Yawn. Michnitt calling out the Joebots again.....

Just get off my back. It is not difficult to understand. Abuse happened before 2001, did it not? Probably. I'll say it again. I don't think he knew. What part of that don't you understand?

Alright, sorry, my anger is at PSU's pathetic response to allegations not you olelion.

Why is any abuse that may or imo did not occur have anything to do with Joe or PSU? Nothing actually happened on his watch. I think the allegations are more proof that PSU is completely faultless due to their increasing absurdity, case in point the most recent ones from the 70's. Comical.
Again, PSU's faults in this happen starting in Nov. 11. I just wanted to make those points in general, not specifically at you olelion.
I should have used the phrase "Paterno Loyalists." My fault --- I'll edit that. Not making excuses, but clumsy wording happens when I'm posting at 1:26 AM.

The underlying dynamic, though, I think holds. I do think there is a good deal of overlap between Paterno Loyalists and Trump supporters.
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Ohh man, I really hope this michnit guy doesn't have any kids. I mean, just imagine the type of education and moral guidance he must be giving them.... yeesh!
I hate types like Michnit -- running to other schools' boards ripping on PSU and it's fans?
What a POS.
And Michnit: Don't you think those Pitt fans know what a piece of garbage you are? Tool.

He needs a sympathetic ear apparently. Whether it's UM or Pitt, he needs everyone to know that he can't stand Joe or anyone that isn't hating on him.
I should have used the phrase "Paterno Loyalists." My fault --- I'll edit that. Not making excuses, but clumsy wording happens when I'm posting at 1:26 AM.

The underlying dynamic, though, I think holds. I do think there is a good deal of overlap between Paterno Loyalists and Trump supporters.

I get the impression you have your head so far up your ass, that you can French kiss your colon.
Loves to kiss Bucknut ass as well, under the handle 409fold
Thanks for reminding me about michnittlion's "presence" over on the planet as "409fold". I completely forgot that the idiot included his birthday in his profile.

Following are some "snippets" from some of CountVonIdiot's posts over on buckeyeplanet
"I've been very clear in my personal opinion that Joe Paterno was a bad person in his last 10 years at Penn State."

"Penn State fans who remain "Paterno Loyalists" are a stain on the Penn State fanbase. I've said that for awhile, both here and elsewhere. My voicing of that opinion is part of the reason "michnittlion" is not very popular on BWI."

"Is that a fair way to judge the Penn State community? A couple message boards, one run by a guy who is a proven Paterno-insider and likely paid by the Paterno family to leverage BWI as a JoeBot "safe haven" (that would be Tom McAndrew himself)."

"Besides, I have the best weapon of all on my side. TIME. Paterno Loyalists are more liable to be old farts. They'll die."
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Thanks for reminding me about michnittlion's "presence" over on the planet as "409fold". I completely forgot that the idiot included his birthday in his profile. Following are some "snippets" from some of CountVonIdiot's posts over on buckeyeplanet
"I've been very clear in my personal opinion that Joe Paterno was a bad person in his last 10 years at Penn State."

"Penn State fans who remain "Paterno Loyalists" are a stain on the Penn State fanbase. I've said that for awhile, both here and elsewhere. My voicing of that opinion is part of the reason "michnittlion" is not very popular on BWI."

"Is that a fair way to judge the Penn State community? A couple message boards, one run by a guy who is a proven Paterno-insider and likely paid by the Paterno family to leverage BWI as a JoeBot "safe haven" (that would be Tom McAndrew himself)."

"Besides, I have the best weapon of all on my side. TIME. Paterno Loyalists are more liable to be old farts. They'll die."
I genuinely hope he finds peace one day.
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TOS's Irondoc redux. He went to the OSU board and spread misinformation about the JS scandal, citing his asshole state trooper buddy.
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Was just thinking about irondoc the other day. Is he completely gone from TOS? He really jumped the shark and became a rabid anti-Paterno poster.

He always was very vehement about quoting his trooper buddy as saying that a whole lot more bad stuff was coming, any day now. Joe was going to be indicted, but he died. Blah blah blah. He did disappear completely, but he'd been easily outed and identified before then. Perhaps he figured he'd better lay low because of that.
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He always was very vehement about quoting his trooper buddy as saying that a whole lot more bad stuff was coming, any day now. Joe was going to be indicted, but he died. Blah blah blah. He did disappear completely, but he'd been easily outed and identified before then. Perhaps he figured he'd better lay low because of that.

