2024 Olympics Wrestling (merged)

Burroughs x handle is still alliseeisgold?

Kevin James What GIF by TV Land

I Dont Get It Last Laugh GIF by Rooster Teeth
Does anyone know who all attends the freestyle camp in Co Springs this week? I assume these guys are bringing partners. U23 guys attend? Club coaches?
this is such a boomer take. rhythmic gymnastics and synchronized swimming have been in the olympics since the 80's. is break dancing really that different than either of those? move your body in a pretty pattern and a judge will tell you who won.

now if you want to take out all judged events, that might have some merit. but to just say the baggy clothes kids shouldn't get to play is asinine.
They should absolutely get to compete but not in the Olympics. Synchronized swimming and rhythmic gymnastics at least have Olympic history.
40 is infinitely greater than 0. Let's add tango, ballet and chess so we can get farther away from "sport."
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They should absolutely get to compete but not in the Olympics. Synchronized swimming and rhythmic gymnastics at least have Olympic history.

this is exactly the "i got mine, f*** you" mentality that i'm talking about
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this is exactly the "i got mine, f*** you" mentality that i'm talking about
So any "activity" that can be judged has an argument to be an Olympic sport? And supporters are justified in indignance if their fringe passion isn't granted or is questioned?
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So any "activity" that can be judged has an argument to be an Olympic sport? And supporters are justified in indignance if their fringe passion isn't granted or is questioned?

you know that i didn't say anything as broad or general as that and you're being intentionally disingenuous in your argument. breaking absolutely has the same sporting merit as some already established olympic "activities", as you put it. saying it doesn't belong is arbitrary gatekeeping and doesn't further the conversation.

the fact that you're using the same strawman arguments parroted by many from older generations to denigrate younger generations proves my boomer theory correct.
I used to be a sports “purist”. Then my daughter became a competitive figure skater. She enjoyed synchronized skating more than singles due to the team component. Skating is a brutal sport- ice is very unforgiving. I would have loved to see synchronized skating make the Olympics, as it validates the work and passion that the athletes have. I may not like watching a given sport, but I don’t want to say which ones are “worthy” either.
you know that i didn't say anything as broad or general as that and you're being intentionally disingenuous in your argument. breaking absolutely has the same sporting merit as some already established olympic "activities", as you put it. saying it doesn't belong is arbitrary gatekeeping and doesn't further the conversation.

the fact that you're using the same strawman arguments parroted by many from older generations to denigrate younger generations proves my boomer
Feel free to label me a boomer all you want, but one thing that will never change generation to generation is the guys who played real sports will continue to look down their noses at the make believe sports that the baggy pants kids couldn't cut it at when they were in HS.

No amount of indignation is going to change that - ever.
I used to be a sports “purist”. Then my daughter became a competitive figure skater. She enjoyed synchronized skating more than singles due to the team component. Skating is a brutal sport- ice is very unforgiving. I would have loved to see synchronized skating make the Olympics, as it validates the work and passion that the athletes have. I may not like watching a given sport, but I don’t want to say which ones are “worthy” either.
I don't remember if it was a written article or a video interview, but it was written or spoken by Terry Brands back when wrestling was fighting to have the sport readopted by the International Olympic Committee.

Paraphrasing what Terry basically said/wrote, was we need to present the importance of wrestling as a stand alone sport. We need to remember that athletes of all Olympic sports work their tails off and commit their lives to mastering their sports as do wrestlers. We as a sport need to respect those athletes as well as their sport. The greatness of wrestling needs not belittle other Olympic sports or athletes and does wrestling a great disservice when we do so.

One of the best takes I have ever read/watched on the subject. Also an eye opening moment. It turns out that crazed lunatic pacing the Iowa bench or corner, occasionally walking onto the mat to help a referee make the proper call is not some crazy dumbass. Just crazy.

Happy 4th everybody.
Paraphrasing what Terry basically said/wrote, was we need to present the importance of wrestling as a stand alone sport. We need to remember that athletes of all Olympic sports work their tails off and commit their lives to mastering their sports as do wrestlers. We as a sport need to respect those athletes as well as their sport. The greatness of wrestling needs not belittle other Olympic sports or athletes and does wrestling a great disservice when we do so.
Exactly, we as wrestling fans know the struggle and the hard work that is put into it for so little recognition. Let's give the same amount of respect to them as we expect them to give to us.
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1st time that there are the same # of male and female olympic athletes. I for one, think professional sports- where millions $$ of payouts occur, should not be olympic sports (baseball, tennis, soccer). I also hate having more 'judging sports' vs a more definitive outcome - being first.
Happy 4th everyone
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1st time that there are the same # of male and female olympic athletes. I for one, think professional sports- where millions $$ of payouts occur, should not be olympic sports (baseball, tennis, soccer). I also hate having more 'judging sports' vs a more definitive outcome - being first.
Happy 4th everyone
So then if a sport reaches that level of financial success, it gets removed from the Olympics?

And what happens to the other sports when the IOC dumps basketball and soccer, viewership drops, and NBC cuts broadcast payments?
So then if a sport reaches that level of financial success, it gets removed from the Olympics?

And what happens to the other sports when the IOC dumps basketball and soccer, viewership drops, and NBC cuts broadcast payments?
perhaps. i'm a traditionalist and don't think the big time $$ sports deserve to be in (makes me wonder why cricket/rugby isn't in). Viewership isn't all that high and they're pushing everything they can. BTW - this year - every sport can be streamed
you know that i didn't say anything as broad or general as that and you're being intentionally disingenuous in your argument. breaking absolutely has the same sporting merit as some already established olympic "activities", as you put it. saying it doesn't belong is arbitrary gatekeeping and doesn't further the conversation.

the fact that you're using the same strawman arguments parroted by many from older generations to denigrate younger generations proves my boomer theory correct.
Feel free to label me a boomer all you want, but one thing that will never change generation to generation is the guys who played real sports will continue to look down their noses at the make believe sports that the baggy pants kids couldn't cut it at when they were in HS.

No amount of indignation is going to change that - ever.
One thing I’m sure we can all agree on….Today’s music SUCKS!
perhaps. i'm a traditionalist and don't think the big time $$ sports deserve to be in (makes me wonder why cricket/rugby isn't in). Viewership isn't all that high and they're pushing everything they can. BTW - this year - every sport can be streamed
Rugby 7s is in once again and cricket will be in for 1928. Non-sports like break dancing and dancing with ball and ribbons are in while baseball and softball are out. I still don't understand why horsey riding is an Olympic event.

Somehow, recreational activities have become sports. Bring on bowling!
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Have any of you guys tried race walking? Even for a mile? I recommend you do that before downplaying a sport because it looks or sounds silly.