Olympic thread: Penn State connections.

Ever hear about Horace Ashenfeltrr? Yeah, neither did I.

FBI agent that won Olympic gold in 1952 beating a Soviet runner. Pretty amazing as he had to train on his own time in NYC Central Park, using park benches as hurdles.

Enrolled at Penn State, left for three years to join the military during World War Two, and graduated after the war was over.

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Harris campaign already lying to their voters.

A Harris campaign official said the campaign has “made a deliberate decision to brand all of Trump’s policies” as “Project 2025,” since they believe “it has stuck with voters.”

Fvckin Dems…..

My 1972 Olympic Adventure

Since the opening ceremonies will start tomorrow, I thought I would share with everyone my story from the 1972 games when they were in Munich, Germany. I suspect even our Iowa friends will appreciate reading this narrative since it involves one of their favorites from the past. I've mentioned in several posts that I was actually there, so here is the whole story.

Way back when the summer Olympic games were held in Munich Germany, my friend Chris Black and I were doing the backpacking around Europe thing that has always been popular with US college age students. Some of you older guys might remember Chris – he was one of the top ranked guys at 126 in 1972 and was named OW at the EIWA championships when Penn State was still competing in the tournament.

It was in the middle of the afternoon and we were sitting in the popular Hofbrauhaus drinking beer and eating some German dark bread. I mentioned that the gold medal rounds for the freestyle wrestling were that evening and we would be remiss if we didn’t make some kind of effort to see them. Of course, that meant sneaking into the event since we didn’t have any tickets. I figured that if we got caught, all the security guys would do is walk us out again. This was a few days before the infamous terrorist incident. Unfortunately, we had no way of knowing what was being planned for later.

We used the Munich street car system to get to the Olympic park and after a little looking around, figured out where the wrestling event was being held. It was a big complex surrounded by a chain link fence. There were several buildings in the complex, and we weren’t sure which was the right one. We started out by going around to a dark area on the side of the complex and climbed over the fence in a spot where no security was present. At the time, I gave no serious thought to what we were doing other than basically having fun and adventure. It wasn’t until 33 years later when the film Munich was released that I realized the implications of our actions. In the opening scene of the movie, the terrorists are shown climbing over a chain link fence just like we had done. Although we had no bad intentions, we had correctly assessed the total lack of security and entered a restricted area without any incident with the local guards.

It took us a while to figure out which building was holding the wrestling, and we headed towards the rear of the building. We noticed there was an open door on the rear wall where two security guys were sitting. We walked towards the door to check it out and a few seconds later a guy stepped out wearing a USA warmup. We immediately recognized that it was Dan Gable, so we walked over to the door to talk to him. Considering that he had about 45 minutes until he was going against the Russian for the gold medal, he was fairly relaxed. He recognized my friend Chris, and told us he was pretty far ahead according to the black mark scoring system that was in place at the time. Then he said he had to get back inside to get ready so we wished him good luck. Right after he went back into the building we just walked in behind him and the guards didn’t even notice us! So there we were – we had just managed to sneak into the gold medal round for the freestyle wrestling events for that evening!

We found some empty seats in the stands and sat down to watch the upcoming matches. Needless to say, the wrestling that night was top quality. Of course our biggest interest was watching Dan Gable and Wayne Wells who were both wrestling that night. They both won, and their matches are available to watch on YouTube. Gable pretty much dominated the Russian but Wells had a good competitor from West Germany. There was a lot of scoring in their match and Wells finally ended up winning.

On top of that, we watched Ivan Yarygin and Alexander Medved from the Soviet Union win gold for their country the same night. Yarygin pinned his way through the entire Olympic tournament which was pretty amazing. Medved’s match was the last one of the night where he wrestled a guy from Bulgaria and won pretty convincingly. After winning the gold medal, Medved proceeded to take off his shoes and leave them in the center of the mat indicating it was his last competition. I wish there had been some way to grab one of his shoes. That would have been an awesome souvenir.

After the gold medal matches were finished, everyone came down to the gym floor and mingled around. We saw Gable sitting on top of a railing so we went over and offered our congratulations. A little bit later, I saw Medved standing by himself against the back wall of the gym just taking it all in I walked over and shook his hand and also said congratulations. That was a really cool memory for me considering that about 20 years ago, he was voted the outstanding freestyle wrestler of the 20th century.

