Have you noticed EVERY Dem/Soc pol questioned about the latest debacle unfolding over funding the government emphasizes that they are just trying to save the country from ELON coming in and calling the shots about all matters relating to the incoming Trump Admin. EVERY ONE of them and, of course, their media wing (aka as the legacy media) is lining right up with that narrative. News Flash: that kind of BS ain't gonna work like it did before, Lefties.
So, it's not Trump's desire to do any of the stuff Elon texted or tweeted about? It's not about the bill that was opposed was so full of Dem/Soc pork that the USDA had 50 inspectors flown in just to examine its provisions? It wasn't about the Congress sneaking in a pay raise for themselves (because they are doing such a great job, I guess)? It's not about the hidden provisions that would further stifle free speech and criticism of Congress? No, apparently, it's all about ELON trying to increase his bottom line (according to Patty Murray). In the meantime, the BCF tries to sell off the steel that Trump could use to continue building the southern border wall for 5 cents on the dollar and no Dem/Soc seems to know anything about that or they just don't care.
Well, let's look at this utterly ridiculous new Dem/Soc diversion. 1. ELON doesn't need any more money. That's not his motive in trying to straighten the government out. 2. Trump is in charge. People he allows close to him do what he wants them to do (like it or not), not the other way around. The Dem/Soc wish it were different, but that is a proven fact and it's laughable to suggest that Elon has somehow changed that. If anything, if Elon got ahead of Trump or started to steal too much of the credit and/or the limelight from Trump, Trump would show him exit right real fast. 3. once again, the Dem/Soc are trying to pull more BS on the American people and point fingers at the Republicans as being the people standing in the way of "helping" the American people. They list all the stuff the scuttled bill would have done for farmers and cripple children and flood victims (all of whom could be helped through the normal legislative process) and none of the major Dem/Soc pork or pet projects (like more DEI money) that would go along with those worthy programs. But, post 2024 elections, that dog don't hunt no more. They have to live in a world where most folks (sorry, not you, TooLyin') have had their eyes opened about how the Dem/Soc manipulate these situations.
Hang tight Republicans! You were elected to change things. If it means shutting down the government, DO IT! That 30% or so of government workers who actually show up for work won't be missed. Soc Sec will be paid, the military will still be in place and doing their jobs, It's time to beat the Dem/Socs at their own game. Stay united and let the chips fall where they may. This is on the Dem/Socs.... trust the public to figure it out this time.