Yawn. Michnitt calling out the Joebots again.....

He's spent more time bashing the Paterno's on rival sites than he has here. That alone should be reason to ban him for life and beyond
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So this is what some people talk about at graduation parties. What do they do at First Communions or bar mitzvahs?
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It was so easy to find him, and he disappeared so fast, that I wonder if he got hit up with some legal action. What he was spewing was slander. I wouldn't be surprised if CSS's lawyers went after him.
So you think JS was innocent? Legal system rigged the trial? Your take is 20 something victims made the up? MM saw nothing worth reporting? Joe was a media target. They needed their pound of flesh ratings and no one cares about a locked up old guy. God did Joe a favor! As a fellow alum I feel zero shame. There was a massive breakdown of leadership from so many directions it is hard to believe. Because this was the first time something this outrageous occurred at a university level the lack of experience in dealing with something like this was probably impossible to manage for anyone. I guess calling the police would be the only decision Joe could have made that would have satisfied everyone. He did what most of us would have done. Report the incident to his superiors. We pay a price fr the learning curve. Shame is not part of that curve. That is where the narrative needs to evolve to imo.

Come on man! Do you actually doubt Sandusky committed no crimes? He is exactly where he belongs and anyone that is a parent knows what protecting our kids is all about. The scumbag cost Penn St a lot and cost Joe everything!
I agree with your post. The only question you ask that I want to address is #4. MM saw nothing worth reporting? Maybe! But we all know he saw nothing worth beating the living crap out of Sandusky!
JS was naive and an idiot, not looking for any sexual fulfillment. It's so obvious. Not 20, I believe 2 that claimed sex when JS goes to trial. The most "credible" being Aaron Fisher and his story is laughable. Penn State University's response literally caused this entire thing. The stupidest decision was firing Joe. They've been trying to justify that single decision to the tune of 100's of millions of $$. Shameful. PSU has been trying to cover up the fact that there was no cover up for 5 years now. That is our shame. When it mattered most, we couldn't give a 61 year employee due process. Simple due process avoids everything.

Just so I understand youre you believe JS was innocent or guilty of sexually assaulting at least one child?

Agree firing Joe was ridiculous!
I agree with your post. The only question you ask that I want to address is #4. MM saw nothing worth reporting? Maybe! But we all know he saw nothing worth beating the living crap out of Sandusky!

His actions do not diminish what he felt like he saw. Not everyone would react to seeing something inappropriate by beating the crap out of someone. I just threw out that he obviously felt like something wasn't appropriate. Not really arguing on his behalf. No one truly knows what he saw or how inappropriate it was.
Enjoy your fairy tale! You've been duped, but don't feel bad, you're not alone.

It's Sunday I'm praying for you and the crew that believe Sandusky did absolutely nothing to any child. That monster almost single handily destroyed Penn St and did destroy Joe Paterno. For those that think Sandusky isn't exactly where he belongs God bless you. Have a good day sir.
This country is headed for the crapper. People, probably many of whom didn't even vote, cry, whine, sob and take to the streets to "protest" the results of a democratic election. Others feel compelled to "pray" for those who have differing opinions. The more I see of other people the more I like myself. I don't happen to think JS is completely innocent. I do however believe in the concept of every citizen getting a fair trial. I would like to see JS get another trial and hopefully separate the wheat from the chafe. If you don't like that kiss my ass.
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This country is headed for the crapper. People, probably many of whom didn't even vote, cry, whine, sob and take to the streets to "protest" the results of a democratic election. Others feel compelled to "pray" for those who have differing opinions. The more I see of other people the more I like myself. I don't happen to think JS is completely innocent. I do however believe in the concept of every citizen getting a fair trial. I would like to see JS get another trial and hopefully separate the wheat from the chafe. If you don't like that kiss my ass.

That's a different perspective! I respect your perspective. Ironically I kinda side with your perspective. I think there was plenty of evidence and victims that resulted in taking a monster off the streets. However, I have zero faith in the Penn St leadership that caved into the NCAA and Media. Anyone that believes the JS trail was stain free and due process was handled ethically has their head in the sand.