2024 Sr World Team Trials, Sept 14-15

61kg Consi 8 #2 - Jax Forrest (YG) VS. Kyle Burwick (BWC)

Burwick shoots a double off the whistle, Jax counters & gets to a leg for 2, 2-0, they keep scrambling & go out of bounds. Jax gets another 2 & Burwick picks up 2 too & it's 4-2 Jax, 2:31 left. Burwick challenging. Long challenge, Jax sitting on the mat. Challenge lost, point Jax, score changed to 5-2 Jax, restart, 2:31 left. Extremely long break, but finally back to action. Circling & tying up, Jax throw by, Burwick gets an exposure 4-4, but Jax keeps fighting for the TD, 6-4 Jax, restart. Tying up & hand fighting & circling. Burwick drives in, Jax counters & is locked through the crotch, stalemate, restart, 1:17 left. Circling & head clubbing. Burwick reaches for a leg, nothing. Circling, Burwick driving Jax towards the edge, Jax on his knees, but counters as they go out of bounds, no scoring, restart. Circling & tying up, looking for position. Jax gets to a leg, Burwick wrapped around the waist, but Jax finishes the TD & adds a turn, 10-4 as the period ends.

Back to action. Burwick shoots in, Jax countering, they're scrambling & Jax comes out with an ankle, more scrambling & they go out of bounds, no scoring, restart. Tying up, Burwick shoots, Jax blocks him off. Burwick coming forward, 2-min left. More hand fighting , Burwick drops in on a leg, Jax locks through the crotch & rolls Burwick through, 12-4, they keep scrambling & Burwick gets an exposure too, 12-6, restart, 1:15 left. Circling & tying up, Burwick drives in, Jax counters & they break. Tying up & circling again. Burwick shoots, Jax counters for a TD, 14-6, restart, 32-sec left. Circling & head tapping, then tying up. Burwick coming forward, reaches for a leg, Jax counters for another TD & the 16-6 tech with 5 sec left.

Jax Forrest TECH Kyle Burwick 16-6 (5:55)
Chance is so hard to get to and when he gets a lead it’s almost impossible. His defense was incredible and Keegan couldn’t generate any offense. For Keegan to win he needed to create scrambles but Chance was so sound positionally he had no chance. JB vs Chance should be another great one
79kg Consi 8 #2 - Levi Haines (NLWC) VS #12 Matthew Bianchi (Arkansas RTC)

Bianchi shorter & stockier than Levi. Levi looks great for the weight. Here we go. Circling & hand fighting, Levi drops in on a double, lifts Bianchi off the mat & takes him back down for a TD, 2-0, keeps working & adds a turn & then another, 6-0, restart. Circling & tying up, 2-min left, & they break. Levi stalking forward, Bianchi shoots, nothing. Tying up, Levi coming forward again & they break. Levi drops to a leg & takes Bianchi out, 7-0, restart, 1:17 left. Bianchi with a throw by off the whistle, but Levi counters & they go out of bounds, no scoring, restart. Circling & tying up, 1-min left. Levi coming forward, Bianchi fakes a shot. Back to the tie up, Bianchi working a 2 on 1, but Levi fights out of it. Tying up & circling again & that's how the period ends. 7-0 Levi.

Back to action. Circling & tying up, Bianchi snaps, nothing. Bianchi shoots, nothing, but then gets to a leg, Levi fighting it off, has a whizzer now & they go out of bounds, no scoring, 2:22 left, restart. Tying up, Levi coming forward, but Bianchi circles back to center. Bianchi reaches for a leg, nothing. Levi shoots, nothing, 1:37 left. Circling & tying up, Bianchi half shot, nothing. Levi pushes forward, Bianchi pushes back & they break. Levi reaches for a leg, nothing. Bianchi drops in on a leg, Levi sprawls, stalemate, restart, 36-sec left. Bianchi reaches for a leg off the whistle, nothing. Levi drops in on a leg, keeps working & gets another TD, 9-0, restart, 14-sec left. Hand fighting, Bianchi half shot, Levi half shot & that's how it ends.

