133 Transfer - DeSanto?

Some of you act like HR makes up everthing bad. Guess that's the only forum besides your own that you visit. Stay away from Trust me!
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Lots of posters on themat wanted DeSanto's head after the Micic match. Including some Penn State fans there
Austin gets more leeway here considering he is from your state. Also why many of you love Spencer Lee. It's only natural

It was on HR, so it has to be true, right? :rolleyes:

Also, I seem to recall it being posted on this forum as well, but don't recall you requesting a source in those cases. But my memory isn't perfect, so perhaps I'm mistaken.
Every time I have seen it, I have challenged it.

Something like that, if true, is none of our business. And if false, is reprehensible.

So far nobody has provided a single instance of DeSanto or his family stating or confirming or even commenting on it. That tells me everything I need to know. Which is: either it's false or the family wants it private.

And I don't care where this rumor started, here, HR, doesn't matter. Without proof, it's ugly.
Every time I have seen it, I have challenged it.

Something like that, if true, is none of our business. And if false, is reprehensible.

So far nobody has provided a single instance of DeSanto or his family stating or confirming or even commenting on it. That tells me everything I need to know. Which is: either it's false or the family wants it private.

And I don't care where this rumor started, here, HR, doesn't matter. Without proof, it's ugly.
I've seen it on Facebook groups, several other forums and heard it in person. HR did not fabricate Autism 4 Austin. Just thought I'd clear that up. With that being said only his close friends and family know the details.

It was on HR, so it has to be true, right? :rolleyes:

Also, I seem to recall it being posted on this forum as well, but don't recall you requesting a source in those cases. But my memory isn't perfect, so perhaps I'm mistaken.
I'm not comfortable diagnosing him with autism, or assuming the accuracy of anyone else's diagnosis. That's up to the people who are close to him and I've not heard it from them. That said, it's pretty clear he's a different person on the mat than off it. I said months ago that he's a potentially dangerous call waiting to happen, and in any match. And I think it's fair to say that in the Micic match at NCAAs he momentarily lost the ability to distinguish right from wrong--there was no ambiguity about what he was trying to do there and Micic was lucky he wasn't seriously hurt.

Whether that momentary lapse of sense (and yeah, that wasn't the first moment) is attributable to autism doesn't matter all that much to the guys he's wrestling, but I'm skeptical the answer is that simple. On the rare occasions he loses, he gets visibly frustrated, as if he's years below his actual age. If I'm his coach I'd want to see some acknowledgement by him that he gets why what he did was wrong, and decline to put him out there if not. Show him video, have him describe what's going on, and steer him toward empathizing with the opponent.

I hope him and his family aren't blaming Drexel's coaching staff though, if these rumors are accurate that he's looking for greener pastures, because if that behavior is left unchecked, it's a potentially big problem for the other guys at 133.
I've seen it on Facebook groups, several other forums and heard it in person. HR did not fabricate Autism 4 Austin. Just thought I'd clear that up. With that being said only his close friends and family know the details.
HR may not have started it but certainly didn't stop it within their own confines.

As to the other sources: none of them are named DeSanto, right?
Austin gets more leeway here considering he is from your state. Also why many of you love Spencer Lee. It's only natural

I live in Illinois, never went to PSU or lived in Pennsylvania, and I love Spencer Lee for his ethic and personality, which is in my opinion maybe why he gets leeway here. While I feel bad for Austin, I don't think we're condoning what he did or giving him any leeway.
HR may not have started it but certainly didn't stop it within their own confines.

As to the other sources: none of them are named DeSanto, right?
It's a public internet forum where anyone can post. Including all 7 versions of Johnstownsteel.

Sources? I'm just telling you what I read on the many sites and forums I visit. If it's on the internet it has to be true right? :D
I like the kid. I don't love some of the loss of self-control, but we need to remember that no matter how many ESPN cameras cover the sport, it's still a ****ing combat sport, man. It still involves the highest and most passionate of reactions due to it being one of the closest activities to life/death fight/flight scenarios.

