2020 Phillies Thread

Tom McAndrew

Well-Known Member
May 29, 2001
I was a tad slow in setting up a Phillies thread this year, and then Spring Training and the season were shut down. Now that a modified season is in the works, it's time for a Phillies thread. ;)
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I also think they released Jim Bunning.

So far all fluff in this stream, real question, how many really care if there is a baseball season. I was all set back in February, bought the MLB channel so I could watch Phillies here in FL and any other out of market games I would choose. Now, I don't care if here is baseball.
So far all fluff in this stream, real question, how many really care if there is a baseball season. I was all set back in February, bought the MLB channel so I could watch Phillies here in FL and any other out of market games I would choose. Now, I don't care if here is baseball.

well, my interest certainly what it was heading into spring training. Plus, one of the things I like about BB is how little it changes, yet there are a lot of changes in the modified season they are planning. Right now, I'm not all that excited, but I suspect that if the Phils were playing right now, I'd at least have the game on in the background. In that context, I suspect that once they start playing, I'm likely to follow them somewhat. There are only so many history books I can read, and so many online history talks I can participate in, without wanting a little diversion. ;)
Best thing about this season for the Phillies is they are only going to have to pay Bryce about 10M instead of 26M
Die hard Phillies fan here.

But I've gotten used to no baseball so far this summer. I suspect MLB will lead the way for what will probably happen to the NBA, NFL and NCAA football this year. Specifically, the season will start, players will contract the virus, a few will get really sick, lots of players will opt out of the rest of the season and the seasons will be canceled.

Frankly, baseball should be the easiest to get going and sustain because there aren't the heavy duty collisions and breathing on each other that happens in hockey, football and basketball. The catcher/ump/batter triumverate is the only place where there is less than social distance along with a runner on first base. Football, basketball and hockey have continuous heavy duty collisions.

Nothing that jumps out. All I ever heard was that he was a lifer and was well liked. He had a long history of coaching with the Phillies and because of that, he is mentioned frequently with Vuke. I’ll tell you a good Vuke one though. I might have mentioned this one previously but I’ll repeat it in case I haven’t. People from other organizations enjoyed messing with Vuke as much as people in the Phillies organization did. One night a person in another organization checked into the hotel and was assigned Room 161. He immediately phoned Vuke and told him that he was living large since he was assigned the “Vukovich Suite”. Vuke asked what the hell he was talking about and the party told him that he was in Room 161 and assumed it was the Vukovich Suite. Vuke’s career average was .161. A string of obscenities followed as Vuke hung up while having a good belly laugh.

The only thing that always struck me about Ryan was the permanent tan he seemed to always have. There have been a couple of guys like that. Gene Mauch with that head of white hair had the perma tan as did Dallas Green.

It’s sad when lifers like these guys pass on. They have an incredible history.

I’ll see if I can get you a good Irish story.
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Die hard Phillies fan here.

But I've gotten used to no baseball so far this summer. I suspect MLB will lead the way for what will probably happen to the NBA, NFL and NCAA football this year. Specifically, the season will start, players will contract the virus, a few will get really sick, lots of players will opt out of the rest of the season and the seasons will be canceled.

Frankly, baseball should be the easiest to get going and sustain because there aren't the heavy duty collisions and breathing on each other that happens in hockey, football and basketball. The catcher/ump/batter triumverate is the only place where there is less than social distance along with a runner on first base. Football, basketball and hockey have continuous heavy duty collisions.

that is what i am thinking. i don’t know how they will handle when players start testing positive as it is going to happen when they are getting tested on probably close to a daily basis. i still am 50-50 whether or not the season even starts as with the current daily positive rates, it would not shock me if things get put on hold again. if arizona/florida/texas starts to really leak back out into the rest of the country and you start seeing other states having real flare ups in the next few weeks, they cannot start.

As for the season, i think i am like Tom. having something to watch at night is better then nothing. i have binge watched a ton of TV shows but sort of running out.
Frankly, baseball should be the easiest to get going and sustain because there aren't the heavy duty collisions and breathing on each other that happens in hockey, football and basketball. The catcher/ump/batter triumverate is the only place where there is less than social distance along with a runner on first base. Football, basketball and hockey have continuous heavy duty collisions.

I think when players start testing positive, many players will decide it just isn't worth it - especially if they have young kids or have elderly parents/grandparents living with them. I also think a lot of the African American players will be concerned if they have sickle cell anemia or something similar.

There's testing positive and then there's testing positive with symptoms. I think if a couple more guys have symptoms, the exodus will begin.

The big dollar players can afford to sit out a season, so many of them will.

Having said all that, MLB can reduce the risk around home plate by instituting an electronic ball/strike system. Then the ump doesn't have to stand right over the catcher. He can stand back six feet and only call balks, time out, plays at the plate, etc.

I'm sure they're working on how to configure a socially distant dugout and bullpen.