2024 Sr World Team Trials, Sept 14-15

I got forest over DeSantis! I don't like the way I'm thinking but gross over Blaze, I think gross gets over the hump thus time.
61kg QF - #6 Jax Forrest (YG) VS #3 Austin DeSanto (HWC)

Tying up, on their knees now, stalemate, restart. DeSanto coming forward, hand fighting & then they tie up again. Jax on his knees, then back to his feet. Both on their knees now & it's a stalemate, restart. Circling & hand fighting, then tying up, DeSanto tries a throw by, nothing. Stoppage, Jax passivity, restart. Jax slide by, DeSanto squares him up. Back to circling & tying up. Stoppage, DeSanto passivity warning. DeSanto coming forward. Jax working for the TD & it's another stalemate, restart. Tying up & circling, hand fighting. Stoppage. DeSanto 2nd passivity warning, goes on the clock. DeSanto shoots, Jax sprawls, stalemate, restart, 45-sec left. Tying up, DeSanto drops in on a leg, keeps working, Jax locked in through the crotch & gets a point as they go out of bounds, 1-0 Jax. Restart, 15-sec left & that's how the period ends.

Jax shot, DeSanto re-attack, gets the leg & takes Jax out of bounds, 1-1, adv DeSanto. DeSanto back in on a leg, scrambling & Desant rolls Jax through for 4, 5-1 DeSanto. Jax challenging. Challenge won, score change to 6-3 DeSanto. DeSanto in on a leg, working, Jax locked in through the crotch, stalemate, restart, 1:54 left. Tying up & circling, DeSanto shoots, Jax sprawls, DeSanto driving forward, has a seat belt now, Jax whizzers & it's another stalemate, restart, 1:15 left. DeSanto shoots, Jax sprawls, stalemate again, 59-sec left, restart. Tying up & circling, Jax throw by, nothing. DeSanto shoots, Jax reattacks & Jax throws in a leg & they roll out of bounds, 2 for Jax & it's 6-5 DeSanto. 36-sec left, restart. Tying up, Jax coming forward, tries a throw by & another, DeSanto counters & gets to the legs for another TD, 8-5, restart. Jax throws another brick, 14-sec left.
Challenge lost, point DeSanto, 9-5, restart. Jax coming forward, DeSanto blocking him off, restart. Jax coming forward & drives DeSanto out as time expires, 9-6, add a caution +1 for a 9-7 final

Austin DeSanto DEC Jax Forrest 9-7
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70kg QF - #4 PJ Duke VS #5 Jarrett Jacques (TSWC)

Circling, PJ with a half shot & back to the tie up. Hand fighting & collar ties, then they break. Passivity warning Jacques, 2:11 left, restart. Circling, PJ fakes, switches to a 2 on 1 & they break. Jacques shoots, nothing. PJ throw by, nothing. Jacques 2nd passivity warning, goes on the clock, restart. PJ working another 2 on 1, Jacques pulls out of it. Back to center circling, Jacques coming forward, PJ blocks him off. PJ shot clock point, 1-0. PJ working another 2 on 1, 1-min left. Circling & tying up. PJ passivity warning, 43-sec left. Tying up, PJ looking under hook, nothing. PJ snaps, nothing. Tying up & pushing in the center. Jacques shoots, PJ circles out of it & the period ends. 1-0 PJ.

Back to action. Circling & hand fighting. Jacques reaches for a leg, PJ counters, but nothing. Back to center circling. PJ looking under hook again. Passivity warning PJ #2, goes on the clock. Circling, PJ coming forward a little. Shot clock point Jacques, 1-1, adv Jacques. 1:55 left. PJ working a 2 on 1 again, but no luck. Back to center & circling. PJ a little more active now. Jacques 3rd passivity warning, goes on the clock again. PJ trips & gets exposure in the process, but it's white paddled. Ref at the table now. 2 for PJ, 3-1, Jacques in on a leg, PJ countering & gets another TD, 5-1, adds a shot clock point & it's 6-1, 1:04 left. Refs back at the table.
Restart, Jacques coming forward, PJ holding solid position. Jacques shoots, PJ counters for another TD, 8-1, restart, 36-sec left. Jacques coming forward, gets to a leg & comes around for another TD, 8-3, restart, 19-sec left. Injury or blood time PJ. Back to action. Jacques shoots, nothing, shoots again, but PJ blocks it all off.

PJ Duke DEC Jarrett Jacques 8-3
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Wish they had a thumbs down button for this post 😄

I think Duke has a chance against Pantaleo. I didn’t coming in but Pantaleo hasn’t looked great. 3-3 against Morton and 2-0 against Yayha. Duke is wrestling great especially defensively. Would be so cool to see him in the finals against James Green
79kg QF - #7 Levi Haines (NLWC) VS #2 Jordan Burroughs (PRTC)

Here we go. Circling & head tapping. Both throwing hard clubs. Levi more so. Circling, Levi snaps, Burroughs drives forward & pushes Levi out, 1-0. Levi bumped heads or something & takes a moment to recover. Back to action. Circling, Burroughs drives forward, Levi counters & they go out of bounds, no points, grounded, restart, 1:53 left. Med or blood time now. Levi might have a cut.
Back to action. Circling, Levi shoots, nothing. Burroughs drives forward & pushes Levi out again, 2-0, restart. Circling, stoppage, Burroughs hands to the face, restart. Circling. Burroughs fakes, nothing. Levi reaches for a leg, nothing. Both are being quite physical. Levi passivity warning, 1:05 left. Levi drives forward, Levi gets to a leg & takes Burroughs out of bounds, 2-1, restart, 52-sec left. Circling. Levi snaps, Burroughs shoots a double, switches to a single, but Levi blocks him off, restart, 33-sec left. Circling & tying up, Burroughs snaps, nothing, Levi counters, nothing & back to circling. Burroughs in on a leg & takes Levi out of bounds as the period expires. 3-1 Burroughs

Cale & Casey in Levi's corner.

Back at it. Circling, Levi coming forward a little, snaps, nothing. Back to the tie up, Levi pushing forward, Burroughs shoots, nothing. Tying up, Levi reaches, nothing, Burroughs reaches, nothing & back to circling. Burroughs reaches for an ankle, Levi counters, Burroughs keeps working & they go out of bounds, point Burroughs, 4-1, restart, 2:15 left. Tying up, Levi pushing forward a little, Burroughs circles back to center. Burroughs shoots, nothing. Tying up, Levi pushing forward, Burroughs on the edge, but circles back in. 1-min left. Levi drives forward, Burroughs blocks him off. Levi looking for an opening, but Burroughs moving well & holding good defensive position. Circling & tying up, 30-sec left. Levi coming forward, Burroughs circles back to center. Levi looking for an opening, but Burroughs with solid defense & that's how it ends.

Jordan Burroughs DEC Levi Haines 4-1
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