2021 B1G Tournament

I do not know what everybody else thinks, but I am excited as all get out to watch Howard wrestle next season. Healthy and competing in that room for a year, learning finishes and techniques. Next year Robbie isn't going Rivera Spencer. Everybody else Robbie will be able to handle.
Robbie seems so tentative against Malik. Overly cautious?
The few decent shots Howard had, Heinselman countered pretty easily and turned into advantageous scramble situations. Howard just couldn't get through Heinselman's defense; don't think it was a matter of being overly cautious. But it was at least a bit better than the first bout between the two.
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I do not know what everybody else thinks, but I am excited as all get out to watch Howard wrestle next season. Healthy and competing in that room for a year, learning finishes and techniques. Next year Robbie isn't going Rivera Spencer. Everybody else Robbie will be able to handle.
I'm looking forward to seeing improve over the next two weeks as well. :)
The few decent shots Howard had, Heinselman countered pretty easily and turned into advantageous scramble situations. Howard just couldn't get through Heinselman's defense; don't think it was a matter of being overly cautious. But it was at least a bit better than the first bout between the two.
I agree he looked a little better, I had hoped for a bit more aggression in his shot rate. Malik is really good, though.
I know this isn’t the thread for it, but I don’t want to start a new one. So do you think Robbie wrestles 1 more year at 125 and we redshirt Steen next year before moving Robbie up to 133 the following year?
157 Consolation Semis: Brady Berge vs. Brayton Lee (Minny)

Per 1
Berge working an underhook, nothing. Berge reaches for a leg, nothing. Berge in on a head inside single, he has Lee bouncing, Berge grabs the other ankle, but they are on the edge, and nothing. Lee in on a leg, Berge with a whizzer, Berge frees the leg, nothing. End

Per 2
Berge takes down. He slowly works up, back to the mat, to his knees, and OOB with 1:24 left. Berge sits out, turns in and gets the esc, 1-0. Interlocking hands stoppage at 1:02 left. Lee shoots, Berge sprawls, nothing. Lee shoots, blocked. End. RT @ 46 sec for Lee

Per 3
Lee takes bottom. Lee to his feet, and he's out in 9 sec, 1-1. Lee tries to shoot, blocked. Lee drives in, Berge circles, and a stall warning on Berge. 1 min left. Berge shoots, nothing. Stall call on Berge, not sure about that, with 23 sec left, makes it 1-2. They wave it off after a discussion. Lee tries to shoot, blocked. End

Lee shoots, then tries a throw, drops to the legs and gets the TD, Damn. 3-5

Berge will wrestle for 5th place in Session IV
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Agree with Byars call. Berge needed to get his offense going. Doesn’t seem to be that kind of wrestler.
Lee seem to have way more energy than Berge. Watched Lee against Young yesterday and didn’t see him shoot once.
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Tough one. Lee was the aggressor most of the match. Tip your cap and learn from the experience.
Honestly, Berge didn't deserve to win that match. He was on the defensive almost the entire time. Needed to convert his one chance in the first period when he had Lee's leg, but couldn't.
Brady lives and dies by those 1 score matches. Hopefully he can come out on top of those in 2 weeks. Would def prefer he gets to his O more. Seems he does against inferior guys, but similar matched guys he gets very defensive/counter minded.
Tough loss for Brady. Not sure if he gassed or not but his activity fell off from the third period on.
Brady lives and dies by those 1 score matches. Hopefully he can come out on top of those in 2 weeks. Would def prefer he gets to his O more. Seems he does against inferior guys, but similar matched guys he gets very defensive/counter minded.

And he can start by winning 5th today.
I know this isn’t the thread for it, but I don’t want to start a new one. So do you think Robbie wrestles 1 more year at 125 and we redshirt Steen next year before moving Robbie up to 133 the following year?
No. RBY has 2 years left.

After that, maybe, depends on how the rest of recruiting shakes out.
Berge with his best Verk impression
I remember reading in a tennis coach’s book that you can try to get a guy to try a different style by ~saying, “Let’s do a crazy exercise today. Why don’t you pretend you are John McEnroe today and play every ball the way he would.” People who don’t want to change their identity will play along if it’s clear it’s just play and you’re not asking them to change. I suppose Cael knows every trick and coaching technique already, but I wonder if he has tried this one to get certain guys to play with opening up.
Brady lives and dies by those 1 score matches. Hopefully he can come out on top of those in 2 weeks. Would def prefer he gets to his O more. Seems he does against inferior guys, but similar matched guys he gets very defensive/counter minded.
Oddly enough, you could have substituted "Verk" for "Brady" and your analysis would still have been entirely accurate.
Dang that’s frustrating. Maybe Berge gassed a bit. Was wrestling like he had a one point lead instead of tied match.