It's been a long time since I posted. Today Illinois got that win they missed 10 years ago. Sort of appropriate given the theme of Homecoming and no one at the University having the Balls to right the egregious wrong they did to an icon. I tweeted today that because of the theme "Generations of Greatness", I suggested a nod be given to JVP. Not a statue or a field....a nod. I was told to grow up, move on, etc. by someone who ends every tweet with #WeAre. I'm not as emotionally invested in Penn State football as I once was, and I'm even less interested when I hear that Franklin needs more every year and then see a performance like today. I was there for Joe's first and last games, have been a season ticket holder since 2005 and I may just take the advice to move on this year. In good conscience, I'm tired of supporting an organization that refuses to do the right thing.