2020 Phillies Thread

bottom of the 8th, 2 out, 2 on, Realmuto was ahead 3-0 in the count, and grounded back to the pitcher on a 3-2 pitch. smh
"Phillies lose season opener to defending World Series champs The Miami Marlins." Oh, wait a minute. The Marlins had the worst record in the league last year. But they play like World Series champs when they play the Phillies. Frustrating.
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Rosso can bring the heat just need to find some control, Nola just ran out of gas, needed runs in the 8th.
I'm relieved. I was afraid the Phils would get swept by the Marlins and the press would call for Kapler to come back.
Marlins RF Garrett Cooper, & LF
Harold Ramirez are 2 of 4 Marlins to test positive for Coronavirus. Both played the prior two games. Pitcher, Urena, was supposed to start today and former Phillie catcher Jorge Alfaro, the other two infected. This may get interesting!
Velasquez does not like prosperity. He ain’t an MLB starter.

He is not and Phils need to put him back in the bullpen as middle relief. VV has some decent stuff at times but he has had plenty of chances as a starter and at a certain point just have to recognize that being a starter isn't in the cards.
From the Athletic: leave it to Florida!!!

In the minutes preceding Sunday’s game at Citizens Bank Park, a few people in the Phillies dugout glanced across the field and had a sobering thought. It became a conversation, albeit a cursory one in the moment because there was baseball to play. Should we even be here? They wondered about it. They knew something was wrong, just from the information relayed by the Marlins that morning. But some perceptive Phillies had been alarmed all weekend by how the Marlins had appeared to not stagger their arrivals and workouts and how few people in the Marlins dugout were wearing masks.

Then, when more COVID-19 test results Sunday night into Monday morning confirmed the sport’s worst fears, those who were concerned Sunday afternoon insisted there was no safe way to play Monday night. The Phillies’ leadership conveyed that to Major League Baseball. While sources indicated contingencies were discussed — such as flipping the schedule and moving the Phillies-Yankees games on Monday and Tuesday to Yankee Stadium, then playing Wednesday and Thursday at Citizens Bank Park — the teams expressed enough concern to prompt the postponement of Monday’s game.

The rest of the immediate schedule, all of a sudden, is in doubt.

Phillies players were to be tested Monday afternoon at the ballpark before immediately returning home, according to sources. Some players asked that everyone in uniform be administered two tests — one Monday and another Tuesday — before the team is permitted to play again. The club quarantined its four-person visiting clubhouse staff — people who worked long hours and had prolonged exposure to the Marlins for three days during the season-opening series. Some of those employees were tested Sunday and are awaiting results, according to two sources. The Phillies can disinfect the visitors’ clubhouse and dugout, but they cannot do that to people. The Yankees requested Sunday that they bring their own clubhouse staff from New York; they were the ones who unloaded the team’s equipment truck that arrived Sunday evening from Washington.

For now, the Yankees are sequestered at their hotel in Center City Philadelphia while the Marlins remain quarantined at a nearby luxury hotel. The sheer logistics of moving forward are daunting.

The league said it was conducting additional testing, but it might have no choice but to pause the seasons of the Phillies and Marlins until more information is gathered. All Phillies players and staff were being tested again Monday, according to three sources, and the turnaround time for those results could prompt Tuesday’s game to be postponed as well. MLB is attempting to squeeze a 60-game schedule into 66 days and, if postponements mount, the season’s completion is far more precarious.

If the Marlins, after added testing, decide to travel with those who have negative tests, the treatment and care of those Marlins personnel left behind might fall to the Phillies. Every team, according to a source, had to form a “COVID-19 Action Plan” that addressed scenarios for infected individuals on opposing clubs. That plan required the Phillies to identify a hotel that would house infected players who must isolate. Some of the treatment and care for those opposing players would be handled by the Phillies’ team physician.

There are questions, big and small. For example, can Didi Gregorius even play for the Phillies right now? He said earlier this month that the league classified him as a “high-risk individual.” Section 2.3.3 of MLB’s operations manual calls for added measures to protect “high-risk individuals” in the event of positive tests at a ballpark:

“For at least 72 hours following confirmation of the positive test result, no High-Risk Individual (as defined in Section 2.4) may enter any area within a Club facility in which the Covered Individual who tested positive has recently spent time, without prior written approval from MLB’s medical advisors (with respect to Club personnel) or the Joint Committee (with respect to players).”

But there are much larger questions. The league and its players took on a certain level of risk by playing and traveling during a pandemic. What is an acceptable level? How long might it take to detect someone within the Phillies’ uniformed personnel who is carrying the virus? The Phillies and Marlins limited their interactions on the field before games, but a few players and coaches from each side were seen fraternizing in close contact before the game on Opening Day.

“It’s scary,” one Phillies player said in a text message Monday morning, “because guys were playing yesterday that had it.”

Phillies pitching coach Bryan Price, who was present on Opening Day, did not appear in the dugout for Saturday’s and Sunday’s games. The club offered no explanation for his absence beyond that it was a “medical issue.” Manager Joe Girardi said the Phillies informed their players Sunday morning that the Marlins were dealing with an outbreak. They advised the players to take extra precautions on top of the mandated protocols. Bryce Harper, for example, wore a mask on the field for the first time, while running the bases.

“As an added precaution,” Harper said. “They thought it would be a good idea. One of the other guys hadn’t tested yet, so I thought I would do that.”

For now, there is no baseball Monday night at Citizens Bank Park. Everyone needs to feel safer before it can happen again, and no one knows when that might be the case.
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Some caveats there. The Tuesday and Wednesday games are scheduled to be against the Marlins, at Miami. It remains to be seen if the Fish will be playing by next week.

The Phils need to keep Spencer Howard on the "farm" until after the first six games of the season, to delay his free agency clock by one year. They've indicated that they'll be adding him to the team this weekend.

Girardi said after VV's disastrous first start on Sunday that VV would remain in the starting lineup. He may have a tough time making that argument a second time if VV stumbles in his second start.