You mean identified by name? I don't want to know his name, just wondering if people actually identified who he was. He went way off the deep end. Complete 180.
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You mean identified by name? I don't want to know his name, just wondering if people actually identified who he was. He went way off the deep end. Complete 180.

It was really easy to figure out who he was and find his business website. Took about 90 seconds, or less. I always assumed he was a hired troll.
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Was just thinking about irondoc the other day. Is he completely gone from TOS? He really jumped the shark and became a rabid anti-Paterno poster.
I think Brennan got rid of a bunch of them several years ago. I think Irondoc is probably long gone. I don't post there, just read a little bit of Audibles. Ain't much there anymore to be honest.
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I think Brennan got rid of a bunch of them several years ago. I think Irondoc is probably long gone. I don't post there, just read a little bit of Audibles. Ain't much there anymore to be honest.

I used to post there almost exclusively. Now, it seems like hours pass in between posts. A graveyard, especially compared to this place.
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It was really easy to figure out who he was and find his business website. Took about 90 seconds, or less. I always assumed he was a hired troll.

I distinctly remember when he went all in on the anti-Paterno stuff. It happened overnight and was a complete change from his posts up to that point. It was very consistent with someone who was being given some "encouragement" to post what he was posting.
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A huge anti-Joe guy who was on TOS, who incessantly spewed the pro-BOT verbiage when the shit hit the fan initially. Claimed he had inside info from a buddy state trooper who was involved, and everything he knew was more and more and more bad stuff about Joe that was due to come out any minute now.

He disappeared and has never been seen since.
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A huge anti-Joe guy who was on TOS, who incessantly spewed the pro-BOT verbiage when the shit hit the fan initially. Claimed he had inside info from a buddy state trooper who was involved, and everything he knew was more and more and more bad stuff about Joe that was due to come out any minute now.

He disappeared and has never been seen since.
Disappeared to, say, California?
From a post he made on the Lair today:

Want proof? Just look at all the JoeBots, who can't simply say "Joe screwed up, he failed me." Or witness the OSU fans who can't admit Tressel and Woody screwed up. Or witness all the Michigan residents who can't admit the Big 3 were getting beat by foreign competition for decades on end and protectionism wasn't a valid way to fix that.

Context for this is a political discussion, but I hate that phrase.

He makes "Mich" a bad name.
Please pardon me for what is likely a neophyte/pedestrian question, but who is Irondoc?
IronDoc / CDW / GTASCA and a few others (the "Circle-Jerk Crew") destroyed the message board on TOS
Just created a wasteland out of that site's board

Several of them - obviously - migrated back over here when the "format change" occurred......when was that? A year ago?
It was the Wild Wild West here at that time - - - I'm guessing the change in format opened the door to every jack wagon troll and C-Jer on the web

Amazingly, several of them are still here - at least on occassion
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Please pardon me for what is likely a neophyte/pedestrian question, but who is Irondoc?
The good and bad thing about the internet is that once something is posted, it's there (or can be found) for a long, long time thereafter.

He is a physician who graduated from PSU. He appears to have lawyer friends in the AG office and at PSU. I believe he's also into weightlifting (hence the moniker) and appears to be "grooming" his son to be a weightlifter also.

Here is the information originally posted by irondoc that Dan Bernstein considered as the "Gospel".
"Is what it is. My children, twins, and their graduation party today. a friend was one of the investigators on this case. there will be from 11 - 30 more victims coming forward. Sandusky had little asterisks behind the names of the victims.
Spanier, Baldwin, Curley, Schultz ,and Joe Paterno were all complicit in a cover up. Joe was mentioned in emails.
Sandusky was forced out and they all knew why. Bradley and Ganter perjured themselves on the stand. thank God they hired outside.
And my friend mentioned if he was not dead Paterno would be arrested. the BOT is right. Joyner is right, and Corbett is right.
It was as bad as the worst accusations. I know this fellow for fifteen years and trust him implicitly. I will answer questions from moderators in pms, but no one else. This stuff might or might not come out, but this person is privy to all the emails, evidence and such. He was actually on television last night when Sandusky came out of the courthouse.

I was at a function today where I had this conversation. I willl not respond more to this thread, only to mo"
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Ohh man, I really hope this michnit guy doesn't have any kids. I mean, just imagine the type of education and moral guidance he must be giving them.... yeesh!

You should hear his story about how he didn't know what he should do when someone told him a coworker got violent with another coworker.