2024 Sr World Team Trials, Sept 14-15

Fix should think about leaving his shoes on the mat. With this crop of youngsters coming up it’s only going to get more difficult. I have a hard time seeing Daton ever make another world team. DT and Gilman coming in could rejuvenate him I guess and possibly help him jump a level to where he needs to be to make another team but I just don’t see it
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Fix should think about leaving his shoes on the mat. With this crop of youngsters coming up it’s only going to get more difficult. I have a hard time seeing Daton ever make another world team. DT and Gilman coming in could rejuvenate him I guess and possibly help him jump a level to where he needs to be to make another team but I just don’t see it
For him personally, whatever he wants.

For USA Wrestling, absolutely not. Yes, he's likely capped behind Arujau and is at risk of sliding further back. But he's still a world silver who's less than one year out of college.

These trials would be miniscule if guys early in their senior careers with little/no shot at a world team hung it up. We need the competition and depth.
For him personally, whatever he wants.

For USA Wrestling, absolutely not. Yes, he's likely capped behind Arujau and is at risk of sliding further back. But he's still a world silver who's less than one year out of college.

These trials would be miniscule if guys early in their senior careers with little/no shot at a world team hung it up. We need the competition and depth.
26 and a half and less than a year out of college. Oooff
For him personally, whatever he wants.

For USA Wrestling, absolutely not. Yes, he's likely capped behind Arujau and is at risk of sliding further back. But he's still a world silver who's less than one year out of college.

These trials would be miniscule if guys early in their senior careers with little/no shot at a world team hung it up. We need the competition and depth.
I agree with that but for him it has to be so hard falling further back into the pack. He’s had a great career and could continue placing top 3 for quite awhile probably but that’s not what he wants. Coming out of high school most thought that there were NCAA, world and Olympic gold in his future but he’s fallen a bit short in each one. I’m not meaning to diminish him in any way because he is an incredible wrestler and most would die to have a career like his. I just think it’s hard to get up train like you need to everyday after the losses he’s taken recently. The past couple years haven’t been great for him
When is Blaze going to finally tell OSU and break their hearts? He has PSU written all over him. Cael will write Tan Tom a thank you for letting his guy train in their RTC and spending so much time with him lmao. Hell they even had Steiber over in Spain chasing him around. That will be the saddest day in Bucknuts history since the day they lost Kyle to us.
I agree with that but for him it has to be so hard falling further back into the pack. He’s had a great career and could continue placing top 3 for quite awhile probably but that’s not what he wants. Coming out of high school most thought that there were NCAA, world and Olympic gold in his future but he’s fallen a bit short in each one. I’m not meaning to diminish him in any way because he is an incredible wrestler and most would die to have a career like his. I just think it’s hard to get up train like you need to everyday after the losses he’s taken recently. The past couple years haven’t been great for him
I agree. To have such high expectations placed on you at an early age makes for some tough sledding. And now with this newest crop of young wrestlers in the mix I could see where that could weigh on him.
I agree with that but for him it has to be so hard falling further back into the pack. He’s had a great career and could continue placing top 3 for quite awhile probably but that’s not what he wants. Coming out of high school most thought that there were NCAA, world and Olympic gold in his future but he’s fallen a bit short in each one. I’m not meaning to diminish him in any way because he is an incredible wrestler and most would die to have a career like his. I just think it’s hard to get up train like you need to everyday after the losses he’s taken recently. The past couple years haven’t been great for him
I think with all these guys, you have to evaluate your goals realistically against where you are, the competition and the likelihood of reaching those goals. Then consider getting on with your life. Guys like Fix and Nolf have probably realized that there is a low probablility of making an Olympic team and decided to get on with their life.
I think with all these guys, you have to evaluate your goals realistically against where you are, the competition and the likelihood of reaching those goals. Then consider getting on with your life. Guys like Fix and Nolf have probably realized that there is a low probablility of making an Olympic team and decided to get on with their life.
Don't forget that some of these guys love to wrestle and love to train. They may not reach the top of the mountain, but they are loving the climb.
I am anxious to see the DT match today. The 'eyes' have him as a giant over all of his previous opponents. Anyone else see that? Wasn't expecting that view when bumping up.
Don't forget that some of these guys love to wrestle and love to train. They may not reach the top of the mountain, but they are loving the climb.
No doubt. That is why you see Nolf moving over to another combat sport, one where he still does not get punched in the face. Still gets to compete and train.

