2025 Big Ten Tournament thread

JFC, Cruz is really below average. Weren't there some guys on here claiming he was getting better?

Iowa can't get Deluca in here fast enough.
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133 R16 - Braeden Davis VS Andrew Hampton (MSU)

Period 1:
Davis has a small sleeve on his knee, but no tape. Circling & tying up. Davis shoots & gets a leg, then slides up to a body lock. Hampton throws in a whizzer. They keep working. Davis gets behind, but they go out of bounds, no scoring, still neutral. Circling & tying up. Davis drops in on a head inside single. Hampton throws in a whizzer, but Davis keeps working & gets the TD, 3-0. Hampton gets to his feet, but Davis drives him out of bounds, restart. Hampton is still down, 1:23 left. Hampton fights for the escape, 3-1. Back to circling & tying up in the center. Davis tries a throw by, but no luck. Snaps & half shots, then back to the tie-up. Davis gets back to the leg. Hampton throws in a whizzer & then rolls. Davis comes out on the side, but time expires, no more scoring. 3-1 Davis, +29-sec RT.

Period 2:
Davis takes down. He sits out, then rolls, stands, squares up & gets the escape, 4-1. Circling & tying up again. Davis pushes forward a little, 1-min left. Back to center circling & hand fighting now, 30-sec left. Davis shoots & gets a leg. He keeps driving & gets the TD, 7-1. Davis rides out the period. 7-1 Davis, +38-sec RT

Period 3:
Hampton takes down. Hampton gets to a quadpod, then turns & gets the escape, 7-2. Hampton pushes forward a little. Davis tries a throw by, but no luck. Davis shoots & gets a leg. Hampton counters with a roll. They're scrambling & Davis comes behind for the TD, 10-2. Davis goes over 1-min RT. Davis gets Hampton bellied out, 25-sec left. Davis tries to roll Hampton over, but no luck. Davis rides out the period. Davis adds a RT point for the 11-2 Major! (+1:40 RT for Davis)

Braeden Davis MD Andrew Hampton 11-2
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125 R16 - Luke Lilledahl VS Caelan Riley (ILL)

Period 1:
Here we go! Luke presses forward. Riley circles back to center. Riley shoots & gets a leg. Luke wraps around the chest, then the crotch & it's a stalemate, restart. Tying up & Circling. Luke hits a duck for the TD, 3-0. Riley gets to his feet, but they go out of bounds, restart, 2:05 left. Riley is still down. Luke has 10-sec RT. Riley gets to a quadpod, then gets the escape, 3-1. Luke tries to pick an ankle, but Riley fights it off. Riley tries a duck, but Luke fights him off. Luke shoots, but Riley fights it off. Luke picks an ankle & trips Riley to the mat for another TD, 6-1. Luke gets Riley bellied out on the edge, 1-min left. Riley works back to his base, but Luke is riding heavy. Out of bounds & restart, 35-sec left. Riley is still down. Luke has 1:05 RT. Riley gets to his feet & gets the escape, 6-2. Luke shoots & gets a body lock. Riley rolls, but Luke stays with him & gets another TD, 9-2. Luke gets Riley bellied out & rides out the period. 9-2 Luke, +over 1-min RT

Period 2:
Luke takes down. He turns, but Riley stays with him. Luke gets to his feet & gets the escape, 7-2. Luke still has +1:17 RT. Luke presses forward. Riley shoots, but no luck. Luke picks Riley up & slams him to the mat for another TD, 10-2. Luke has Riley on his back. He's getting swipes & then gets the FALL!!!

Luke Lilledahl FALL Caelan Riley (4:09)
Coulda swore Luke took him down 3 times in the first. It was 6-2 after one somehow.
Below average is harsh. He does have potential.
He got ridden out the entire 2nd period by the MSU kid. And was on the ropes before the MSU kid got lazy on the free release in the 3rd ala Van Ness.

Below average. This is the B1G. For reference I would say that Braedan at times has been average this year. These guys don't wrestle in the streamlined EIWA.