Wrestling 2023 B1G Tournament

Apparently Gomez was disqualified for the move and lost the match. It was tied 1-1 at the time. Will be able to wrestle for 9th. Wow.
That kid was begging to get cradled. Not sure why SVN didn't attempt it on one of those releases.
Probably harsh, but feel like Van Ness left a half a point out there.
I agree. 2.5 mins of RT in first… no clean break on one of the escapes he wanted to give didn’t net another TD, no TD after he let him up late in 2nd and 3rd.
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No doubt....yet somehow they keep finding ways to shorten football and baseball.
I have never figured out the complexity of shortening football and baseball games. It used to take less than 3 hours to play an NFL game, then they double the amount of commercials time and could not figure out why it then took longer. So they wrote rules to reduce the number of plays and shortened the time to play a game. Then then started adding more commercials.

Baseball, same thing. It used to be hustle in hustle out. 90 seconds, 3 commercials. Then they started adding commercials to the time between innings. Now we have about 5 minutes between innings for commercials, so we have to speed up play. As soon as they get enough time shaved off the average game time we will go to 6 then 7 minutes between innings and have the same conversation.
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Iowa with two more bonus from Siebrecht. They’re killing it on bonus.
165: 4 Facundo vs 11 South

South shoots but Alex defends. Eye poke on South. Alex shoots but nothing. Wasn’t fully committed to it. Nice duck by Alex but can’t catch a leg. Shot by Alex and a scramble that Alex finishes nicely. 2-0 after one. 0:18 riding time.

Alex on bottom. Out in 12 seconds. 3-0. Alex half shot from distance. Again not fully committed to it. South wants to tie up. 3-0 after two.

South on bottom. Out after 35 secs. Earned it; Facundo didn’t let him up. 3-1. South with a few half shots. Ends 3-1 Alex.
Obviously glad we have nine guys qualified. Wish the wins were more dominant. Wish the close losses were wins. Basically what we’ve come to expect at Big Tens. And I recognize how spoiled that sounds.
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So is there just a 30 minute break after the upcoming 285 matches or do they roll right into more consys? Track doesn't have anything listed yet.
kids first yr give him some slack!
The list of kids wrestling in this round alongside our young guys used to be a Who's Who of wrestling. I'm watching Amos/Hoffman square of in the first round of consis. Earlier had Lamont/Teske. Gomez (albeit not at his best) was in this round. What I'm getting at is this tournament is no joke! Probably the hardest domestic tournament we have, and our guys are picking up wins and people are complaining that they didn't win by enough or entertain them enough... survive and advance. And spoiler alert, I betcha a large trophy will end up on the flight back to Happy Valley regardless if they entertained us enough or not.