Ranking? Oh God no. It would be somehow even more inaccurate than my predictions.
In the JR/SR classes: Nasdeo is in, and Kasak is down to PSU vs. Nebraska. Otherwise we're looking at national recruits. PIAA recruits would be depth candidates (which as we've seen many times before, does not preclude PA state finalists).
Among the FR/SO:
We're a finalist for Mason Gibson. (Not competing this weekend, but I'd be an idiot to not include him.)
Desmond will likely be a priority. And he'll be in high demand.
Guessing we'll go hard after a HWT. If we miss out on Jim Mullen, then Kinney. If we miss on both Mullen and Kinney, or possibly if we get Mullen, then Austin Johnson. (Gut tells me we're in pretty good shape with Mullen unless he decides to go football. But I've been wrong before.)
Lawrence is the other obvious name, but I'm less convinced he'll be a huge priority. Maybe if the coaches see Barr as a 197. I'd rather have either of the Seminary guys, Joe Sealey or Jude Correa (though maybe he ends up HWT?). Better yet, both of the Seminary guys.
Much harder to tell with the light/middleweight guys not named Desmond. Need to see how they grow, plus what happens with McGowan and Shapiro. The FR/SO big hitters in this range are Luke Lilledahl (Seminary), Anthony Knox (NJ), Leo DeLuca (NJ), Gibson, and PJ Duke (NY) -- plus whatever rabbits Cael pulls out of his hat. Among the PIAA guys, I like (in no particular order) Shaw, Perry, Scott Johnson, Rath, Harer, Parkins.