2024 Olympics Wrestling (merged)

Rugby 7s is in once again and cricket will be in for 1928. Non-sports like break dancing and dancing with ball and ribbons are in while baseball and softball are out. I still don't understand why horsey riding is an Olympic event.

Somehow, recreational activities have become sports. Bring on bowling!
Wait for cornhole.
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Best of all was Brands telling me to get a new shirt!

Have any of you guys tried race walking? Even for a mile? I recommend you do that before downplaying a sport because it looks or sounds silly.
I walk a fair amount at our local HS track. I can easily walk 4 to 5 mph. One night this older guy, who had to be close to 70, dusted me. I tried like hell to keep pace with him but couldn't. I was impressed and slightly embarrassed.
Donovan Ball is going to Paris as ABs training partner, per Donovan. Really a good group of guys we are sending over. That MF Dake burned any decade plus long resentment I had of him when within 30 seconds of me walking in the gym, he approached me and said “nice shirt”. He also instructed the pose for his picture with my kids.
Running is much harder on your joints due to being momentarily airborne. Walking is low impact and has tremendous health benefits. For a higher intensity, full body workout, try Nordic walking sticks. You burn about 30% more calories than walking unaided. They are also great for the downhill portions of hikes if you have bad knees!
I try and walk as much as I can but my air intake isn't what it use to be, I run out of gas rather quickly now days!
That is both unfortunate and strange.
I haven’t run in about 20 years or so - I’m 56. I’m thinking when I get more time, I’ll try and start from almost scratch and work my way up to running again. It’ll probably have to be on gravel/dirt/grass to save wear and tear. I’ve had to sacrifice at least 15 of those years for my boys - and leisure activities were the first cut - so that explains the gap.
Rugby 7s is in once again and cricket will be in for 1928. Non-sports like break dancing and dancing with ball and ribbons are in while baseball and softball are out. I still don't understand why horsey riding is an Olympic event.

Somehow, recreational activities have become sports. Bring on bowling!
1928! That is a lot of Oly history. Sorry Roar...too easy
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That’s a shame , doesn’t feel the same with them not participating.
I would have loved to see a few Ukraine v Russia mach ups. It could have been a confrontation reminiscent of the Hungary v USSR water polo match in the 1956 Melbourne Olympics which later became known as the "Blood in the Water Match." If Russia somehow shows up in Paris, my money will be on the Ukrainians.
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Rugby 7s is in once again and cricket will be in for 1928. Non-sports like break dancing and dancing with ball and ribbons are in while baseball and softball are out. I still don't understand why horsey riding is an Olympic event.

Somehow, recreational activities have become sports. Bring on bowling!
They had to bring the horsey events back on land since so many drown in that water polo event! 🤣😂
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I haven’t run in about 20 years or so - I’m 56. I’m thinking when I get more time, I’ll try and start from almost scratch and work my way up to running again. It’ll probably have to be on gravel/dirt/grass to save wear and tear. I’ve had to sacrifice at least 15 of those years for my boys - and leisure activities were the first cut - so that explains the gap.
I'm 54 and did the 15 k at heiner state park this year. Worst cramps I've ever had and I was chugging pickle juice like water. Supposed to help with cramps not sure how that worked out for me. That race is a nightmare. I'm amazed people run the whole 50 k heiner challenge lol
Alright, bros story time about how I accessed Olympic training camp.

I live in Co Springs, and about mid-May I see the team is coming for camp in July and am wondering how I can attend. No idea if any practices are open. My son’s preschool is at the kids’ elementary school and they have morning class for 3 year olds and afternoon for 4s. On the last day they have a combined party, so you end up there with a bunch of parents and kids you don’t know. Went last year, was not interested in it this year, told my wife as much. So the day comes, and literally five minutes before my wife and son leave, I think to myself “school party beats work” so I throw on my Penn State hoodie and head over.

