Democrats’ ‘Ethics’ Smears Against Thomas And Alito Are So Embarrassing They Buried Their Own Report

Just another embarrassment for the left in a long line of embarrassments.

An Embarrassing Report

More generally, this Democrat staff report is an embarrassment. I served for 10 years as a chief counsel for oversight and investigations for a major congressional committee, managed nearly 200 investigative hearings, and issued several staff reports. Much of the information the staff received in response to letters sent to private citizens had already been reported in the press. The staff report here is based on very little investigative work itself and relies on shoddy work by discredited leftist-funded groups. It is a disgrace to the professionalism of congressional staff and the institution itself.

For example, the staff report cites leftist-funded Fix the Court’s (FTC) absurd claim that Justice Thomas accepted $4.75 million in gifts when that figure has been completely discredited. FTC’s list has scores of trips Justice Thomas never even went on, preposterously values a trip to Indonesia as a $500,000 gift, calculating that Thomas chartered a private yacht for his own personal use, and absurdly values visiting friends at their summer home as a $280,950 gift. This source is a complete dumpster fire of false claims.

How the left fell to authoritarianism

Couple points. One, it's a cult. Two, by threat of force or penalty is a favorite saying for most of the left.

They lust for power and control. Just like Hitler did.

We all know what authoritarians are when it comes to politics, don’t we? They are the people who enjoy telling others what they can and can’t do or say. They are reactionaries, the ‘hang ’em and flog ’em’ types. At worst, they are ‘fascists’, a word deployed to describe the most heinous authoritarians. This epithet accords with the long-standing assumption that the nastiest folk in politics are right wing.

Anyone who’s been paying attention to the news since the ‘great awokening’ of nearly 10 years ago will appreciate that this stereotype is now hopelessly outdated. As the recent inquisition of the Telegraph journalist Allison Pearson (regarding a reputedly ‘offensive’ post on social media) has laid bare, the forces of authoritarianism today have their origins most assuredly in the ‘progressive’ or ‘woke’ left. The urge to bully wrongthinkers and silence the views of others now invariably comes from those who think of themselves as most compassionate.

American psychologist and sociologist Luke Conway has been observing this development for some time. Like countless others who write about this topic, he is of the traditional centre left. While he hasn’t so much moved to the right, he has seen how the left in the US and beyond has drifted to the extreme. Seduced by voguish and outlandish narratives about race and gender, it has adopted an absolutist mindset that has little patience for disagreement. Conway’s new book, Liberal Bullies: Inside the Mind of the Authoritarian Left, does exactly as it says on the tin, so to speak. It explains how today’s autocratic spirit derives from erstwhile liberals.
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Who is really to blame for the ills of society?

This is a particularly disturbing article, yet, set up nicely by Mr. Hurt.

The enthusiastic humanitarian and former worst president in history Jimmy Carter is credited with saying that “the measure of a society is found in how they treat their weakest and most helpless citizens.”


Few places in America “enjoy” more complete government intrusion into all aspects of life than New York City. And few places feature greater horrors committed against the weakest than New York. The city is essentially an open-air insane asylum these days, with a handful of normal people and tourists stepping around the carnage.

On Christmas Eve, a 26-year-old woman was headed to work when a lunatic punched her in the back of the head so hard she blacked out. She was walking through Grand Central Station — that great, cavernous monument to the healthy society we once were. Adding to the Christmas cheer, the madman plunged a knife into the woman’s throat.

The woman was shocked that no one stopped to help her.
