how bad are the cities with Dem voters?

The Cleveland Plain Dealer recommended a GOP judge who has sat on the bench for 16 years. Her name is Joan Synenberg. She lost yesterday to a democrat named Brian Mooney.

Synenberg was recommended by six different bar associations. Brian Mooney was rated as "Not Recommended" by two bar associations. he refused to participate in the other four bar associations. He also didn't show up for the Cleveland Plain Dealer interview for them making recommendations.

He didn't campaign, buy advertising, or show up at any events (not even Democrat events). Most lawyers don't even know who he is. In fact, many felt he was a plant by Synenberg to keep anyone from running against her that might be credible. I am willing to bet that Mr. Mooney is the most surprised person on the planet (not named Kari) and has no idea how to be a judge.

So what changed for the best judge in CLE to lose reelection after 16 years? My only guess is RvW (even though local judges have zero to do with it)

The Good Guys did bad...but might still somehow squeeze out control of both houses of Congress

The House looks to be in the bag...though not nearly by the margins the GOP had hoped.

And now there's a shot to actually take the Senate as well. In fact, I'd make it 50-50. We need Laxalt to hold on to his 2-point lead in Nevada as the ballots there are counted at the pace of molasses in January.

And then we need my man Herschel to score a touchdown on December 6. I mean, the fundamentals are in place for that to happen. Georgia is still a conservative state at the end of the day.

It hasn't been a lot of fun these past 16 hours, but it would be nice to get the last laugh.
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How do you top voting for a guy who cannot even put a sentence together?

Easy, PA also elected a guy who has been dead for a month. No joke, they re-elected democrat Anthony DeLuca as state rep. I predicted that after giving an alzheimers patient the nuclear codes, that electing a pet or an inanimate object was possible in the future. They did it. They elected an actual empty suit.

This nation is screwed.

A couple former PSU WRs in the MAC games last night

Mac Hippenhammer had a real good game in the Miami loss to Ohio, 8 catches for 107 yds and 3 TDs.
Daniel George had a decent game for Akron in their loss to EMU, 4 catches for 57 yards. Moorhead's team is really struggling, but the cupboard was pretty bare when he arrived.

Nice to see these guys' finding success at the end of their careers.

Film Study - PSU Backup OL vs. Indiana


See Link. Codutti focuses much of his attention on Nelson and Shelton, the left side of the line. Yes, the opponent is who it is, but considering PSU was forced to plug in a 3rd string guard and a true freshman for all but one play this game, Trautwein deserves some credit that this wasn't a total bleepshow. Even if Scruggs and Olu both leave after this season, the o-line situation still seems solid for 2023..."seems" being the key word, obviously.

Today, my vote was SUPPRESSED

Went to vote today in a contested state.

No voter ID required.
Just gave my address and they sent me to a line for my district.
Waited for 10 minutes, then they asked my name. Nothing comes up in their system.
Then they asked my address. Address comes up, but name does not.
So then they ask my birthday, but once again name doesn't come up.
They kind of shrug like they're not sure what to say.

I pull out my "voter transfer" verification which shows my name, address and voting location.
They look at it and say "you're still not in the system."
I say, "so you're telling me this voter transfer verification is worthless?"
They said, "yes, this has been happening all day."
I said, "So what am I supposed to do, am I not allowed to vote today?"
They suggested I call the Board of Elections and see if I can get my "voter registration number."
I said I don't have their phone number handy, can you please provide it.
They went back to some directory and wrote down a phone number.

I called the number, waited through a bunch of prompts and got to speak with a person.
Explained everything above and asked for my voter registration number, which they easily provided.
The woman on the phone said it's strange that my name wasn't coming up at the voting location because they had all my information available on their end.
She actually asked me why my name wasn't coming up over there. I said, "I have no idea but they said it's been happening all day." She sounded mystified.

So then I went back to the voter volunteers with my "voter registration number."
They entered it into their system and once again they can't find my records.
They asked if I'd be willing go through the process of filling out an affidavit to record my vote. I said yes.

So in front of a growing line, I had to spell out my name, address, ANNOUNCE MY PARTY AFFILIATION, etc.
I asked, "Will my ballot still be counted with all the other votes?"
They said it will be sent to a different location than the others but it will still be counted tonight.

Long story short, I filled out this long and inconvenient affidavit, voted straight-ticket RED and dropped everything in a special envelope to be shipped off to some special location.

In conclusion, they tried to SUPPRESS MY VOTE but I persevered in the name of saving this state by voting RED - and thereby "DESTROYING DEMOCRACY."

24 Presidential Election

In my mind our success in 24 will hinge on 2 things……………..

1. Nominating DeSantis

2. What type of an agenda will our house majority push for the next 2yrs

Ultimately, it’s my belief that we can absolutely win over the American people over the course of the next 2yrs if we nominate DeSantis, & if our House majority governs on issues that Americans care about most over the course of the next 2yrs!

Very smooth voting process in my corner of Pennsylvania

My wife and I, both registered Independents, voted in the early afternoon. Lots of poll workers on hand. No wait at all. No big crowd. We voted straight R. We didn't even know the records or platforms of some of the people on the ballot, but the main thing was to vote against the Party of Corruption and Lies (aka: Dem-Media).

In fact, all of my 5 married children and their spouses (10 people in all) are voting R. Even my Poor Clare daughter, who's actually allowed to emerge from her cloistered monastery to go to the polls, is voting R. None of my 28 grandchildren are old enough to vote -- two are still in the womb and the oldest is 17 -- but when they are old enough, they will all be voting against Dem-Media.

All in all, my family has done our part to save the Republic on this election day and will do the same on the election days that follow...if we still have a Republic...or country.

Sounds like 5 star '23 QB Dante Moore may be looking around

A Michigan St reporter put in a crystal ball to Sparty despite him being a long time Oregon commit. Apparently Oregon's coach has been linked to the Auburn opening and is an SEC guy.

I know we have our '23 qb but is it worth Franklin kicking the tires on Moore just to see what he's thinking? He was considering us at one time.

Also, with coaching carousel season coming up perhaps having a few open '23 spots will come in handy. Maybe we find a nice rb or DL to add? What else is needed in that class to close it out?

Should we finish 10-2 with a NY6 bowl game we probably have the momentum to swing a highly rated recruit or 2 from the end of year coaching chaos.
