2024 Sr World Team Trials, Sept 14-15

No, I realize this isn’t where to ask, but I figured maybe Pyles or somebody mentioned it during stream of a FS match 😂
70kg 3rd Place - #4 PJ Duke (KDTC) VS #8 Yahya Thomas (NJRTC)

Here we go. Thomas shoots, nothing. Circling & tying up. PJ pushing forward, Thomas on his knees & they go out of bounds, point PJ, 1-0, restart. PJ almost had a turn going out of bounds. Tying up & hand fighting. Thomas drops to a leg, PJ fights out of it & they're back to their feet. Thomas faking, PJ faking now too. Thomas reaches, PJ counters, nothing. PJ controlling center. Stoppage, Thomas passivity warning, restart. PJ coming forward & they break. Thomas looks to drop to a leg, but nothing. Back to center circling. Thomas shoots, PJ backs out of it. 2nd passivity warning Thomas & he goes on the clock, restart. Thomas coming forward, PJ on the edge, but he circles back in. Shot clock point PJ, 1-0. 43-sec left. Tying up & circling. PJ controlling center. 30-sec left. Thomas coming forward, stoppage, PJ passivity warning, restart. Circling & tying up as the period ends. 1-0 PJ

Here we go again. Tying up & circling, PJ reaches, nothing. Thomas reaches, nothing. Circling, Thomas reaches again, nothing. Tying up, PJ pushing forward, Thomas on the edge. Stoppage, PJ 2nd passivity warning & he goes on the clock. Tying up & circling. PJ looking for an opening. drags, nothing. Thomas shot clock point, 1-1, adv Thomas. 1:50 left. Thomas shoots, PJ counters & gets a TD on the edge, 3-1, restart, 90-sec left. Tying up, Thomas fakes, nothing. Circling & head tapping. PJ looking 2 on 1, Thomas tries something, PJ counters & gets another TD, 5-1, 1-min left, restart. Tying up & circling. PJ back to the 2 on 1 & they break. Circling & tying up again, 30-sec left. PJ holding solid position. Thomas can't find any opening. 15-sec left. More tying up & circling as the period ends.

PJ Duke DEC Yahya Thomas 5-1

PJ wins 3rd Place!
Is there a bigger talker on Twitter than his dad?

Why, oh why? Please don't tell me that you are skeptical that Levi is over 180 now. Should I file that away with the Facundo certification assertion you made?
No is just seems like you are in your words "You just threw it out there - spitballing, I guess. Drivel, I call it." ... With this take - "If they ask him to wrestle 184 he wouldn't have to cut any weight, but he would be giving anything away either."

So last year's 157 Levi is now worthy of even wild speculation to jump 3 weight classes, bump Cater back to 174, and go 184??? Now that is some serious spitballin drivel IMO. It seems we share the same defficiency my brother.
No is just seems like you are in your words "You just threw it out there - spitballing, I guess. Drivel, I call it." ... With this take - "If they ask him to wrestle 184 he wouldn't have to cut any weight, but he would be giving anything away either."

So last year's 157 Levi is now worthy of even wild speculation to jump 3 weight classes, bump Cater back to 174, and go 184??? Now that is some serious spitballin drivel IMO. It seems we share the same defficiency my brother.
Would be better if you could keep straight who posted what. I didn't post that.

But what the poster was trying to say is that Levi is weighing over 180 now, not that he was going to wrestle 184. That's not spitballing if you were paying attention to people who actually have seen and spoke to Levi. There were several posts about that just recently.
61kg Best of 3 Finals - Match 2 - Marcus Blaze VS Vitali Arujau

Here we go. Match #2. Arujau won the first match 2-1
Circling & head tapping, then tying up. Arujau coming forward. Arujau shoots, nothing. Stoppage, passivity Blaze. Arujau pressuring forward. Arujau shoots, nothing. Back to the tie up in the center, stoppage, restart. Circling & tying up, Arujau coming forward. Blaze 2nd passivity warning & he goes on the clock, 1:22 left. Blaze shoots, Arujau down blocks & they're back to center. Blaze shoots again, nothing, Arujau shoots, Blaze blocks him off. Arujau shot clock point, 1-0. Arujau shoots, Blaze blocks off. Arujau passivity warning, restart. Circling & tying up & hand fighting, 30-sec left. Arujau with a hard club as the period expires, 1-0 Arujau. Just like last time.

Back to action. Circling, Arujau half shot, nothing. Blaze shoots, nothing. Back to center circling & tying up. Arujau shoots, gets a leg, working & takes Blaze out of bounds, 2-0, restart. Circling & tying up. Blaze coming forward a little now, 2-min left. Arujau near the edge, but circles back to center. Blaze pushing forward, Arujau shoots, Blaze circles away. 1:30 left. Circling, Blaze shoots, stoppage & Blaze with another passivity warning & he goes back on the clock. Blaze shoots, nothing & again, nothing. Blaze looking for an opening, but can't find one. Arujau another shot clock point, 3-0. Blaze attacking harder now, Arujau shoots a double, but Blaze fights it off, works through it & keeps coming forward. Blaze gets to a leg & quickly takes Arujau out of bounds, 3-1, 8-sec left. Blaze shooting, looking for an opening, but he can't find anything.