Point of my post, these guys see the writing on the wall and realize that it is time to start making money doing something else. Fix will probably end up coaching somewhere and will still get to roll around on the mat.
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In my humble opinion, Valencia gets the better of David today. Can't believe I'm saying this but DTs conditioning looks suspect, as it did against Brooks.
I've had similar thoughts. Zahid's tank has been his liability, but that has presented itself more at 86Kg. DT's pace vs Hidlay almost broke him. I hope David wins, but I won't be surprised if Zahid wins the spot.
Fix has made something like 8 world teams (age-group, u23, senior) and has five (ish?) medals to show for it. Hanging things up at 26 because he lost by a controversial point in the final second in the finals of the world team challenge tournament seems a bit over the top to me.
Sure but it isn’t just 1 controversial loss in the last seconds. He has fallen behind Vito clearly. Didn’t make it to Spencer. Lost to Gilman and now lost to a high school kid. Most of the medals you referenced were age level teams. I’m sure he could continue making teams as the second or third guy but I don’t see him making the team and wrestling at worlds. Maybe that’s enough for him, maybe not
61kg Best of 3 Finals - Match 1 - Marcus Blaze VS Vitali Arujau

Here we go! Circling & hand fighting. Blaze reaches for a leg, nothing. Back to circling & hand fighting, then tying up & breaking. Blaze looking 2 on 1. Stoppage, Blaze passivity warning, restart. Circling & hand fighting, Blaze back to the 2 on 1 & they break, 90-sec left. Stoppage, 2nd passivity Blaze & he goes on the clock. Circling & hand fighting again, 1-min left. Arujau shot clock point, 1-0, 40-sec left. Blaze back to the 2 on 1, working & they break, 20-sec left. Arujau shoots, nothing. More hand fighting & circling as the period expires. 1-0 Arujau. Both wrestlers were very cautious.

Back to action. Blaze shoots for a leg, gets a foot, but Arujau kicks away. Back to circling, stoppage, Arujau passivity warning. Back to circling & hand fighting. Arujau picking up the pace & getting more aggressive. Stoppage, blood time, Arujau gushing blood from the back of his head & it's running down the center of his chest. Not sure how that happened, but he's leaking like a broken faucet. They might need super glue to seal that cut up. Lol.
Arujau gets a Zain-style headband head wrap & we're back to action. 2:03 left. Arujau shoots off the whistle, Blaze circles away. Arujau coming forward a little, stoppage & Arujau 2nd passivity warning & he goes on the clock. Circling, Arujau looking for an opening, Blaze reaches for a leg, nothing. Arujau coming forward, Blaze looking to counter, but nothing. Shot clock point Blaze, 1-1, adv Blaze, 1-min left. Arujau drops in on a leg, elevates it & takes Blaze out of bounds, 2-1 Arujau, restart, 37-sec. Injury time Arujau. He appears to have hurt his hand. 46-sec left. Blaze coming forward, snaps, looking for an opening, reaches for a leg, nothing Arujau drops in on a leg, Blaze fights out of it, Blaze reaches & keeps attacking, but can't find an opening.

Vito Arujau DEC Marcus Blaze 2-1
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79kg Consi 4 - #7 Levi Haines (NLWC) VS #6 Evan Wick (SCRTC)

Tying up & circling, Wick shoots, nothing, Levi shoots, nothing. Wick drops in on a shot, gets to the legs & gets a TD, 2-0, restart. Circling & tying up, Wick reaches for a leg, nothing. Back to center circling, hand fighting & tying up. Wick is longer than Levi, but thinner too. 2-min left. Circling & more hand fighting. Levi pushing forward, drops in on a leg, Wick sprawls & it's a stalemate, restart, 1:20 left. Circling, Wick reaches for a leg, nothing. Levi shoots in, gets to the leg & the ref blocks the view. Levi gets a TD & adds a turn as they go out of bounds, 4-2, restart. Circling & hand fighting & tying up. Wick reaches for a leg, nothing. More tying up & circling as the period ends. 4-2 Levi

3-min more. Let's go Levi! Back to action. Circling & tying up. Wick snaps, nothing, reaches for a leg, Levi counters, gets to Wick's legs, sticks his head between Wick's legs, lifts Wick, keeps driving & they go out of bounds. No scoring? Okay. I thought there should have been points for Levi there. Back to neutral, 2-min left. Wick drops in on a leg & works for the TD, 4-4, adv Wick, restart, 1:46 left. Circling & tying up. Wick shoots, gets to the ankle, keeps working. Levi scrambling, comes over the top & gets Wick's ankles too & it's a stalemate, restart, 1:08 left. Circling & tying up, Levi coming forward, then they're back to center. Levi pushing forward again, Wick snaps & almost gets a TD, but Levi gets away. Levi drops in on a leg, keeps working, lifts Wick completely off the mat & then takes him back down for 4, 8-4. Levi keeps working & gets the pin! Levi Haines pins Evan Wick!!! Levi looks ready to go this year!!!

Levi Haines FALL Evan Wick (5:42)

Levi will face Keegan O'Toole in the Consi Semis.
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92kg Consi 4 - #11 Connor Mirasola (NLWC) VS #8 Marcus Coleman (CRTC)

Head slapping to start, then Connor drops in on a leg & looks to have a TD, but Coleman counters & gets it, 2-0, restart. Tying up & circling, Connor snaps, nothing & back to the tie up. Connor reaches for an ankle, gets to it, but Coleman fights out of it. Passivity warning Connor, restart, 2-min left. Tying up & pushing. Coleman coming forward a little, Connor pushing back on & they're back to center. More circling & tying up. 2nd passivity warning Connor, goes on the clock, 1:11 left. Tying up & circling, hand fighting & head slaps. Coleman shot clock point, 3-0. 35-sec left. Stoppage. Coleman passivity warning, 12-sec left & the period ends with more tying up. 3-0 Coleman