Levi Haines DEC Matthew Bianchi 9-0
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Man....I was so looking forward to Downey wrestling again......for another 90 seconds. Just couldn't get his socks up in time. Did he announce he wasn't going to wrestle consolations this time?

UPDATE: Of course he didn't. They were calling his name while Chuckweuzi walked around for over 3 minutes before they raised his hand. Classometer registers Zero.
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61kg Finals - #5 Marcus Blaze (PWC) VS #2 Daton Fix (CRTC)

Here we go! Tying up & fighting for position to start the first. Daton controlling the center. Stoppage, passivity warning Blaze, restart, 2:15 left. Daton shoots, nothing. Fix looking under hook, almost drives Blaze out. Stoppage, Blaze 2nd passivity warning, goes on the clock. Tying up & circling & hand fighting. Fix shot clock point, 1-0, 1:12 left. Blaze shoots, nothing. 1-min left. Tying up, Fix shoots, nothing. Stoppage, Fix passivity warning. 45-sec left, restart. Fix shoots a high-c, nothing. Blaze shoots, nothing, 20-sec left. Tying up & circling & that's how the period ends. 1-0 Fix

Close match. 3-min more. Back at it. Tying up, Fix looking under hook, driving forward now, but Blaze holding position. Daton more active than Blaze. 2:30 left. Stoppage, Blaze 3rd passivity warning, goes back on the clock. Fix hard collar tie, Blaze complaining to the ref, but that doesn't help. Fix 2nd shot clock point, 2-0. Blaze coming forward a little now. Blaze drops in on a leg, they're scrambling, Fix has a foot too, they keep scrambling & go out of bounds, no points. Great scramble! Tying up & circling. Fix 2nd passivity warning, goes on the clock. Blaze drops in on an ankle, but Fix fights him off. Shot clock point Blaze, 2-1, 31-sec left. Circling & tying up, Blaze coming forward now, looking for an opening. Stoppage & warning on Daton. Blaze shoots, gets a leg, but Fix kicks out. Blaze pressuring forward & takes Fix out of bounds as time expires, 2-2 adv. Blaze. Wow! Blaze might just have won this! Fix challenging. Long challenge. Challenge lost, point Blaze, 3-2 Blaze wins! Wow! Marcus Blaze beats Daton Fix!

Marcus Blaze DEC Daton Fix 3-2
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61kg Finals - #5 Marcus Blaze (PWC) VS #2 Daton Fix (CRTC)

Here we go! Tying up & fighting for position to start the first. Daton controlling the center. Stoppage, passivity warning Blaze, restart, 2:15 left. Daton shoots, nothing. Blaze looking under hook, almost drives Blaze out. Stoppage, Blaze 2nd passivity warning, goes on the clock. Tying up & circling & hand fighting. Fix shot clock point, 1-0, 1:12 left. Blaze shoots, nothing. 1-min left. Tying up, Fix shoots, nothing. Stoppage, Fix passivity warning. 45-sec left, restart. Fix shoots a high-c, nothing. Blaze shoots, nothing, 20-sec left. Tying up & circling & that's how the period ends. 1-0 Fix

Close match. 3-min more. Back at it. Tying up, Fix looking under hook, driving forward now, but Blaze holding position. Daton more active than Blaze. 2:30 left. Stoppage, Blaze 3rd passivity warning, goes back on the clock. Fix hard collar tie, Blaze complaining to the ref, but that doesn't help. Fix 2nd shot clock point, 2-0. Blaze coming forward a little now. Blaze drops in on a leg, they're scrambling, Fix has a foot too, they keep scrambling & go out of bounds, no points. Great scramble! Tying up & circling. Fix 2nd passivity warning, goes on the clock. Blaze drops in on an ankle, but Fix fights him off. Shot clock point Blaze, 2-1, 31-sec left. Circling & tying up, Blaze coming forward now, looking for an opening. Stoppage & warning on Daton, Blaze shoots, gets a leg, but Fix kicks out. Blaze pressuring forward, & takes Fix out of bounds as time expires, 2-2 adv. Blaze. Wow! Blaze might just have won this! Fix challenging. Long challenge.
Challenge lost, point Blaze, 3-2 Blaze wins! Wow! Marcus Blaze beats Daton Fix!

