2024 B1Gs - Day 2

The score might be a little misleading b/c it came off a few big gambles, but I doubt many saw Shawver majoring Ragusin.
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He might have a baby face but he’s bullied a lot of quality wrestlers. Congrats Braeden!!!
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Quick question for the board, did they change the rule on throwing your headgear? I've seen a lot of guys do it this tournament.
Noticed that as well. Maybe they’ve decided if it’s not thrown in anger over a call or something like that, it won’t be called.
They both threw their headgear there but I think if you just toss it aside or to a coach they don't ding you, I think it's when you slam it down.

Either way it's a stupid rule, guys get emotional and it's to be expected. It should only be a team point if you throw it at somebody.
Ragusin wants a brick while he's down ten, that's about the softest thing you'll see in wrestling.
2nd softest.

Tom yelling at the refs for a review down 18-6 And 3 other coaches not even involved during MMs destruction of Caliendo.
Benign??? Carter Starocci isn't the person "we" thought he was if he doesn't end up doing what the OP wants him to do? How do you figure that is benign and not judgemental? Good grief some of you are arrogant windbags.
You're going to judge Carter Starocci? Good grief some of you are unreal. Who precisely are you to pass judgement on Carter Starocci??? I believe Starrocci has quite a bit more "equity" than you do in regards to PSU wrestling and this year's team.
Who said I was judging him? You must be have gotten an A in reading :)
Shaver showing Ragusin the auditorium lights over and over.... that was a good 'ole fashion buut-whooping. Ragusin came out thinking he was going to king-kong Shaver above the waist and proceeded to put himself in danger over, and over again. Ragusin wrestled very arrogantly there and paid the price (why he assumed he could do whatever he wanted up top when he doesn't know Shaver that well is a bit of a mystery imho). Terrible match-prep, strategy and tactics.
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As a side question, isn’t placing your foot on the floor to go OB like McKee did the definition of stalling? Serious question.
Guys get away with doing that "inadvertently" all the time, but that was as deliberate as it gets. Refs give it a pass, I think, if they were on the verge of bringing them back into center anyway.
Probably no one on this board knows what was said in the Sanderson-Starocci conversations over the last 2 weeks. However, it seems pretty clear that Starroci wanted to wrestle at B1Gs, thought he could wrestle, and apparently was even expecting to wrestle (perhaps until minutes prior to his quarter-final bout).

The thing I don't understand is why the PSU staff isn't more forthright and manage the expectations differently, rather than clinging to the "he heals fast and doing a lot better than expected, but we'll have to wait and see" mantra. Just directly say up front, publicly and in conversations with Starocci, "We're not going to take any chance of needlessly aggravating the injury at B1Gs, so he's not going to wrestle at B1Gs unless he 100% healed, which the doctors expect will be unlikely".

I'm no insider, but just don't understand the approach taken by the coaching staff. Didn't get it for the Nicky Cruiseliner situation, and don't get if for the Starocci situation.
I appreciate the Nicky Cruiseliner reference. Perfect !!!!!!! This will replace my “Nicky Transfer” moniker!
Bartlett and Mendez

Not much action but Mendez suprises Beau with a clean double, which Barlett somehow fought off. Barlett also fights off another shot on the edge with a whizzer.

Mendez takes down to start the second. Beau with a few mat returns but lets him go with :35 RT. Still not a lot of action from Beau.

Beau out from bottom in the third, holds :19 RT. Beau hasn't shot yet.

Beautiful D by Beau to fend off a deep shot with a whizzer, but Mendez keeps at it and gets the TD with under ten seconds. First loss for Beau.