2020 Phillies Thread

I think when players start testing positive, many players will decide it just isn't worth it - especially if they have young kids or have elderly parents/grandparents living with them. I also think a lot of the African American players will be concerned if they have sickle cell anemia or something similar.

There's testing positive and then there's testing positive with symptoms. I think if a couple more guys have symptoms, the exodus will begin.

The big dollar players can afford to sit out a season, so many of them will.

Having said all that, MLB can reduce the risk around home plate by instituting an electronic ball/strike system. Then the ump doesn't have to stand right over the catcher. He can stand back six feet and only call balks, time out, plays at the plate, etc.

I'm sure they're working on how to configure a socially distant dugout and bullpen.

Electric ball/strike calling under these circumstances is a great idea. Which is precisely why MLB won’t do it.
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Hate to say but beginning to think we may be better off with no baseball than the "watered down" version being presented. Three batter rule, DH, no strategy and extra innings rule. Not the game we watched and listened to with the excitement of Harry the K.
No strategy or just different strategy?
No strategy or just different strategy?
Perhaps a harsh statement but the biggest NL decision was hitting for the pitcher, should I take him out in a close game, what's my bull pen like, how much wear on the pitching staff for the next series. Now the manager doesn't have to make the decision and the joy of criticizing the move is taken away from us arm chair fans.
Perhaps a harsh statement but the biggest NL decision was hitting for the pitcher, should I take him out in a close game, what's my bull pen like, how much wear on the pitching staff for the next series. Now the manager doesn't have to make the decision and the joy of criticizing the move is taken away from us arm chair fans.
True, but surely some strategy will emerge based on some of the changes. I'm willing to bet that arm chair managers will still have matters to discuss after games.
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True, but surely some strategy will emerge based on some of the changes. I'm willing to bet that arm chair managers will still have matters to discuss after games.
GG, are you in Portland? Remember my first mountain, I'm from Philly so I knew mountains, the Pocono's, that is till I fly into Portland and looking out the plane window and saw this majestic, snow capped peak called Mt. Hood. Forever my favorite even after personally viewing the Matterhorn and Mt. Etna. It's a shame, Portland was a beautiful city. Now for Phillies stuff, big question, how do you want to play the tenth, man on second????
GG, are you in Portland? Remember my first mountain, I'm from Philly so I knew mountains, the Pocono's, that is till I fly into Portland and looking out the plane window and saw this majestic, snow capped peak called Mt. Hood. Forever my favorite even after personally viewing the Matterhorn and Mt. Etna. It's a shame, Portland was a beautiful city. Now for Phillies stuff, big question, how do you want to play the tenth, man on second????
Yes, I'm in Portland. Mt. Hood certainly is spectacular. Never gets old. The city is more beautiful than ever. A lot of new construction gives it a modern vibe, but still lots of classic western structures too. There are surely some down sides that come with growing into a big city, but the good far outweighs the bad.

Just the kind of baseball strategy I'm curious about. Do the stat driven managers go small ball in the tenth? I'm sure it will be situational as it usually is. Will be strange but interesting.
Gotta say, fake crowd noise and cardboard cut outs will be lame.

Cardboard cut outs? How 1980's. They really need to invest in holographic projections. They could put fans in every seat - every game a sellout with plenty of noise.
Perhaps a harsh statement but the biggest NL decision was hitting for the pitcher, should I take him out in a close game, what's my bull pen like, how much wear on the pitching staff for the next series. Now the manager doesn't have to make the decision and the joy of criticizing the move is taken away from us arm chair fans.

I understand but this shortened season should incorporate all this stuff to see what people think after watching it. You just have to accept that the world we live in has permanently deep sixed it’s attention spans. You and I might like the tension of extra inning games that go for forever and have pitchers playing the field, etc. But there are a mountain of people who turn it off or who have lost interest and won’t plunk down their money to watch it. This is an instance that if the clubs don’t listen, the sports future could be diminished.

So, open up the bag of tricks and let’s see if any of this stuff holds water.
So sad. One of my favorites. I know I had several of his baseball cards, and a bat with his name on it. If I recall correctly, he made the defensive play of the game in Jim Bunning's perfect game.

So sad. One of my favorites. I know I had several of his baseball cards, and a bat with his name on it. If I recall correctly, he made the defensive play of the game in Jim Bunning's perfect game.

Yes indeed he did. He fielded a hard hit ball by the Mets Jesse Gonder and threw Gonder out from his knees to assist the preservation of the perfect game. I believe but don’t hold me to the fact that this play was the closest play and best chance at breaking up the perfecto.
Just to make sure everyone knows: Opening Day is this coming Thursday. Make it work.
With all the bickering between management and players I was set to give up on the season. Guess I'm still hooked, bought the package so I can watch Phillies here in FL; even though more than 10 games will be on local free TV, Rays and Marlins.
With all the bickering between management and players I was set to give up on the season. Guess I'm still hooked, bought the package so I can watch Phillies here in FL; even though more than 10 games will be on local free TV, Rays and Marlins.
Likewise. I thought there was no way we’d see a season and here we are. Let’s be happy for this.
Perhaps a harsh statement but the biggest NL decision was hitting for the pitcher, should I take him out in a close game, what's my bull pen like, how much wear on the pitching staff for the next series. Now the manager doesn't have to make the decision and the joy of criticizing the move is taken away from us arm chair fans.

Yeah I agree but I guess I am just a dinosaur when it comes to the DH. I remember Mark McGuire saying after he went from Oakland to St. Louis that they play real baseball in the NL. Can’t really remember anyone going from the NL to the AL that they play real baseball in the AL with the DH.