2018 NCAAs -- Session 6 Thread

Before my time, but I just saw it on youtube the other day. Schalles probably got a real kick out of Bo's stunt tonight.

I was actually surprised during the takedown. It almost seemed as if Bo was allowing Martin to get in and drive him backwards and Bo was clearly intending to elevate and roll, but for some weird reason he bailed, only to reposition and then roll Martin. Anyone who's really familiar with these positions know why he initially bailed? I'm guessing that he just felt his leverage slip or he lost hand control somewhere and had to make an adjustment. I mean, he has been practicing that move since he was 6. :)
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Yeah, you've got to wonder just what goes through his mind now about Bo. Great respect and a little bewilderment, I would guess.

Bo is the “The Judge”
who OverTurned
the likely Decision.

Bo can be quite Flip-ant.
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I believe it was last year on 'Off the Mat'

Lee Kemp was comparing Nical to Wade Schalles. He said the 1st time he wrestled Wade he was afraid to touch him because he was so dangerous and unpredictable. Bo has earned a similar rep.
I was actually surprised during the takedown. It almost seemed as if Bo was allowing Martin to get in and drive him backwards and Bo was clearly intending to elevate and roll, but for some weird reason he bailed, only to reposition and then roll Martin. Anyone who's really familiar with these positions know why he initially bailed? I'm guessing that he just felt his leverage slip or he lost hand control somewhere and had to make an adjustment. I mean, he has been practicing that move since he was 6. :)

I think Bo said that his initial foot position wasn't optimal-- but then it changed and feet were flat and felt he had enough leverage to make the move
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I'm not even clear how Nickal turned Martin while being on his own back. Did he have his arm from underneath. Or was it some flat back gator baiter thing? I need to see the replay. Can anyone explain or clarify.

No. And honestly anyone who says they can is lying. I have watched it four times now in slo mo and I still can not figure out how he did it.
In wrestling terms it was an elevator. He caught Martin just at the right time as he was adjusting his weight to keep Bo on his back and elevated him over the top
I was actually surprised during the takedown. It almost seemed as if Bo was allowing Martin to get in and drive him backwards and Bo was clearly intending to elevate and roll, but for some weird reason he bailed, only to reposition and then roll Martin. Anyone who's really familiar with these positions know why he initially bailed? I'm guessing that he just felt his leverage slip or he lost hand control somewhere and had to make an adjustment. I mean, he has been practicing that move since he was 6. :)
Yes, he said he didn't have his feet under him and had to reposition to get leverage.
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Guys and gals, keep in mind - PSU just defeated a really deep, balanced, and talented tOSU team that put PSU squarely in their crosshairs.

Think about it. The BuckNuts had:

8 AAs
1 champ
1 runner-up
2 3rd placers
2 4th placers
1 5th placer
1 6th placer
134.5 team points

That is a damn good team that is good enough to win most every year, but PSU came out on top. This despite the Jersey Kid transfer, which totally screwed PSU at 125, and the transfer of Joey McKenna to tOSU, which filled a big hole for them with a 3rd place finisher. Those two transfers nearly put tOSU on top, but it wasn't enough.

Just step back and think about that for a moment. Truly impressive performance by PSU.

You nailed it on this Bruce. The best 2nd place team ever. Bucks had enough points to win it in most other years.
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I'm not even clear how Nickal turned Martin while being on his own back. Did he have his arm from underneath. Or was it some flat back gator baiter thing? I need to see the replay. Can anyone explain or clarify.

No. And honestly anyone who says they can is lying. I have watched it four times now in slo mo and I still can not figure out how he did it.
In wrestling terms it was an elevator. He caught Martin just at the right time as he was adjusting his weight to keep Bo on his back and elevated him over the top
Dylan Ness from Minnesota used to be lethal with this type of move
I don't know about all you other posters but I still can't stop smiling today!!!!...Also does anyone know why the change from 2 to 3 coaches in the corner this year?
Rule change just this year. As with other rule changes, I’m sure it boiled up from coaches’ requests.
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Inadvertent head butt from Martinez? You're joking, right Tim? It looked clearly intentional to me, and indicated that IMar was frustrated and lost his cool.

Also, I believe tOSU ended up with 133.5 points after the one point deduction (they started the evening with 130.5).

One thing to add to your point.....
I noticed is that IMAR appeared to give up near the end. If you go back and watch the last :30 - :45 seconds, IMAR did basically nothing other than a half-hearted throw attempt late. He wasted 5-10 seconds retreating to the center of the mat and never showed any urgency late. I believe, and I think the headbutt supports this, that he knew deep down he couldn't solve Cenzo at that point, was frustrated and didn't know what to do.
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One thing to add to your point.....
I noticed is that IMAR appeared to give up near the end. If you go back and watch the last :30 - :45 seconds, IMAR did basically nothing other than a half-hearted throw attempt late. He wasted 5-10 seconds retreating to the center of the mat and never showed any urgency late. I believe, and I think the headbutt supports this, that he knew deep down he couldn't solve Cenzo at that point, was frustrated and didn't know what to do.

Concur. In that final 30-45 seconds, the announcers were commenting that IMar needed to get moving on offense, try something different, show some urgency. But he knew he was beaten and pretty much packed it in at that point.
Team scores still show OSU with 134.5, even on Did someone forget to make the change or did they not get deducted?

Saw Ryan’s post tourney interview. He mentioned that they had a point deducted from post match exuberance. So it sounded like Coach Ryan expected a team point deduction.​
Concur. In that final 30-45 seconds, the announcers were commenting that IMar needed to get moving on offense, try something different, show some urgency. But he knew he was beaten and pretty much packed it in at that point.
In each of his 3 losses to Penn State wrestlers, IMar essentially had a "No Mas" moment. That includes being pinned by Nolf in a 2017 dual meet, being pinned by Cenzo Joseph in the 2017 finals, and the 2018 finals.

As great as IMar was (4 B1G tournament titles, 4 trips to the NCAA finals, 2 national championships) he seemed to have points in these key matches where he lost focus.
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Saw Ryan’s post tourney interview. He mentioned that they had a point deducted from post match exuberance. So it sounded like Coach Ryan expected a team point deduction.​

Personally I think deducting team points in that situation is stupid. The emotion showed is natural and should be settled. There was nothing excessive by Nickal or Snyder. Neither threw their headgear in a fit of anger. Nickal threw his toward his own corner kind of late in his celebration. Snyder threw his into the stands kind of like a drummer tosses his sticks after a show.

But if you penalize one, you had to hit the other as well. Just don't think either was necessary.