2017 NCAAs Session 6 Thread

So, so close. They each had a hand in when everything else was out. Lizak's hand left the circle 1st. Then Cruz's hand left. Just as the hand was leaving, the foot was getting on the line. I'd have to see it frame by frame to know if there was ever a point where the hand was out and the foot was not yet on the line.
hagerty is rarely wrong
DT on Off The Mat

Q: what's the mood in Happy Valley
A - it's happy. Championships are hard to do. Being a #1 seed doesn't mean you'll win. It's a team aspect to score whenever possible. Credit to the team and the coaches. It's a good day.
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From Snyder's presser...

Q: Would you say after all that you knew you could do it, and the ribs weren't going to be an issue?
KYLE SNYDER: Yeah, for the most part. Ribs weren't that big of an issue. Doctors and trainers did a really good job helping me out and getting me prepared to wrestle pain-free. So thank you to them.

Yeah, that was a cool take-down. I don't think I ever lifted Connor up like that in practice or any matches. So that's good. Means I'm getting stronger.

Q. I'm assuming you did have another pain killer injection to --

Q. Did it affect you at all? Was there anything you couldn't do or felt that you never felt before?
KYLE SNYDER: Yeah, a little bit. I mean just in certain positions it hurt a little bit. But it wasn't too big of a deal. With the shots plus the adrenalin, I was feeling pretty good. Just like pressure on it, and being extended hurt a little bit. But it was -- didn't have that big of an effect on the match.
I think he corrected himself with the 2 weeks ago vs last year comment (2 weeks ago does seem like last year with how our guys have performed this weekend).

I'll give credit to Ryan about the hornets nest. Great quote. Good stuff about Snyder too.

Didn't correct himself - he said "and two ago". The questioner asked if daO$U could beat PSU and he said something like....yes, of course, we beat them last year AND two weeks ago. He's full of $hit, daO$U did not beat PSU....and PSU now has 6 of the last 7 National Championship Trophies, daO$U has 1 although I'm sure they'd have more according to Tank 'em up Tommy if not for average officials and long bus-rides, LMFAO.
Random geography nerd question for you. Have any of you ever been to South Dakota State? The closest I've been was Sioux Falls.
Jim Gibbons & David Taylor are announcing the entire match.

DT analyzed the entire scramble sequence.

Everyone else shut up.

No "hips to the party" reference yet, though.