Get to the party, and there is a lady wearing a Wisconsin wrestling shirt. I don’t know about you, but if someone is wearing a wrestling shirt, that’s someone I’m striking up a convo with. We get to talking,
I tell her it sucks about Hamiti, introduce myself. She says “I’m Sam Zadick. Bill is my husband.” GTFO. Closed mouths don’t get fed so I ask her about camp. She says no sweat, Bill will put you on the list and you come on in. Turns out they are building a house about a mile from me as the crow flies.

So earlier this week, I shoot her a text, she gives me some dates/times and we are ON for the 4th.

Morning of the 4th, roll up to OTC security gate, gal asks what’s my business as I pull up to the athletes and coaches entrance in my baller mini van, I give her my name, she goes in the booth for a minute, comes back out and points me to the wrestling facility. Park the car, head to the facility, Bill and the team are headed in. Bill sees me and my fam, greets us like we been bros for 20 years, and we head on in.

Not a damn person there not affiliated with USA wrestling, a college, or highschool guys training except my family. One lady actually asked my wife and me if we were Penn Stare trainers. Should have told her my name was Dan Weekly (poor man’s Monthley). Bill introduces me to Royce Alger and Duane Goldman (again, GTFO), then gets the team rolling. Practice was a 15 minute warmup and 75 minutes working guts. They brought it in two or three times for instruction. Details. Where to lock your hands, where on the other guy your hands should be when you lock your hands, hip height, etc. Coach Brands was first of current guys I talked to. He busted my chops about my shirt, I asked him about doing the Incline (look it up if you never heard of it, he told me every year the pain goes this way (arms in upward trajectory) and speed goes this way (arms down). He’s a good guy. I would die on that hill before meeting him. Practice wraps, schedule for next day announced. Gym open at 6, weigh-in at 7, first match at 10. Two matches. Everything timed to simulate Olympic schedule. I ask Bill all good if I come. He says no sweat, but no recording anything because they don’t want it on the webs. I can live with that. All the guys on the team are gracious with my kids. Donovan Ball is personable as all get out. I asked Zain and he confirms Varner and Cody are en route and will be here tomorrow. My kids, who don’t really care much for wrestling, are all bummed the day was through.

Friday we head in about 9:30 to get some pennants for hopefully some autographs. Get to gym about 5 til, Alger is on the mat ringing a cowbell to simulate international vibe. Dare I say he was having FUN? Everybody goes two matches accept for Snyder. Big props to all the guys there to help get team USA better. I’ll forget some of the guys who worked with the team. Pat Lugo and Dan Dennis with Spencer, Josh Saunders and Sergio Lemley with Zain, Ball with Dake and AB, Varner with AB, Isaac Trumble with Snyder, and Ben Keuter with Parris. As the session is winding down, my kids, Zadick’s kids, and Zadick’s in-laws kids all start horsing around on the mat. Snyder was riding herd to make sure they didn’t get to close to the HWs, Dake seemed to be getting a kick out of my 8 year old daughter wiping the mat with my son, hence the single leg picture. I asked him to show her a Dake bomb, he said he didn’t want my daughter to kill my son.

The kids are running around the mats, getting autographs. Zain and Cody are 2+ mat lengths away. I point them out to my kids and they bust their humps to get to them. As soon as they get their autographs, Cody bee-lined it over and struck up conversation with me for about 10 minutes. What you see from him is what I got. Appreciate the support, grateful for that and the success. You know. My daughter later said when they were getting autographs Cody asked where her parents were. Pretty cool of him to make a point to come over.

I did ask Zain if he ever busted Cael’s stones about the only thing stopping him from being second 4x undefeated was Cael not shirting him freshman year. He said never once, not even in jest, and he has zero regrets about it. I was always pulling for him, but seeing him practice, he has to be grinding hard to cut. Full sweats, sweatshirt on running around the room after matches. Go get it, Zain.

Lots of Michigan guys there. Coaches Jackson and Churella, Lemley, Jaden Bullock, I think our boy Lewan. Some others. Jax Forrest was there. I’m not up on the highschool game like some of you, it I’m sure some other studs amongst the group. Mike Machiavello reffing matches. Really cool to see guys from different walks of college life pulling the rope in the same direction.