Back at it. Connor pushing forward, Coleman drops to a double & gets another TD, 5-0, restart, 2:40 left. Tying up & circling, Connor snaps & tries to go behind, but Coleman counters for another TD, 7-0, restart, 2:08 left. Connor shoots to a leg off the whistle, working, Coleman sprawling & it's a stalemate, restart, 1:47 left. Coleman shoots another double, Connor blocks him off. Connor coming forward now, but Coleman circles back to center. Tying up, Connor gets to an ankle, but is way over extended & it's another stalemate, restart, 1:05 left. Tying up & circling, Connor shoots, nothing. Back to the tie up, Connor shoots again, nothing, Coleman countering & comes around for another TD, 9-0, restart, 19-sec left. Tying up & circling as the period ends.

Marcus Coleman DEC Connor Mirasola 9-0
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79kg Best of 3 Finals - Match 1 - Chance Marsteller VS Jordan Burroughs

Tying up, hand fighting, Marsteller coming forward, JB circles back to center. JB gets poked in the eye or bumped heads, restart. Marsteller coming forward, head tapping & looking for an opening. Tying up, stoppage, JB passivity warning. Tying up, JB tapping at the head, drops in on a single, works behind, Marsteller with a quadpod, but JB flattens him & gets the TD, 2-0, restart, 1:41 left. Tying up, Marsteller pushing forward, JB snaps, nothing. Marsteller coming forward again, JB fakes, then shoots, Marsteller chest or head lock over the top & it's a stalemate, restart, 1:14 left. Marsteller coming forward again, JB circles back to center, Marsteller gets poked in the eye now. Back to action. Marsteller coming forward again, JB circles back to center & they're tying up & pushing. Stoppage, Marsteller passivity warning, restart, 40-sec left. Head slapping & tapping & snapping & circling. JB keeping his distance. More circling as the period ends. 2-0 JB

Marsteller coming forward a little, JB reaches for a leg, nothing. JB with a hard club, driving forward, Marsteller on the edge, JB drives Marsteller out, but he's grounded on his knees, restart. Tying up & pushing in the center of the mat. Stoppage, 2nd passivity warning Marsteller & he goes on the clock. Injury time or Marsteller has an eye or contact issue. It looks like a contact lens issue. Back to action. Tying up, JB faking, Marsteller pushing forward, but JB backing away & circling back in. JB shot clock point, 3-0, Marsteller pushing forward, JB on the edge, but circles back in. Marsteller shoots, nothing, 1:30 left. Marsteller on the edge now on his knees again & they go out of bounds, grounded, no score, restart, 1:20 left. Marsteller drops to both knees on the edge, so he's grounded when getting pushed out of bounds. Ref saying something to him after that exchange. Marsteller coming forward, shoots, nothing. Marsteller coming forward more aggressively now, but JB keeps evading & then they're back to center tied up. Marsteller shoots again, nothing, 40-sec left. Tying up in the center, Marsteller shoots, nothing, shoots again, nothing. 25-sec left. Tying up & circling. JB warning for something. Marsteller coming forward, but can't find an opening. Marsteller wasn't close to scoring in that match.

Jordan Burroughs DEC Chance Marsteller 3-1
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92kg Best of 3 Finals - Match 1 - David Taylor VS Zahid Valencia

Tying up, Taylor coming forward. Zahid looks big. Circling & tying up, Valencia snaps, nothing & Taylor gets poked in the eye, restart, 2:34 left. Valencia shoots off the whistle, nothing. Taylor coming forward, shoots, nothing. Taylor snaps, nothing & they're back to tying up in the center. Valencia passivity warning, restart. Valencia shoots a High-C, Taylor sprawls away, stalemate, restart. Head tapping & tying up. Taylor controlling center. Taylor drops in on a leg & takes Valencia out of bounds, for a step out, 1-0. Taylor was very close to a TD there, restart, 1:22 left.. Tying up & circling, stoppage, restart for something, 1-min left. Valencia fainting & faking, throws a hard club, Taylor shoots, nothing & back to center. Valencia drops in on a leg, lifts it & takes Taylor out of bounds, 1-1, adv Valencia, restart. Taylor shoots off the whistle, nothing. Tying up, Taylor pushing forward & that's how it ends.

Back to action. Circling, Taylor tries a double, Valencia blocks him off. Back to center circling & tying up. Sweet duck Valencia for a quick TD, 3-1, restart, 2:17 left. Valencia shoots, nothing Taylor looking go behind & gets a TD of his own, 3-3, adv Taylor, restart, 1:58 left. Circling, Taylor coming forward a little. Valencia fakes, nothing & they break. Valencia tries another duck, but it's a no luck duck, restart, 1:18 left. Tying up & pushing, Valencia High-C, Taylor backs out of it, looking to counter, but stalemate, restart. Taylor coming forward again, 45-sec left. Valencia taking some big breaths. Valencia shoots again, Taylor blocks him off. Back to center, Valencia shoots again. Taylor holds on to a front headlock as the period expires to take the first match.

David Taylor DEC Zahid Valencia 3-3 (Criteria advantage Taylor)
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