After that, we left and went to another Munich beer hall to celebrate our good fortune. Unfortunately, we did not have a camera, so we had no record of what we did that evening, but we both knew it had happened and didn’t care if our friends back home didn’t believe us. After seeing how easy it was to get into the events, we decided to hang around in Munich and see what other sports we could catch. The terrorist attack against the Israeli athletes was a few days later, and that put a quick end to our plans.

As I mentioned earlier, I never gave much thought to the political implications of what we did that night until the movie Munich came out in 2005. We were just a couple of young guys having fun bending the rules a little bit and getting away with it. But when I watched the movie Munich, it hit me right in the first few minutes that we had figured out that the security at the games was totally inadequate so that a couple of young guys like us could walk through it with impunity. Of course the consequences were disastrous, and I really wish there was a way those events could have been avoided.

So that’s the story of my Olympic adventure. It’s definitely one of my coolest memories ever.

Left-wing Normies Have Been Radicalized

No doubt. The democratic party has become the party of hatred, violence and even MURDER.

One has to wonder if @fbh1 has become one of these radicals?

That said, the left should take a moment to consider that its repeated assertions that Trump is a fascist Nazi who will destroy American democracy have radicalized progressives, even the so-called normies among them, to a dangerous degree. We now live in a world where corporate media routinely spreads misinformation to smear Trump, the Biden Justice Department continually subverts the law in an effort to bankrupt and imprison Trump and members of his inner circle.

As a result, the Democratic electorate has largely broken ties with conservatives and is sanguine about foul play in elections if it produces their desired result. Now a suicidal deadbeat has attempted to carry out an assassination plot, resulting in the death of one innocent and grave injuries to two others. Tensions between citizens are high as many leftists openly lament that Trump survived.

Which prompts the question: How deep does this radicalization go? At what point does a Biden-supporter/Trump-hater begin to harbor misgivings about the lies and exaggerations and ask whether they might encourage violence? Is it worth it for the sake of winning elections and holding power?

These questions are hard for conservatives to process because, being relatively normal, we don’t have a helpful frame of reference for them. Our rampant dislike of politicians, particularly of Democrats, does not result in conservative media insisting they are dictators on par with Adolf Hitler (who everyone knows is the secular stand-in for the devil). Moreover, no prominent pundits or politicians urge conservatives to circumvent law and order or to engage in terror tactics or cancellation. Hence, there’s no real conservative equivalent to the dehumanizing concept of “deplorables.” The closest insult we can muster is “communist,” but that label isn’t so much contemptuous as it is descriptive, and some leftists even take it as a badge of honor.
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OT: Do new car GPSs coordinate with other audio?

Here's what I mean. If you have your GPS going through your phone and you're driving somewhere and the GPS says to you "Make a right in one-half mile" and you have your radio going or other noise from your car infotainment system, then you may not hear the GPS instructions. What would be optimal would be to have the GPS going through your car and then have your car automatically mute other noise, radio or whatever, when it is about to give GPS instructions to make sure you hear the directions.

What do you think?
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Donation webinar / All Donations matched thru Aug 11

From email:

We also have exciting news in that an anonymous donor who understands the need for and importance of fundraising has challenged us with an incredible opportunity. He has generously offered to match any donations made to Penn State Wrestling between now and the end of the Olympic Games on August 11! This means any contribution, regardless of size, will have twice the impact.

(Mod edit - added info from Cael's email below.)

