2024 Sr World Team Trials, Sept 14-15

Liam Gallagher Smile GIF by Oasis
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Agreed. Shirting Levi now specifically to get Facundo in the lineup makes no sense. It merely kicks the can down the road a year. And it's not how Cael operates.

If Cael thinks Levi needs more time to adjust to his new weight, different story. But we have no evidence of this. And lots of guys have gone up 2 weights successfully. Without inside info, no reason to think Levi would need more than the fall to adapt.

How much stock do y’all put in Byers’ perspective on lineup speculation? I have wondered how much access and inside intel he has to the internal team workings (I assume it’s quite a bit). He does appear to choose his words pretty carefully when talking about such things, which I have interpreted as him protecting state secrets and/or not wanting to jeopardize his access.

Anyway, FWIW, he seems to be in the Levi is going to redshirt camp in this clip:

Is there any way to find out Levi's actual weigh in weight today? Did he come in at a full 79kg or a little bit under? It'll be interesting to see how he physically looks.
Brackets up on Flo Arena:

61kg R32:
#5 Marcus Blaze (Perrysburg WC) VS #12 Kyle Burwick
#6 Jax Forrest (YG) VS #11 Nico Provo (Connecticut)

R32 - #4 PJ Duke has a bye
R16 - #4 PJ Duke VS Vince Bouzakis (Wyoming Sem)

R32 - #7 Levi has a bye
R16 - #7 Levi Haines VS #10 Joey Bianchi (Arkansas RTC)

92kg R32:
#1 David Taylor VS #16 Aidan Brenot (Bison WC)
#11 Connor Mirasola VS #6 Aeoden Sinclair (Tiger Style WC)
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I went back and watched Burroughs vs Dake at Nebraska and there was a ton of booing of Dake.

I get so sick and tired of the self-righteous claiming their morally superior fans don’t boo. Fans boo. Every fanbase does. Especially boorish behavior like fixing socks for a minute at every whistle.
smalls would absolutely chime in and tell them all to be better.
61kg - R16 - #5 Marcus Blaze VS #12 Kyle Burwick

Burwick with a snap & half shot, nothing. Circling & tying up, looking for an opening. Stoppage, passivity warning Burwick, 2:10 left, restart. Blaze holding position in the center. More tying up & circling. Burwick shoots, Blaze counters & gets a TD, 2-0, no turns, restart, 1:20 left. Tying up & circling & hand fighting. Blaze fakes, Burwick backs out to evade, then back to the circling & tying up. 30-sec left. Blaze holding position in the center, but not doing much more. Burwick moving around a bit, but neither wrestler doing much & the period ends
2-0 Blaze

Back to action. Burwick looking for an under hook, but no luck. Burwick shoots, gets to a leg & finishes the TD, 2-2, adv Burwick, restart, 2:14 left. Blaze shoots in, Burwick tries to Dake bomb him, but Blaze evades it & gets another TD, 4-2, adds a turn, 6-2, restart. Circling & tying up, Burwick half shot, nothing & back to the tie up. Burwick looking for an opening, but Blaze with solid positioning, 1-min left. Blaze passivity warning, restart. Burwick looking for a shot, but can't find an opening. 30-sec left. More circling & Burwick taking some shots, & that's how it ends.

Marcus Blaze DEC Kyle Burwick 6-2
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61kg - R16 - #6 Jax Forrest (YG) VS #11 Nico Provo (Connecticut)

Jax coming forward, Provo circles back to center, then drops in on a leg, Jax locked in through the crotch & it's a stalemate, restart. Tying up, Jax reaches for a leg, nothing, tries a snap, nothing, then a throw by & gets a TD, 2-0, adds a turn, 4-0, restart, 2:02 left. Provo shoots, Jax sprawls out of it & they're back on their feet. Jax reaches for a leg, but Provo fights him off. Jax keeps coming forward & gets a throw by for another TD & then adds a couple turns to finish off the tech.