I am interested to talk with Bill when he gets back about the administrative and logistics that go into it.

Awesome two days. My kids demanded I order a mat for the house. Stay tuned.
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Alright, bros story time about how I accessed Olympic training camp.

I live in Co Springs, and about mid-May I see the team is coming for camp in July and am wondering how I can attend. No idea if any practices are open. My son’s preschool is at the kids’ elementary school and they have morning class for 3 year olds and afternoon for 4s. On the last day they have a combined party, so you end up there with a bunch of parents and kids you don’t know. Went last year, was not interested in it this year, told my wife as much. So the day comes, and literally five minutes before my wife and son leave, I think to myself “school party beats work” so I throw on my Penn State hoodie and head over.

Get to the party, and there is a lady wearing a Wisconsin wrestling shirt. I don’t know about you, but if someone is wearing a wrestling shirt, that’s someone I’m striking up a convo with. We get to talking,
I tell her it sucks about Hamiti, introduce myself. She says “I’m Sam Zadick. Bill is my husband.” GTFO. Closed mouths don’t get fed so I ask her about camp. She says no sweat, Bill will put you on the list and you come on in. Turns out they are building a house about a mile from me as the crow flies.

So earlier this week, I shoot her a text, she gives me some dates/times and we are ON for the 4th.

Morning of the 4th, roll up to OTC security gate, gal asks what’s my business as I pull up to the athletes and coaches entrance in my baller mini van, I give her my name, she goes in the booth for a minute, comes back out and points me to the wrestling facility. Park the car, head to the facility, Bill and the team are headed in. Bill sees me and my fam, greets us like we been bros for 20 years, and we head on in.

Not a damn person there not affiliated with USA wrestling, a college, or highschool guys training except my family. One lady actually asked my wife and me if we were Penn Stare trainers. Should have told her my name was Dan Weekly (poor man’s Monthley). Bill introduces me to Royce Alger and Duane Goldman (again, GTFO), then gets the team rolling. Practice was a 15 minute warmup and 75 minutes working guts. They brought it in two or three times for instruction. Details. Where to lock your hands, where on the other guy your hands should be when you lock your hands, hip height, etc. Coach Brands was first of current guys I talked to. He busted my chops about my shirt, I asked him about doing the Incline (look it up if you never heard of it, he told me every year the pain goes this way (arms in upward trajectory) and speed goes this way (arms down). He’s a good guy. I would die on that hill before meeting him. Practice wraps, schedule for next day announced. Gym open at 6, weigh-in at 7, first match at 10. Two matches. Everything timed to simulate Olympic schedule. I ask Bill all good if I come. He says no sweat, but no recording anything because they don’t want it on the webs. I can live with that. All the guys on the team are gracious with my kids. Donovan Ball is personable as all get out. I asked Zain and he confirms Varner and Cody are en route and will be here tomorrow. My kids, who don’t really care much for wrestling, are all bummed the day was through.

Friday we head in about 9:30 to get some pennants for hopefully some autographs. Get to gym about 5 til, Alger is on the mat ringing a cowbell to simulate international vibe. Dare I say he was having FUN? Everybody goes two matches accept for Snyder. Big props to all the guys there to help get team USA better. I’ll forget some of the guys who worked with the team. Pat Lugo and Dan Dennis with Spencer, Josh Saunders and Sergio Lemley with Zain, Ball with Dake and AB, Varner with AB, Isaac Trumble with Snyder, and Ben Keuter with Parris. As the session is winding down, my kids, Zadick’s kids, and Zadick’s in-laws kids all start horsing around on the mat. Snyder was riding herd to make sure they didn’t get to close to the HWs, Dake seemed to be getting a kick out of my 8 year old daughter wiping the mat with my son, hence the single leg picture. I asked him to show her a Dake bomb, he said he didn’t want my daughter to kill my son.

