OT - Meanwhile in western Pennsyltucky

I heard this yesterday, a Big foot was just spotted outside of Williamsport. I call BS

I think I know who started this rumor...

Olympic thread: Penn State connections.

ErThe opeing ceremony has been fabulous. I had to tolerate some of the music presenttios but overall my favorite opening ceremony and I'm in my late 60s. The setting/locations throughout the city featured and the athletes parade upon boats on the Seine - wow! Celine Dion capping it off with a beautiful song. I givve it an A!!!
If you were unable to watch hopefully there is a replay for you to view.
Funny how we all see different things. I thought it was the the worst opening ceremony I have ever seen. I enjoy the traditions and this ceremony seemed to bl0ow most of them up. It was a made for TV event and for the most part the athletes were an afterthought.

Roster caps and Increasing Scholarship limits

If you look at current and proposed scholarship limits, this is going to play hell with Title IX compliance. In several sports, women were getting more scholarships than men in the same sport. Evening up rosters will create an imbalance in favor of men. Happily, I have a proposal to address this new imbalance - women's wrestling. Maybe supplement with a tumbling team, whatever that is.

David Taylor to Oklahoma State & related news

Chasepollard is a dbag. Other than that, 34 is good. It's nice to see it more active with the excitement of DT coming in.
Just went over there and saw him contrasting the unmanly Ross from Friends and Cosmo Kramer from Seinfeld with “manly” Southern equivalents like Lonesome Dove and, checks notes, Top Gun 😂 Yup Tom “Cruise” and that homoerotic volleyball scene are manly alright. As I said there, that comment reminded me of the time Homer Simpson took Bart to the Steel Mill to keep him from turning gay
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Roster caps and Increasing Scholarship limits

Yes, but that was under the old system. That's not the landscape in the last few years. If Cassar were a freshman in 2022 or 2023 he wouldn't have been footing his own bill.

Yeah, it's a big departure from the landscape pre-Covid or so, but it's not a departure based on the current landscape. This is why you see that we have added an extra 5 or 6 elite guys to our roster over the past couple of years that probably wouldn't have been here before. PSU has already reaped those gains tremendously. OSU (this year), Michigan and tOSU less so, but they still have gained. Iowa, not so much.

If you think we can roster 30 elite guys - then, yeah, we could gain some more. But I don't think so. We're at about 20 right now and that is just barely manageable. If we do go to 30, then, yes, we will probably see a bunch of portals from PSU like everybody has unsuccessfully predicted for the last few years.

Of note, I count 37 wrestlers with the incoming frosh on the roster for next year. Generally, we also add one or two that nobody was aware of (walk-ons) in the fall, and generally a couple fall off as well. I don't think these roster limits are in play this year, but next year when it is enacted, guys like Wentzel, Rodriguez, Wang, Kelly, Vespa are probably not going to be able to wrestle for PSU. And that's the biggest shame of this.
Totally agree on roster limit being a shame. These guys do a lot of work with no notoriety or compensation because they love the sport and they make the team better in and out of the gym. These are your academics, lifting partner, roommate, character guys.

Narduzzi name drops Penn State, say he'd love to play them

No market outside of PA. PSU gets almost no national boost if they win and lots of downside nationally if they lose. It is a neutral/lose proposition for PSU.
I don't know about there not being a market outside of PA. But since they are not on our level and haven't been since Foge Fazio left you are correct that Pitt has more to gain. Especially if the ACC implodes.

David Taylor to Oklahoma State & related news

I read the posts there, usually I stick on home boards only but you have piqued my interest!

Also, the posts there to be honest are relatively tame for a message board (compared to let's say .... another board I won't mention) so calling the crew "touchier" shows you have a high standard for class, well done!

Chasepollard is a dbag. Other than that, 34 is good. It's nice to see it more active with the excitement of DT coming in.