Like no, don't break the guys arm in the match, but I don't need a press conference telling me every little detail. DeSanto got pissed. It happens. Fix it, or you get suspended.
Wasn't nearly as bad as Metcalf trying to paralyze Caldwell.
Austin gets more leeway here considering he is from your state. Also why many of you love Spencer Lee. It's only natural
I don't see many people here giving DeSanto leeway. Indeed, I saw many here (and in person) turn on him immediately after that Micic match. The armchair medical diagnosis thing is a wholly separate matter and has nothing to do with who's a fan and who isn't, or where he's from. I think the right approach is that it's irresponsible no matter who the wrestler is or where else it's being talked about, and it's especially irresponsible as a thread title even if the HR poster in question handled the question pretty sensitively.
It's a public internet forum where anyone can post. Including all 7 versions of Johnstownsteel.

Sources? I'm just telling you what I read on the many sites and forums I visit. If it's on the internet it has to be true right? :D
So it's OK to spread rumors about someone having a developmental disability?
There is no gray area in what Austin did. Whatever the reason, those actions cannot be condoned by the coaches and should result in DQ by the refs.

If there is a diagnosis, it should be dealt with by professionals.
It certainly wasn't my intention to insinuate one way or the other by posting the link to that article.
I saw him wrestle in high school and was impressed by his intensity but didn't see anything, on or off the mat, that would lead me to these speculations.
I first heard the DeSanto autism rumor during NCAAs. Haven’t yet seen anything that confirms it’s accuracy. I don’t condone spreading potentially harmful rumors and applaud people for calling it out on that basis.

If it turns out to be true, however, it’s a valid topic of conversation and would be a helpful data point when assessing his on-mat behavior. If I see someone acting with dangerous impulsivity or unable to conform to acceptable social standards of behavior, it would certainly impact my perspective if I know that person has a developmental disorder. At a minimum, it would help me be more empathetic and not assume bad intent where none may exist.
I teach in an open enrollment community college. We have students with every imaginable learning or social/emotional disorder. Though the diagnosis may help explain behavior, it doesn’t excuse it. All students are expected to abide by the same Student Code of Conduct. The same principal applies in athletics. It may be more challenging for some individuals to control emotions, but the requirement to do so is the same for everyone.
So it's OK to spread rumors about someone having a developmental disability?
It was all over the wrestling forums/Facebook ect. not just HR. Just telling you what I have observed. You can decide for yourself what is right and wrong in life.
I too have read it multiple places. This is honestly the first time I have read where someone refuted the claim. I just figured it was public knowledge put out there by his family? I was wrong.
So it's OK to spread rumors about someone having a developmental disability?
Well .. if you try to break a guy’s arm, people are gonna question your intelligence, your sanity, your genetics. It’s not really some OMG phenomenon. :)
I first heard the DeSanto autism rumor during NCAAs. Haven’t yet seen anything that confirms it’s accuracy. I don’t condone spreading potentially harmful rumors and applaud people for calling it out on that basis.

If it turns out to be true, however, it’s a valid topic of conversation and would be a helpful data point when assessing his on-mat behavior. If I see someone acting with dangerous impulsivity or unable to conform to acceptable social standards of behavior, it would certainly impact my perspective if I know that person has a developmental disorder. At a minimum, it would help me be more empathetic and not assume bad intent where none may exist.
Agree.. It's a very relevant point about understanding his behavior.

As a father of an autistic son, I'm not at all sorry to see it discussed here.
Agree.. It's a very relevant point about understanding his behavior.

As a father of an autistic son, I'm not at all sorry to see it discussed here.

Roy, nice to hear your viewpoint. Off topic wrestling wise, but how do you feel about the tv show The Good Doctor, good as a understanding point for autism, or expoitation? And if you do not want to respond I totally understand.
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Roy, nice to here your viewpoint. Off topic wrestling wise, but how do you feel about the tv show The Good Doctor, good as a understanding point for autism, or expoitation? And if you do not want to respond I totally understand.