The kids are running around the mats, getting autographs. Zain and Casey are 2+ mat lengths away. I point them out to my kids and they bust their humps to get to them. As soon as they get their autographs, Casey bee-lined it over and struck up conversation with me for about 10 minutes. What you see from him is what I got. Appreciate the support, grateful for that and the success. You know. My daughter later said when they were getting autographs Casey asked where her parents were. Pretty cool of him to make a point to come over.

I did ask Zain if he ever busted Cael’s stones about the only thing stopping him from being second 4x undefeated was Cael not shirting him freshman year. He said never once, not even in jest, and he has zero regrets about it. I was always pulling for him, but seeing him practice, he has to be grinding hard to cut. Full sweats, sweatshirt on running around the room after matches. Go get it, Zain.

Lots of Michigan guys there. Coaches Jackson and Churella, Lemley, Jaden Bullock, I think our boy Lewan. Some others. Jax Forrest was there. I’m not up on the highschool game like some of you, it I’m sure some other studs amongst the group. Mike Machiavello reffing matches. Really cool to see guys from different walks of college life pulling the rope in the same direction.

I am interested to talk with Bill when he gets back about the administrative and logistics that go into it.

Awesome two days. My kids demanded I order a mat for the house. Stay tuned.
POTY finalist right here. Thanks!
Alright, bros story time about how I accessed Olympic training camp.

I live in Co Springs, and about mid-May I see the team is coming for camp in July and am wondering how I can attend. No idea if any practices are open. My son’s preschool is at the kids’ elementary school and they have morning class for 3 year olds and afternoon for 4s. On the last day they have a combined party, so you end up there with a bunch of parents and kids you don’t know. Went last year, was not interested in it this year, told my wife as much. So the day comes, and literally five minutes before my wife and son leave, I think to myself “school party beats work” so I throw on my Penn State hoodie and head over.

Get to the party, and there is a lady wearing a Wisconsin wrestling shirt. I don’t know about you, but if someone is wearing a wrestling shirt, that’s someone I’m striking up a convo with. We get to talking,
I tell her it sucks about Hamiti, introduce myself. She says “I’m Sam Zadick. Bill is my husband.” GTFO. Closed mouths don’t get fed so I ask her about camp. She says no sweat, Bill will put you on the list and you come on in. Turns out they are building a house about a mile from me as the crow flies.

So earlier this week, I shoot her a text, she gives me some dates/times and we are ON for the 4th.

Morning of the 4th, roll up to OTC security gate, gal asks what’s my business as I pull up to the athletes and coaches entrance in my baller mini van, I give her my name, she goes in the booth for a minute, comes back out and points me to the wrestling facility. Park the car, head to the facility, Bill and the team are headed in. Bill sees me and my fam, greets us like we been bros for 20 years, and we head on in.

Not a damn person there not affiliated with USA wrestling, a college, or highschool guys training except my family. One lady actually asked my wife and me if we were Penn Stare trainers. Should have told her my name was Dan Weekly (poor man’s Monthley). Bill introduces me to Royce Alger and Duane Goldman (again, GTFO), then gets the team rolling. Practice was a 15 minute warmup and 75 minutes working guts. They brought it in two or three times for instruction. Details. Where to lock your hands, where on the other guy your hands should be when you lock your hands, hip height, etc. Coach Brands was first of current guys I talked to. He busted my chops about my shirt, I asked him about doing the Incline (look it up if you never heard of it, he told me every year the pain goes this way (arms in upward trajectory) and speed goes this way (arms down). He’s a good guy. I would die on that hill before meeting him. Practice wraps, schedule for next day announced. Gym open at 6, weigh-in at 7, first match at 10. Two matches. Everything timed to simulate Olympic schedule. I ask Bill all good if I come. He says no sweat, but no recording anything because they don’t want it on the webs. I can live with that. All the guys on the team are gracious with my kids. Donovan Ball is personable as all get out. I asked Zain and he confirms Varner and Cody are en route and will be here tomorrow. My kids, who don’t really care much for wrestling, are all bummed the day was through.

