165 SF - Mitchell Mesenbrink VS Beau Mantanona (MICH)
Period 1:
Mantanona shoots & gets a quick TD, 3-0. Mesenbrink gets the escape, 3-1. Mitch presses forward. Mantanona drops to both knees. Mitch shoots & gets a leg. Mantanona locks through the crotch. Mitch keeps working, but it's a stalemate. Neutral restart. Mitch presses forward & tries a throw by, but no luck. Mitch shoots, but misses, 90-sec left. Mitch shoots, gets a leg & takes Mantanona to neutral danger, but no points. They're head to feet now. Mantanona keeps working, but Mitch comes behind for the TD, 4-3, 42-sec left. Mitch is looking for a cradle, but they go out of bounds, restart. Mantanona is still down, 29-sec left. Mitch is putting on a hard ride & has Mantanona bellied out. Mitch has a chicken wing & is trying to run it over, but the ref blows it dead for PD, restart. Mantanona is still down. Mitch rides out the 1st.
Period 2:
Mitch takes down, gets to his feet, then gets a leg & works for the escape, 5-3. Mitch picks an ankle, then it's blown dead for something. Why? Neutral start. Mitch with a lightning fast TD, 8-3. Mitch cuts Mantanona, 8-4. Mitch immediately hits another TD, 11-4. Mitch cuts Mantanona, 11-5. Out of bounds & restart. Mantanona gets a stall call. Mantanona shoots. Mesenbrink counters & it's stopped for something, PD maybe? Mitch presses forward, shoots & gets a leg. He keeps working & finishes off the TD, 14-5. Mitch goes over 1-min RT & rides out the period.
Period 3:
Mantanona takes down. Mitch gets Mantanona bellied out. Mitch with a hard ride. There's a goofy roll & Mantanona gets the escape. 14-6. Mitch shoots, Mantanona shoots, but nobody scores. Mitch presses forward & Mantanona gets another stall call, point Mitch, 15-6. Out of bounds & restart, 1:08 left. Mitch hits a TD off the whistle, then cuts Mantanona, 18-7. Mitch keeps coming & gets another TD, 21-7. Mitch cuts Mantanona, 21-8. Stall call #3 on Mantanona, point Mitch, 22-8. Mitch hits a double leg TD to finish off the 25-8 TECH!
Mitchell Mesenbrink TECH Beau Mantanona 25-8 (6:29)