Marcus Blaze DEC Daton Fix 3-2
Awesome. It would have been fun to watch Vito annihilate Fix again without all the coaching challenge chicanery bullshit we’d see at NCAAs all the time
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92kg Finals - #1 David Taylor (CRTC) VS #2 Trent Hidlay (WWC)

Here we go! Hidlay pushing forward off the whistle, but not for long, Taylor shoots, nothing. Taylor with a go behind for a TD & adds a turn, 4-0, restart. Taylor drops to a double off the whistle, keeps working & gets another TD, 6-0, restart, 2:13 left. Tying up & hand fighting. Hidlay snaps, nothing. Hidlay looks under hook, jacks Taylor up & gets a TD, 6-2, restart. Tying up, Taylor coming forward, working an under hook. Hidlay on the edge, Hidlay counters, but it's a stalemate. Hidlay coming forward off the whistle, Taylor counters, has a leg & it's another stalemate, restart, 50-sec left. Hidlay gaining confidence. Tying up & pushing & hand fighting. Hidlay pushing forward as time expires. 6-2 Taylor

Back at it, Hidlay coming forward a little, now Taylor pushing back, looking under hook & they break. Hand fighting & tying up, action has slowed, 2-min left. Hidlay looks under hook, Taylor counters, but no scoring. Back to center, Hidlay pushing forward & they break. Hidlay pushing forward again, Taylor on his knees now, Hidlay with a chest lock, stalemate, restart, 1:04 left. Hidlay coming forward, Taylor shoots, nothing. Hidlay jumps Taylor over for a TD, 6-4, restart, 44-sec left. Hidlay throw by, almost scores again, but nothing, restart, 35-sec left. Hidlay battling hard. Taylor looking fatigued. Hidlay tries jumping over Taylor again, nothing. Hidlay shoots, Taylor counters for another TD, 8-4, restart. Hidlay comes forward, gets another TD & it's 8-6, Taylor counters & gets 2 also, maybe for exposure & it's 10-6. That's how it ends.

David Taylor DEC Trent Hidlay 10-6
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I don’t think we are talking enough about what Blaze just did. Kid has a full year of high school still and he just took out 2 past world teamers and one who has a silver medal at worlds. Absolutely incredible. Vito seems like a really tough matchup for him but with what he has shown this past year I’m not counting him out. His defense and mat IQ are off the charts. His edge wrestling against Nashon was so smart where he evaded a step out and ended up turning it into his own points. He wrestles like he has the experience of a guy with 10 years at the senior level. I really do feel like he’s headed to PSU and I know we will be just fine if he isn’t but I will be upset to see him represent another school. He just fits PSU so perfectly. A weight of need obviously but how he carries himself on and off the mat reminds me of Cael. Doesn’t like or want the spotlight. Just shows up, works hard and then goes out and destroys everyone. A future lineup with Luke, Blaze, Bo, and Duke in a row would be oh so nice. Make it happen Cael!
I don’t think we are talking enough about what Blaze just did. Kid has a full year of high school still and he just took out 2 past world teamers and one who has a silver medal at worlds. Absolutely incredible. Vito seems like a really tough matchup for him but with what he has shown this past year I’m not counting him out. His defense and mat IQ are off the charts. His edge wrestling against Nashon was so smart where he evaded a step out and ended up turning it into his own points. He wrestles like he has the experience of a guy with 10 years at the senior level. I really do feel like he’s headed to PSU and I know we will be just fine if he isn’t but I will be upset to see him represent another school. He just fits PSU so perfectly. A weight of need obviously but how he carries himself on and off the mat reminds me of Cael. Doesn’t like or want the spotlight. Just shows up, works hard and then goes out and destroys everyone. A future lineup with Luke, Blaze, Bo, and Duke in a row would be oh so nice. Make it happen Cael!
Or in folk terms:
☠️NCAA Champ Seth Gross
☠️NCAA Champ Nahshon Garrett
☠️4x NCAA Finalist Daton Fix

In consecutive matches.