Jax Forrest TECH Nico Provo 10-0 (4:48)
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70kg - R16 - PJ Duke (KDTC) VS Vince Bouzakis (Wyoming Sem)

PJ with a quick TD, 2-0, no turns, restart, 2:36 left. Circling, Bouzakis shoots, PJ backs out of it. Tying up & circling, 2-min left. Bouzakis shoots, PJ counters, they're scrambling & stalemate, restart, 1:44 left. Injury or blood time. Back to action & circling, Bouzakis looking under hook, drops down to a leg, but PJ works out of it & reaches for a leg, nothing & then again & picks up another TD, no turns, restart, 1:14 left. Bouzakis reaching for a leg, but nothing. Circling & hand fighting, then tying up & pushing. PJ reaches for a leg, nothing. More circling, PJ tries a drag, nothing & they're back on their feet circling as the period expires.
4-0 PJ

Back to action, Circling & looking for an opening by both, Bouzakis tries a double, but PJ blocks him off & they're back to tying up & circling. PJ drives forward, but Bouzakis fights him off. 2-min left. Passivity warning Bouzakis, restart. Tying up & circling, Bouzakis reaches for a leg, nothing. PJ working a 2 on 1 & they break. Bouzakis shoots, PJ blocks him off & they're back to circling in the center. PJ coming forward a little, Bouzakis 2nd passivity warning & goes on the clock, 1:14 left. Bouzakis reaches for a leg, nothing, then shoots in for the leg, PJ counters & gets another TD, 6-0, no turns, restart, 48-sec left. PJ shoots off the whistle, but Bouzakis blocks him off. PJ adds a shot clock point, 7-0, 30-sec left. Bouzakis coming forward a little, PJ tries a trip, nothing & that's how it ends.

PJ Duke DEC Vince Bouzakis 7-0
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79kg R16 - #7 Levi Haines VS #10 Joey Bianchi (Arkansas RTC)

Levi looking much bigger. I wonder what he weighted in at? He looks taller, to me, too & looks well sized for the weight class. He also looks like he could add more weight comfortably, or his frame could handle it.
Levi driving forward, shoots, but Bianchi backs out. Back to center, tying up, Levi shoots, nothing, Bianchi drops in on a leg, Levi coming over the top & stalemate, restart, 2:15 left. Tying up. Levi drops in on a double, keeps working & gets the TD, 2-0, no turns, restart, 1:39 left. Tying up, Levi pushing forward, Bianchi circles back to center. Bianchi drops in on a leg, Levi sprawls & it's another stalemate, 1:05 left. Bianchi head snap. Levi looking under hook, snaps Bianchi down & then takes him out of bounds, 3-0, restart, 40-sec left. Circling, Levi coming forward a little, Bianchi shoots, Levi counters & gets another TD as the period expires, 5-0 Levi.

Back at it & tying up. Levi shoots in on a single, Bianchi fights out of it. Levi keeps driving forward & gets another step out, 6-0, restart. Tying up, Bianchi drops in on a leg, Levi trying to fight it off & Bianchi takes Levi out of bounds, 6-1, restart, 2:11 left. Tying up again. Levi pushing forward a little, Bianchi shoots, nothing. Levi drops in on a double, lifts Bianchi off the mat & takes him back down for 2 more, adding an exposure too, 10-1. Levi keeps working & picks up the FALL!

Levi Haines FALL Joey Bianchi (4:45)
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92kg R16 - #11 Connor Mirasola VS #6 Aeoden Sinclair (Tiger Style WC)

Tying up & circling. Connor shoots, Sinclair blocks him off, stoppage, restart. Tying up & hand fighting. Connor reaches for an ankle, but can't get to it. Sinclair reaches for an ankle, no luck. Sinclair passivity warning, restart, 2-min left. Tying up, Connor coming forward, Sinclair with an arm drag & takes Connor out of bounds, 1-0 Sinclair, restart. Connor coming forward again & they're back to center hand fighting & tying up, 1-min left. Passivity warning Connor. 52-sec left. Tying up again, Sinclair snaps & drags, but Connor fights out of it. Great defense. Connor with a high-C, Sinclair locked through the crotch & rolls Connor over & again for 2+2, 5-0 as the period ends.

Cael & Casey in Connor's corner

Back to action. Connor shoots, Sinclair with a chest lock & rolls Connor over & then again, 9-0, restart, 2:30 left. Tying up & pushing, Connor reaches for a leg, nothing. Connor drops in on a leg, Sinclair gets a chest lock again & rolls Connor over once again for the tech.

Aeoden Sinclair TECH Connor Mirasola 11-0 (4:19)
Pat Downey was up 6-2 in the 2nd. Then the Natty Light and cigars kicked it.....gassed out and got teched 16-6 by Max Hale. Refused to take ref's hand and just walked off. Coach handed him a Natty Light and cigar. ( pretty certain ) :)
You have to wonder what goes on in his head that he keeps showing up to these things. Does he think he has a chance to make the team? Does he just love competing (training - not so much)? Is it like a high school class reunion for him and gets to see his old friends?