Gable Steveson up now!
No score yet through one minute.
The Georgian is on the clock.
Steveson up 1-0. Followed by a great single-leg takedown for a 3-0 lead.
Amazing counter by Steveson, and he gets the pushout for a 4-0 lead. End of 1.
Steveson in on a leg bet gets exposed. Then escapes, leading 5-2.
Less than 2 minutes to go.
Georgian gets a takedown and a turn. Steveson down 8-5.
30 seconds to go.
Steveson with an amazing finish!! 2 takedowns in the last 10 seconds for a 9-8 win. But of course it’s being challenged.
It’s over, Steveson wins 10-8, earns GOLD!
And there’s the flip.
Hard to pick between Taylor and Steveson’s bouts as most-exciting. Both were incredible.