It is entirely off topic, but I just watched the entire first season with my wife. She likes the show a lot and I'm willing to put up with it and watch it with her. I know that there are autistic folks who behave that way and I'm pretty sure that I've read that savant syndrome is also more common with autistic people, but I think the show is over the top with the drama and think that the main character is almost a caricature of an autistic person. I'm still interested in hearing what an autistic person or the parents of an autistic child think though.
I too have read it multiple places. This is honestly the first time I have read where someone refuted the claim. I just figured it was public knowledge put out there by his family? I was wrong.
It was discussed as if common knowledge last year when DeSanto made his college choice of Drexel. His family wanted him close to home. So this was long before his on-mat behavior at this year's NCAAs.
A year is like dog years in our overly PC culture though. I know I mentioned it once recently in a "don't hate the kid, hate the behavior, give the kid a break, try to understand his situation" type manner. But regretfully, I'll admit I didn't clear it with the board PC cops. My bad.
Let's just assume everyone who did mention it, meant the kid harm, or has no personal experience with it. In short, shhhhhh. A ruling has come down that it's not cool to talk about, empathize, or try to understand something that's been talked about for over a year.
Tan Tom, Tanning beds, Bo Jordan's family situation, Spencer Lee's Dad's job. Lets all stick to the program.
Roy, nice to here your viewpoint. Off topic wrestling wise, but how do you feel about the tv show The Good Doctor, good as a understanding point for autism, or expoitation? And if you do not want to respond I totally understand.
Haven't watched it, but I don't watch much of network TV. Good to see the subject matter get more attention and understanding.
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So any news about whether or not the Hawks are getting a 133 pound transfer or not?
Looks like it's DeSanto, Flo reporting he has received a release from Drexel. Could be between Penn State and Iowa; Sanderson has already met with him.
We seem to be comfortably full for the next 4 years between 125 -157 with
Teske / Teasdale / RBY / Busiello / N. Lee / Berge / Verk. Can someone with more wrestling knowledge than me explain how we might fit 3 more years of Desanto into the equation that makes sense. I tried, but couldn't do it. Maybe if some are willing to ride the bench a year or two and/or take less dollars? I like Desanto and can forgive him once for his indiscretion,
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Speak for yourself. I just think he needs the right support system. He's easily one of my favorites to watch because he never stops trying to score points, which is the point of every wrestling match.

Again, I'm not down with trying to kimura anyone, but if he can work on controlling that, I'd be jumping at the chance to help him win a national title. That's just me, though.
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We seem to be comfortably full for the next 4 years between 125 -157 with
Teske / Teasdale / RBY / Busiello / N. Lee / Berge / Verk. Can someone with more wrestling knowledge than me explain how we might fit 3 more years of Desanto into the equation that makes sense. I tried, but couldn't do it. Maybe if some are willing to ride the bench a year or two and/or take less dollars? I like Desanto and can forgive him once for his indiscretion,
I meant to finish with it just doesn't make any sense to me.
We seem to be comfortably full for the next 4 years between 125 -157 with
Teske / Teasdale / RBY / Busiello / N. Lee / Berge / Verk. Can someone with more wrestling knowledge than me explain how we might fit 3 more years of Desanto into the equation that makes sense. I tried, but couldn't do it. Maybe if some are willing to ride the bench a year or two and/or take less dollars? I like Desanto and can forgive him once for his indiscretion,

I'm going with April Fools.
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We seem to be comfortably full for the next 4 years between 125 -157 with
Teske / Teasdale / RBY / Busiello / N. Lee / Berge / Verk. Can someone with more wrestling knowledge than me explain how we might fit 3 more years of Desanto into the equation that makes sense. I tried, but couldn't do it. Maybe if some are willing to ride the bench a year or two and/or take less dollars? I like Desanto and can forgive him once for his indiscretion,

I think that Teasdale and Teske could both use a redshirt year next year and it probably wouldn't hurt RBY, either. Depending on how the kids grow, there is room for flexibility. First world problems, I know, but it could be done. Penn State could hopefully provide the right structure for DeSanto; it's close to home and there is a degree of familiarity for Austin. Makes a lot of sense.
I made my sentiments about DeSanto as one of the most fun kids to watch... I observed first hand at the Scuffle. Not sure where I am with his actions late in the year. Easy for us to judge but generally where there is smoke there is fire. Additionally, looks like the scouting reports caught up to him as well. Those closest to the action know, We simply speculate. I'll sit back and watch, regardless.
We seem to be comfortably full for the next 4 years between 125 -157 with Teske / Teasdale / RBY / Busiello / N. Lee / Berge / Verk.
Can someone ... explain how we might fit 3 more years of Desanto into the equation that makes sense ... ? ...
Hello? Hello? Hello?
Is there anybody in there?
I caught a fleeting glimpse
Out of the corner of my eye
I turned to look but it was gone
I cannot put my finger on it now
The child is grown
zPain is gone
I have become comfortably full