Vito Arujau DEC Marcus Blaze 3-1 & wins the best of 3 series 2 matches to none.

Great job by a high school kid! He may have lost his last match, but he won some big ones this weekend. Great job Marcus! I really hope he commits to PSU soon!
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We're 15 years in and those guys are still puzzled and in denial about Cael and PSU. They may lip service it every once in a while, but deep down they still are waiting for order to be restored.
Don't be surprised to see Levi have a major wrapped up, yet with 10 seconds left in the match let Arnold up just to score one more takedown.
Not if he sticks with precedent. He’s always started the 10 that are best to achieve program goals while giving the wrestlers ample opportunity to convince him why they should be in the lineup. See 2014-15
don't worry the best team will go in Jan!
No is just seems like you are in your words "You just threw it out there - spitballing, I guess. Drivel, I call it." ... With this take - "If they ask him to wrestle 184 he wouldn't have to cut any weight, but he would be giving anything away either."

So last year's 157 Levi is now worthy of even wild speculation to jump 3 weight classes, bump Cater back to 174, and go 184??? Now that is some serious spitballin drivel IMO. It seems we share the same defficiency my brother.
To clarify the weight thing.
From the horse's mouth, "after practice weighed out at 181."
So he has to cut to make 174. If for some reason he were ask to wrestle 184 he would not need to cut anything to wrestle that weight, but he would not be giving up much of anything either.
I love how pissed Blaze looked after the match. He believed he was going to win even if most others didn’t. Vito is so good when he moves in and out like he did in this match especially if he is also handfighting hard. I hope we see him vs Ono as well but as of now my $ would be on Ono.
Vito looked good but not peak Vito. I know it is kind of a cop out but when he is ON he just scores at will against anyone. I tend to agree with you about Ono. Ono has a similar build to Crookham and will hold center all day on Vito. Vito will need to be on his absolute A game offensively at worlds if those two face off.
Not if he sticks with precedent. He’s always started the 10 that are best to achieve program goals while giving the wrestlers ample opportunity to convince him why they should be in the lineup. See 2014-15

A lot has changed since 2014-15. Back then Cael RSed ZR so he could lead Generation 2 for 3 years. Now everything is rolling along so smoothly that it's hard to know when Gen 3 ends and Gen 4 begins. And it seems Gen 5 is already in the pipeline.
70kg Best of 3 Finals - Match 2 - James Green VS Alec Pantaleo

Green is up one match to none. Circling & head tapping. Pantaleo shoots, nothing & again, nothing again. Tying up now. Green holding center. Circling & tying up. Green working an under hook, stoppage, Pantaleo passivity warning, restart. Circling & hand fighting & tying up. 2-min left. Pantaleo half shot, nothing. Green working an under hook again & they break. Tying up, stoppage, Pantaleo 2nd passivity warning & he goes on the clock, restart. Green working an under hook, nothing. Pantaleo with a drag & go behind attempt, but Green turns & faces him. Green shot clock point, 1-0, 1-min left. Tying up, Green working an under hook, Pantaleo on the edge, but circles back to center. Circling & tying up, Pantaleo shoots, Green sprawls, nothing. Stoppage, Green passivity warning, restart, 20-sec left. Circling & tying up, Pantaleo pushing forward a little & that's how the period ends. 1-0 Green

Circling & head tapping & hand fighting. Pantaleo tries a drag, nothing. More circling & head tapping. Green looks under hook, nothing. Stoppage, Green 2nd passivity warning & he goes on the clock. Tying up, Green under hook, nothing. Pantaleo shoots, nothing. Green coming forward, but Pantaleo circles back in. Pantaleo shot clock point, 1-1, adv Pantaleo. 1:45 left. Circling & head tapping. Green comes forward, Pantaleo circles back. Stoppage, Pantaleo 3rd passivity warning & he goes on the clock again, restart. Circling & tying up. Pantaleo looking for an opening, Green with solid defense. Green another shot clock point & goes up 2-1. 45-sec left. Circling, Pantaleo coming forward a little, Pantaleo snaps, nothing. Pantaleo shoots, nothing. Pantaleo more active now, Pantaleo shoots, Green sprawls. Green warned for attention or activity. Circling, Pantaleo coming forward, Green just backing up & the ref lets him, as time expires.

