2021 B1G Tournament

Kerk wrestled a man with man strength
He’s gotta put 10pbd of muscle on next year to have a chance against top 3 guys
The good news is, it seems like he had that in the fall. What we he was dealing with had him lose a good bit of bulk. It will come. I bet he beats Parris next year, if not next time.
These days suck, but they also pay dividends down the road. I trust Cael to use a rough session well.
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Kerk wrestled a man with man strength
He’s gotta put 10pbd of muscle on next year to have a chance against top 3 guys
I'm just thrilled he is out there......gutty in my mind. If he had been able to train all winter, that match today would be close.
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Haven’t been able to catch up with the posts. But, Channeling my inner Cael:

grateful to watch competition.

Sure it’s a bummer to not just watch everyone dominate with ease. But it’s sunny out in the Chicago burbs and I’m over serving myself outdoors. Could be worse.

It’s a bit F*n to be the underdog and when amazing happens today, tomorrow, or at nationals.
Aaron’s ankle is fine. Xray was good. Always been an fan of the effort Iowa guys display. Very disappointed at the scratching and biting. I’d like to point out that Aaron still extended his hand.
Anyone who was watching saw Aaron Brooks offer to shake hands after the match. The bleeding scratch marks on Aaron Brooks' back were also apparent. But biting too? Whoa, that's just dirty.
BTN+ is the bomb because you can hear the Iowa bench. The deSanto match, I think, was the best because ADS walked off and greeting his coaches, in front of the other staff. Hilarious. One of the Brands was jawing with the other coaches.
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I do love Joe Lee, I think he gets sloppy and thinks he is as another poster put it "Thinks he is Stronger than he is" If he Grows into that strength he will finish a lot of what he starts.(not bad upper body instincts, just cant finish yet)

But the Devil in me can't help but think how this team would look if Joseph came back for his opportunity to put a stamp on his legacy with a 3rd championship?? I know I know, but I think that joseph with this current team has more than a 50/50 shot at Nationals!!!!!

EDIT- Well thank you Mcsorely, I had a Dementia Moment Unfortunately....Yikes, Why did i think Last season did not count toward eligibility?? Well, That is ashame
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I am going to say the youngsters seem to go straight on when attempting takedowns. Carter, BB and RH have plenty of quickness but don't seem to use it laterally.
Yeah. The straight on shots is a little "urrr".
Robbie is understandable simply due to the very limited time he has had to develop his skills by drilling live or even 3/4 drills.
Beau hasn't had the benefit of an entire season to develop those skills either.
Carter has had an entire season ro develop those some of those skills. I can't believe he has had success against Hall or Cunningham shooting straight in.
I also know the offensive attack skills from lateral movement will come, but being in my 60s quiet patience isn't a new skill set I am planning on developing late in life. So come Cael, geez! Get that straightened out.
I do love Joe Lee, I think he gets sloppy and thinks he is as another poster put it "Thinks he is Stronger than he is" If he Grows into that strength he will finish a lot of what he starts.(not bad upper body instincts, just cant finish yet)

But the Devil in me can't help but think how this team would look if Joseph came back for his opportunity to put a stamp on his legacy with a 3rd championship?? I know I know, but I think that joseph with this current team has more than a 50/50 shot at Nationals!!!!!

Cenzo didn't have the option to return this year. Seniors last year basically got hosed. Freshman this year and anyone sitting on redshirt last year were the big winners.
Every time our guys step on the mat they expect to win, so there had to be some disappointment behind the scenes. That said I expect every guy, assuming healthy, to go out and give it everything to qualify. Eye on the ultimate prize in two weeks. Cael will have them ready to wrestle their best when it matters most.
Nope. Reminds me of Zain as a true frosh.
I miss watching Retherford just beat the crap outta people. He was truly on a different plane than everyone else. Nick Lee shows signs of him, like today. It was such a joy to watch.
BTN+ is the bomb because you can hear the Iowa bench. The deSanto match, I think, was the best because ADS walked off and greeting his coaches, in front of the other staff. Hilarious. One of the Brands was jawing with the other coaches.
Yeah, the twins have been doing that for years. Funny thing is they don't get very carried away yapping at Cael.
I miss watching Retherford just beat the crap outta people. He was truly on a different plane than everyone else. Nick Lee shows signs of him, like today. It was such a joy to watch.
Yeah, but Zain did that to people in the NCAA finals as well as his first match in the Big10s.
Kerk wrestled a man with man strength
He’s gotta put 10pbd of muscle on next year to have a chance against top 3 guys
It’s experience and conditioning more than anything, IMHO. He’s had 2 weeks to get his sea legs. Parris has always been a physical freak yet two years ago he was getting majored by an experienced guy named Cassar 18-9. I’m not even remotely concerned about Kerk. He’s going to be great.

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