Friday we head in about 9:30 to get some pennants for hopefully some autographs. Get to gym about 5 til, Alger is on the mat ringing a cowbell to simulate international vibe. Dare I say he was having FUN? Everybody goes two matches accept for Snyder. Big props to all the guys there to help get team USA better. I’ll forget some of the guys who worked with the team. Pat Lugo and Dan Dennis with Spencer, Josh Saunders and Sergio Lemley with Zain, Ball with Dake and AB, Varner with AB, Isaac Trumble with Snyder, and Ben Keuter with Parris. As the session is winding down, my kids, Zadick’s kids, and Zadick’s in-laws kids all start horsing around on the mat. Snyder was riding herd to make sure they didn’t get to close to the HWs, Dake seemed to be getting a kick out of my 8 year old daughter wiping the mat with my son, hence the single leg picture. I asked him to show her a Dake bomb, he said he didn’t want my daughter to kill my son.

The kids are running around the mats, getting autographs. Zain and Cody are 2+ mat lengths away. I point them out to my kids and they bust their humps to get to them. As soon as they get their autographs, Cody bee-lined it over and struck up conversation with me for about 10 minutes. What you see from him is what I got. Appreciate the support, grateful for that and the success. You know. My daughter later said when they were getting autographs Cody asked where her parents were. Pretty cool of him to make a point to come over.

I did ask Zain if he ever busted Cael’s stones about the only thing stopping him from being second 4x undefeated was Cael not shirting him freshman year. He said never once, not even in jest, and he has zero regrets about it. I was always pulling for him, but seeing him practice, he has to be grinding hard to cut. Full sweats, sweatshirt on running around the room after matches. Go get it, Zain.

Lots of Michigan guys there. Coaches Jackson and Churella, Lemley, Jaden Bullock, I think our boy Lewan. Some others. Jax Forrest was there. I’m not up on the highschool game like some of you, it I’m sure some other studs amongst the group. Mike Machiavello reffing matches. Really cool to see guys from different walks of college life pulling the rope in the same direction.

I am interested to talk with Bill when he gets back about the administrative and logistics that go into it.

Awesome two days. My kids demanded I order a mat for the house. Stay tuned.
I’m trying to imagine a better “runnerup” event to watching our 6-pack compete in Paris . . . Can’t.
"They'll be telling their grandkids about this."
Alright, bros story time about how I accessed Olympic training camp.

I live in Co Springs, and about mid-May I see the team is coming for camp in July and am wondering how I can attend. No idea if any practices are open. My son’s preschool is at the kids’ elementary school and they have morning class for 3 year olds and afternoon for 4s. On the last day they have a combined party, so you end up there with a bunch of parents and kids you don’t know. Went last year, was not interested in it this year, told my wife as much. So the day comes, and literally five minutes before my wife and son leave, I think to myself “school party beats work” so I throw on my Penn State hoodie and head over.

Get to the party, and there is a lady wearing a Wisconsin wrestling shirt. I don’t know about you, but if someone is wearing a wrestling shirt, that’s someone I’m striking up a convo with. We get to talking,
I tell her it sucks about Hamiti, introduce myself. She says “I’m Sam Zadick. Bill is my husband.” GTFO. Closed mouths don’t get fed so I ask her about camp. She says no sweat, Bill will put you on the list and you come on in. Turns out they are building a house about a mile from me as the crow flies.

So earlier this week, I shoot her a text, she gives me some dates/times and we are ON for the 4th.

Morning of the 4th, roll up to OTC security gate, gal asks what’s my business as I pull up to the athletes and coaches entrance in my baller mini van, I give her my name, she goes in the booth for a minute, comes back out and points me to the wrestling facility. Park the car, head to the facility, Bill and the team are headed in. Bill sees me and my fam, greets us like we been bros for 20 years, and we head on in.