James Green DEC Alec Pantaleo 2-1

James Green wins the Best of 3 Series 2 matches to none.
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79kg Best of 3 Finals - Match 2 - Chance Marsteller VS Jordan Burroughs

Burroughs won the first match. Circling, Chance coming forward a little. Burroughs pushing back. Tying up & circling, Chance drives forward, Burroughs circles back to center. Tying up again, hand fighting & then back to the tie up. Chance reaches for a leg, nothing. Burroughs passivity warning, restart. Circling, Burroughs backing away now, then they have collar ties & are hand fighting. Chance shoots, nothing, stoppage. Burroughs 2nd passivity warning & he goes on the clock. Circling, 90-sec left. Chance coming forward, and they're tying up. Chance shot clock point, 1-0, Burroughs drives forward & takes Chance out of bounds, but time was called before, so no points. Injury or blood time Chance. Back to action. Tying up. Burroughs reaches for a leg, nothing, Chance reaches for a leg, nothing. Chance drops down & they're back to their feet circling. Chance passivity warning. Circling, 30-sec left. Stoppage & warning for something, hands to face, I think. Circling & tying up. Chance coming forward a little, stoppage & another warning for hands to the face on Burroughs, I believe & that's how the period ends. 1-0 Chance

Back at it. Burroughs shoots off the whistle, but Chance evades. Burroughs picking up the pace now. Tying up, Burroughs pushing forward. Burroughs getting more aggressive. Stoppage, Chance 2nd passivity warning & he goes on the clock. Circling, Chance looking for an opening, Burroughs keeping distance, Burroughs shoots, Chance counters, nothing. Burroughs shot clock point, 1-1, adv Burroughs. Circling, Burroughs shoots, nothing. Chance looking for an opening, but Burroughs with solid defense. 90-sec left. Burroughs coming forward, Chance near the edge, grounded on his knees. Burroughs keeps coming forward & almost gets a step out, but Chance grounds himself, stalemate, restart, 1:09 left. Chance bleeding again & Burroughs getting a needed breather. Back at it. Burroughs shoots in on a double, lifts & takes Chance to his back for 4, 5-1, Chance gets a head pinch exposure too & it's 5-3, restart. Chance shoots off the whistle, Burroughs circles back in. Burroughs has Chance on the edge & gets another step out, 6-3, restart. Chance attacking, Burroughs with solid defense. Chance keeps coming, but can't find an opening. Stoppage, attention warning Burroughs, restart. Chance coming forward again, but can't find any points.

Jordan Burroughs DEC Chance Marsteller 6-3 & wins the Best of 3 Series 2 matches to none.
Man, Marsteller should have rushed JBs ass when JB quit to celebrate with three seconds left.
92kg Best of 3 Finals - Match 3 - David Taylor VS Zahid Valencia

Taylor won the first match. Here we go. Valencia coming forward off the whistle, Taylor on his knees, then circles back to center. Valencia looking under hook, coming forward. Taylor on his knees back near the edge again, Valencia tries a gator roll, stoppage. Taylor injured. Valencia squeezed out Taylor's contact lens. Lol. Back to action & tying up. Valencia quite active to start. Stoppage, Taylor passivity warning, restart. Taylor shoots a double, switches to a single, but Valencia fights him off. Back to center tying up & circling. Valencia passivity warning, restart. Taylor shoots a High-C & takes Valencia out of bounds for 2, 2-0, restart. Valencia wants a brick, but the corner doesn't throw it. Tying up & circling, Valencia snaps, Taylor re-attacks, nothing. Valencia shoots, Taylor with a slick counter for another TD, 4-0, restart. Tying up & circling, Valencia coming forward a little. Taylor shoots again, Valencia defending & Taylor takes him out of bounds, 5-0, wait no points, still 4-0, restart. Valencia snaps, gets a leg, but is on his knees. Taylor has a near side cradle locked up, flips Zahid over & gets the fall!

David Taylor FALL Zahid Valencia (2:49) & wins the Best of 3 Series 2 matches to none.
I agree with that but for him it has to be so hard falling further back into the pack. He’s had a great career and could continue placing top 3 for quite awhile probably but that’s not what he wants. Coming out of high school most thought that there were NCAA, world and Olympic gold in his future but he’s fallen a bit short in each one. I’m not meaning to diminish him in any way because he is an incredible wrestler and most would die to have a career like his. I just think it’s hard to get up train like you need to everyday after the losses he’s taken recently. The past couple years haven’t been great for him
Daton LOVES training and wrestling. He’s also blessed to have no major injuries.

When is Blaze going to finally tell OSU and break their hearts? He has PSU written all over him. Cael will write Tan Tom a thank you for letting his guy train in their RTC and spending so much time with him lmao. Hell they even had Steiber over in Spain chasing him around. That will be the saddest day in Bucknuts history since the day they lost Kyle to us.

He rolls with matt Ramos mostly.

Kennedy > Arnold IMO.

Nah. He wishes, but he’s not.