Wrestling 2023 B1G Tournament

I’m not feeling super confident about these semis. I don’t see any likely bonus, and we’re going to have real scraps at 141, 157, 197, and 285. Then again, it always seems B1Gs are tougher than NCAAs.

I’ll feel better if Beau scores the first TD in his match …
I am feeling really good right now. We are in a great position and most of our guys look sharp. I don't see anyone as a real threat.
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Teske has his hands full with Lamont. 1-0 Teske after two. I think there was a stall call on him too.
Teske has his hands full with Lamont. 1-0 Teske after two. I think there was a stall call on him too.
I believe call was on Lamont for going out of bounds. Terrible call as he was basically falling backwards.
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That was bad. Lamont stopped wrestling and Teske sacked him for a loss. 3-1 Teske now in 3rd.
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I did a Buckeye barometer check - they are pushing back their title year a few years after some minor setbacks today
With Paddy going 0-2 it’s probably smart of them to push their timeline back a bit. There is talk about Sasso going up next year. I wonder how likely it is. If so Paddy will likely be sitting on the bench
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Gomez just crushed Miller with a Hulk Hogan vs Big John Stud body slam. Miller still down on the mat.
SVN td 2-0.
Over minute rt. 1:30 left in 1st
Stalling bottom man. 30 seconds left in 1st. 3-0 end of 1. Missed another stall call I guess.

SvN takes bottom. Escape and td. 8- 1. Then escape a d another td by svn. 10-2. Escape mKes it 10-3 end of 2nd. SVN takedown to start 3rd. Cuts him. 12-4 Another svn takedown, cuts him and another td. 16-5. 19-7 final. Couldn't keep up. Sorry. Suck at pbp
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149: 5 SVN vs 14 Reynolds

Low single by Shayne and a short scramble but he finishes fit two. Has Reynolds flattened out. Stalling on Reynolds. Flattened out pretty much whole period after the TD. Stalling again. 3-0 SVN. 2:34 RT after one.

Shayne chooses bottom. Out in 6 seconds. 4-0. Single leg and the finish by Shayne. 6-0. Lets him up. 6-1. Immediate TD after. 8-1. Does the same. 10-2. Working on top again now. Gives him one on a restart. Reynolds shoots. 10-3 after two. 3:29 RT.

Neutral start. TD Shayne. 12-3. Tries a Cradle. Nothing. Lets him up. 12-4. Single and the finish. 14-4. Lets him up. Single. 16-5. Lets him up. 16-6. Single. 18-6. Lets him up. Time runs out. 19-7 final.
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