2025 Big Ten Tournament thread

149-Pound 3rd Place - Shayne Van Ness VS Kyle Parco (IA)

Period 1:
Here we go! Circling, fakes & hand fighting. Van Ness reaches for an ankle, but no luck. Parco looks for a 2 on 1. Van Ness pushes forward & they break. Parco tries an underhook, but Van Ness pushes through it. More tying up & circling. Van Ness shoots & gets a leg. Parco locks around the waist. Van Ness keeps driving forward. They roll, then Van Ness hips over & gets the TD, 3-0. Van Ness gets Parco bellied out & turns him. Van Ness gets 4 NF & is looking for the pin. He's got the bow & arrow locked up tight. Van Ness looses the grip & settles for the back points, 7-0 Van Ness. Van Ness rides out the period. Van Ness +1:12 RT

Period 2:
Van Ness takes down. He gets to a quadpod, but Parco brings him back to the mat. Van Ness gets back to his feet, gets hand control & gets the escape, 8-0. Van Ness has +51-sec RT still. Tying up & pushing in the center. Van Ness shoots, but no luck. Van Ness throws Parco to the mat for another TD. Wow, 11-0. Van Ness gets Parco bellied out again & goes over 90-sec RT, 18-sec left in the period. Parco is going to spend the rest of it on his belly. 11-0 Van Ness, +1:50 RT

Period 3:
Parco takes down. He gets to his feet, but Van Ness is trying to keep him down. They keep working & Van Ness trips Parco back to the mat & he's bellied out again, 90-sec left. Parco almost gets up, but Van Ness sucks him back to the mat. Van Ness is looking for another bow & arrow & torquing on Parco. He gets 1 swipe, but that's it, 1-min left. Parco is still on his belly & gets a stall call, point Van Ness, 12-0, 30-sec left. Parco worms off the mat, restart. Parco is still down, 18-sec left. Parco hops forward off the whistle, but Van Ness stays with him. Out of bounds & restart again, 5-sec left. Van Ness rides Parco out. +3:50 RT for Van Ness. He adds a RT point for the 13-0 Major!!!

Shayne Van Ness MD Kyle Parco 13-0

Shayne Van Ness takes 3rd!
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Belt GIF

donkey GIF
I'm not sure why, because every time that I worry about Kasak he ends up doing something remarkable, but I admit that I am a bit nervous about Cannon. Just a little bit nervous though and mostly excited for Kasak.
And now Shayne kicks Parco's backside. Very nice. Horrible news with a possible injury for Barr and the Davis loss was frustrating, but damn, hard not to be pretty happy with how this tournament has gone. It is remarkable how Van Ness absolutely owns Parco, who isn't chopped liver. Should help Shayne's seed at NCAA's as well.
Assuming Henson wins ACCs, he and Lovett will be the 1 and 2 seeds, in that order.

Henson might get the 1 anyway. He'd beat Lovett in H2H, Win %, and RPI.

"Helps" or "hurts" seed is just a matter of which we'd rather see Shayne face in the semis.
Does Lovett owe Cael royalty fees for using “grateful” more than once in an interview?
That match right there between Webster and Lovett is what is wrong with Folk wrestling. Lovett escaped in like 15 seconds and Webster choose Neutral...., so they spent like 6 minutes and 45 seconds dancing around in Neutral... The final score was 1-0 on an "escape" - IOW zero offensive points scored or even close to being scored (the two wrestlers spent 90% of the time doing the Tango on the perimeter of the mat. Sorry, but that is not wrestling.
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