. – Benham Ensanpour (B-R) dec. Daniel Dennis (TMWC), 5-1
65 kg/143 lbs. – Masoud Esmailpour (B-R) dec. Morteza Ghiyasi (TMWC), 5-1
70 kg/154 lbs. – Magomedrasul Gazimagomedov (B-R) won by tech. fall over Dustin Schlatter (TMWC), 11-0
74 kg/163 lbs. – Andrew Howe (TMWC) dec. Alireza Ghasemi (B-R), 7-2
86 kg/189 lbs. – Meysam Joukar (B-R) dec. Goleij Mojtaba (TMWC), 3-2
97 kg/213 lbs. – Reza Yazdani (B-R) won by tech. fall over Jake Varner (TMWC), 10-0
125 kg/275 lbs. – Komeil Ghasemi (B-R) dec. Bobby Telford (TMWC), 3-1
anyone know or read how snyder is handling his amateur status while participating with a club team?

If the goal is to send our best available around, some of which might be still in college (Cox/Snyder now and the future Lee/Hall, etc), it would be interesting to know how this is being handled. Just curious and happy to see USAW and TM are doing it.
Gwiz loses but TMWC moves on to finals (I assume 4-4 tie broken b/c of Nico, DT, Ringer techs) where they'll face Bimeh Razi (Iran) who went through their group 8-0, 8-0, 8-0. That'll be 9am EST tomorrow.

You are essentially correct. Ties are broken via classification points. Winner gets 5 CPs for pin, 4 CPs for win by tech superiority, and 3 CPs for win by decision. Loser gets zero CP if shutout and gets 1 CP if they score during the match.
Here's the link to the livestream, finals set to start at around 10am.

EDIT, evidently they're doing the third place dual first, so probably 11am-ish now.
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Nico give up a pushout 0-1, but otherwise dictating tempo. Lots of head snaps. Warnings now to both for hands to face. Nico in deep on a leg, great scramble, turns corner, gets the two. 2-1 at the break.

Nico gives a few pushouts, down now, not clear what score though, nothing on screen including time.

Nico loses, 4-2 I think. Overall his best int'l showing I can recall, went 3-1.
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Rahimi over Nico. Think the score was 5-0, but they never showed the scoreboard, and I don't speak ??? (whatever language is on the broadcast stream).
Rahimi over Nico. Think the score was 5-0, but they never showed the scoreboard, and I don't speak ??? (whatever language is on the broadcast stream).
Yeah, frustrating. Scoreboard on the mat isn't obvious either.

Nico definitely had a TD in first though, at least two points.
Yeah, frustrating. Scoreboard on the mat isn't obvious either.

and for some strange reason in the 2nd match, they briefly showed the arena scoreboard after they went OOB.

and then between periods they also showed it.

the cheerleaders are cute, but their routines are, well, somewhat below what most middle schools in the US perform. ;)
Crazy ending to 61 kg match. The US guy poked the Iranian in the eyes (I think provoked) and I think the Iranian guy got disqualified for protesting. I sure wish there were commentary!
No idea what the hell that was. Soccer-style simulation followed by what appeared to be a DQ, followed by heavy complaining at the refs table. Thought there might've been a Mongolian striptease but no.

Double DQ. Followed by Futrell getting tech'd in no time at all. TMWC down 2-0.
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Anyone know what the story is behind Kinchegashvilie and Kulchytskyy wrestling for US team? Do they train in the US?
Anyone know what the story is behind Kinchegashvilie and Kulchytskyy wrestling for US team? Do they train in the US?
Kulchytskyy has been in the US for awhile.

Kinchegashvilie won gold in Rio at 57kg. Mercenary? I guess TMWC really wanted to win this. Double DQ doesn't help though.
During last bout I saw the team score is 2 bouts to 0 and 7 points to one. At that point 3 bouts had been contested, so, I'm guessing that 61 kg was a double disqualification.
Kulchytskyy has been in the US for awhile.

Kinchegashvilie won gold in Rio at 57kg. Mercenary? I guess TMWC really wanted to win this. Double DQ doesn't help though.
I had thought that Kinchegashivili was the defending world champ wrestling for Bulgaria. I guess club teams are like soccer, you don't necessarily wrestle for your passport nation.
I know the rules of the event allow clubs to have two foreign athletes on their team. Not sure if that means two competitors who are not from their host country or two competitors not affliated with the club. Razi, for example, has a couple of Russians on their roster.
Great comeback for Dieringer, down 4-0 after one. The Iranian was stalling like crazy in second period and Dieringer pulled out 4 points late!
Ringer down 4-1 late in match to Reza. Gets TD and guts him over for 2 and 2 to win in the last 5 seconds. Wow.
Ringer got lucky. He looked terrible in the 1st period. The Iranian did stall in the 2nd, and Ringer got 1 point from that, then in the last 10-15 sec he got 2 off a shrug-bye and go behind, and then 2 when he turned his opponent. There was a challenge, and they never showed the final score, but Ringer's hand was raised.
Great ending to Ringer's match. Had no offense all match but managed to get around for two and then a gut.
Video cut out but back now. DT down 2-1.

Tom, final score in Ringer match was 5-4.
DT with his best win at 86kg. Really happy for him.

Kyle Snyder up next, can seal the deal for TMWC.
DT pours it on in 2nd period. Beats Karimi 12-6. Nice win. TM up 3-2 in matches, but it is 10-10 in points.
Great comeback by DT. He was down 4-1 in second period and really poured it on. The other guy did get in on DT's legs quite a few times. DT countered several of those for TD's.
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DT won 12-6. His opponent got in on his legs far too easily. However, 2 times DT was able to use from funk and end up with the TD, and then got 2 backs from a leg lace, and the 2nd time got 2 backs from a gut.
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Tough loss for Snyder--who would have thought he would lose 2 matches? It's all up to Gwiaz.