Not a damn person there not affiliated with USA wrestling, a college, or highschool guys training except my family. One lady actually asked my wife and me if we were Penn Stare trainers. Should have told her my name was Dan Weekly (poor man’s Monthley). Bill introduces me to Royce Alger and Duane Goldman (again, GTFO), then gets the team rolling. Practice was a 15 minute warmup and 75 minutes working guts. They brought it in two or three times for instruction. Details. Where to lock your hands, where on the other guy your hands should be when you lock your hands, hip height, etc. Coach Brands was first of current guys I talked to. He busted my chops about my shirt, I asked him about doing the Incline (look it up if you never heard of it, he told me every year the pain goes this way (arms in upward trajectory) and speed goes this way (arms down). He’s a good guy. I would die on that hill before meeting him. Practice wraps, schedule for next day announced. Gym open at 6, weigh-in at 7, first match at 10. Two matches. Everything timed to simulate Olympic schedule. I ask Bill all good if I come. He says no sweat, but no recording anything because they don’t want it on the webs. I can live with that. All the guys on the team are gracious with my kids. Donovan Ball is personable as all get out. I asked Zain and he confirms Varner and Cody are en route and will be here tomorrow. My kids, who don’t really care much for wrestling, are all bummed the day was through.

Friday we head in about 9:30 to get some pennants for hopefully some autographs. Get to gym about 5 til, Alger is on the mat ringing a cowbell to simulate international vibe. Dare I say he was having FUN? Everybody goes two matches accept for Snyder. Big props to all the guys there to help get team USA better. I’ll forget some of the guys who worked with the team. Pat Lugo and Dan Dennis with Spencer, Josh Saunders and Sergio Lemley with Zain, Ball with Dake and AB, Varner with AB, Isaac Trumble with Snyder, and Ben Keuter with Parris. As the session is winding down, my kids, Zadick’s kids, and Zadick’s in-laws kids all start horsing around on the mat. Snyder was riding herd to make sure they didn’t get to close to the HWs, Dake seemed to be getting a kick out of my 8 year old daughter wiping the mat with my son, hence the single leg picture. I asked him to show her a Dake bomb, he said he didn’t want my daughter to kill my son.

The kids are running around the mats, getting autographs. Zain and Cody are 2+ mat lengths away. I point them out to my kids and they bust their humps to get to them. As soon as they get their autographs, Cody bee-lined it over and struck up conversation with me for about 10 minutes. What you see from him is what I got. Appreciate the support, grateful for that and the success. You know. My daughter later said when they were getting autographs Cody asked where her parents were. Pretty cool of him to make a point to come over.

I did ask Zain if he ever busted Cael’s stones about the only thing stopping him from being second 4x undefeated was Cael not shirting him freshman year. He said never once, not even in jest, and he has zero regrets about it. I was always pulling for him, but seeing him practice, he has to be grinding hard to cut. Full sweats, sweatshirt on running around the room after matches. Go get it, Zain.

Lots of Michigan guys there. Coaches Jackson and Churella, Lemley, Jaden Bullock, I think our boy Lewan. Some others. Jax Forrest was there. I’m not up on the highschool game like some of you, it I’m sure some other studs amongst the group. Mike Machiavello reffing matches. Really cool to see guys from different walks of college life pulling the rope in the same direction.

I am interested to talk with Bill when he gets back about the administrative and logistics that go into it.

Awesome two days. My kids demanded I order a mat for the house. Stay tuned.
Just my thoughts. You are a fortunate person.

Your kids are 3 and 4. "School party beats everything." FIFY

Your lucky to have a few kids. The next 14-15 years will go by quickly.
You might look at this visit to the OTC as a reward for doing the right thing. The real reward was the extra few hours/days with those kids.
Ignore the Flo clickbait headline -- good interview with Aaron.

Paraphrasing lol
CP- you don’t lift weights?
AB- Nah
CP- you look like you lift weights
AB- Nah I just wrestle
CP- that’s crazy because you look like you lift
AB-nah I just push and pull big guys and I lifted all through college with the team but I don’t lift

Confused Joe Biden GIF by CBS News
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