Please help us take full advantage of this opportunity by clicking the link below to donate to the Penn State Wrestling Excellence Fund today.
Support Penn State Wrestling
Consider choosing recurring giving.
To explain more of what is going on I will be hosting a webinar at 8PM on Wednesday if you would like to join.
Penn State Wrestling Program Webinar
Wednesday, July 24, 8:00PM EST

RSVP deadline is Noon, Wednesday July 24
You MUST use this link to sign up by Wednesday, July 24 at Noon: Penn State Wrestling Webinar Sign Up
**The webinar link will be sent to the email you provide on the sign-up on Wednesday afternoon**
Additionally, we are always looking for ways to engage our most generous supporters. If you are interested in opportunities for potential naming rights, corporate sponsorships, or larger donations, please contact Clay Steadman directly: He would be delighted to discuss how your contribution can make a lasting impact on Penn State Wrestling.
Your support is crucial to our mission, and we are deeply grateful for any contribution you can make. Together, we can continue to fuel the dreams of our athletes and uphold the legacy of excellence that defines Penn State Wrestling.
Thank you for your consideration and your support of our program,
Cael Sanderson
Penn State Wrestling​

By The Way, Kamala Harris Is A Dangerous Authoritarian

That's probably why she creates a toxic workplace.

This false perception of moderation stems from Harris’ time as prosecutor and AG. Harris liked to brag about using “a huge stick” as a prosecutor in San Francisco, where she regularly threatened poor parents with jail time in her efforts to craft social policy — which wasn’t her job.

It’s true that Harris threw a lot of people in jail to bolster her political fortunes. Some of them likely innocent. And judging from her disposition, she would throw a lot of more people into jail, if she could.

When pro-life journalist David Daleiden published videos of Planned Parenthood executives nonchalantly discussing the selling of body parts, Harris had his home raided, seized evidence, and then tried to throw him in prison. She later teamed up with the abortion mill to write legislation that would squash the free speech rights of other pro-lifers.

Like any good authoritarian, Harris enforces whatever laws she sees fit to enforce whenever she sees fit. One of the reasons Kamala allegedly opposed the nomination of Neil Gorsuch was that the judge “consistently valued legalisms” — which is to say, respected the Constitution — “over real lives.”

Kamala was never one for legalism. When candidate Biden argued that Harris’ promise to issue an executive order unilaterally banning access to certain guns would be unconstitutional, she retorted: “I would just say: Hey, Joe, instead of saying ‘No we can’t,’ let’s say yes, we can,'” before cackling at the very notion that presidents couldn’t do whatever they wanted.

As a national candidate, Kamala said she believed immigration laws should be treated as civil, rather than criminal, offenses. So, of course, Biden gave Kamala the job of border czar — she did not perform admirably, to say the least — where she noted that one of the “root causes” of the problem was a “lack of climate resilience,” before sending corrupt regimes hundreds of millions of dollars.

As a candidate, Harris supported abolishing private health insurance — “Let’s eliminate all of that. Let’s move on,” she told CNN. In addition to nationalizing health care and education, Kamala wants the government to control the manufacturing sector, the auto industry, food … and any industry that emits carbon.

Harris was in favor of getting rid of the filibuster to overturn state voting laws, nationalizing abortion on demand until birth, and passing the Green New Deal — an authoritarian takeover of the economy written by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, which would not only ban all fossil fuels force Americans to retrofit every building in in the country, eliminate air travel and meat, create government-guaranteed jobs, among many other authoritarian measures.

Perhaps the only thing that grosses out the vice president more than individual rights are practicing Catholics.

Kamala is the kind of person who will raise money to bail out race rioters out of prison, but try to stop orthodox Catholics from serving on the bench. “Are you or have you ever been a member of the Knights of Columbus?” is basically what Kamala asked Brian Buescher, a Trump judicial nominee.

Escalators in the Beav

I am old and I admit stopping along the way on my trip to the top of the stadium to catch my breath, but escalators in the Beav? I'd love it, but does it make economic sense for seven days a year? Heavily used escalators in places like airports seem to break down fairly often, so can we be sure these escalators will even be operational all of those seven days? Restrooms? Not sure we need elaborate decor in existing restrooms, we just need more of them. What other aspects of the remodel budget are "nice to haves" but not truly necessary? My point is PSU needs to take a hard look at some of the expenditures in the Beav remodel. A number of these "nice to haves" should be reevaluated to see if the $700M price tag can be sliced somewhat. For example, what is the ROI on the luxury boxes? How many more can the PSU fandom support? Same with more "premium" seating. Kraft says all the figures have been closely examined but has anything been released to the public? I've been going to the Beav since 1966 and I'd love some improvements, but they need to be fiscally prudent.
