5 key points from the judicial conduct charges filed against Pa. Supreme Court Justice Eakin


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2004

They have now charged him. I welcome that, just like he does. So we have that in common, which is nice.

This is a PENNLIVE story. My operating assumption is that if there is any break they could give Eakin, they give it every time. In that light, read the linked story.

Here is a highlight for Wishful:
"By this fall, when Attorney General Kathleen Kane rekindled the case, her office was able to present the Judicial Conduct Board with evidence suggesting that Eakin was a far more active participant in the email chains.

This time, there were 943 additional files, including 157 that were in some way sent or forwarded by Eakin.

Besides the third-party attachments, these emails shared with Eakin's golfing buddies also included a handful of personal references to woman who worked for Eakin."

And then there is this, buried in the story:
"At some point, the justice created a new personal email account under the alias John Smith "as a result of the content of McGowan's emails," and then continued to willingly receive them.

He continued to receive McGowan's blasts filled with sexually-suggestive and stereotyping racial, ethnic and religious humor even after participating in a 2013 Supreme Court case that set out for all in-state judges that 'off-bench conduct is subject to discipline.'"

So, he conceded by his conduct in creating the account that the emails were wrong, and that he knew they were wrong. The attempt to hide your conduct is relevant evidence of your knowledge of its wrongful nature.

He also knew, if he was not asleep at the time of his participation in the 2013 case, that his off-bench conduct subjects him to discipline. Now it is a well-settled that excessive masturbation can make one sleepy, so maybe he will claim his was asleep when the 2013 opinion with his name on it was issued. I welcome the chance to her is answer.

He will now slightly escalate the apologetic-like statements he has made to date. He previously made apology-like noises about this when it first came out, saying it did not reveal his true nature or some such crap. Now he will step it up and maybe even go so far as to tell the Judicial Discipline Court that he deserves the lightest of punishments.

This is rapidly becoming a painful time for our friend and colleague, "Wishy" Wishful. Please be cognizant of his tender feelings as you post about this craven, racist, misogynist, hateful sonofab!tch and his attempt to pretend to give a damn about the 10-course dinner of pain his conduct has served up to The Court and the people of Pennsylvania. Craven, racist, misogynist, hateful sonsab!tches have feelings, too, and kindness requires that we recognize that Wishy feels sorry for Eakin.
I think Wishful is toast too. He must have been banned? Wow. Meanwhile Ditka and GREGGERS remain.
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If I do say so, it was quite a fast turnaround to charging him after the information came out that Graci was Eakin's buddy. I often try to imagine future headlines. Like this:

Eakin: Jack-fodder Emails "Unfortunate, but do not impact my role on the Supreme Court."
"Porny racist misogynist emails never influenced any case": Eakin
Eakin: "I suspend my porny racist misogyny when I come to court."
Random Message Board Poster Says 2013 Opinion Re: Off-Bench Conduct "Simply Wrong."

Try it! It's fun!
I'm glad Eakin is committed to defend far he is playing a game that he isn't too good at, but he believes that he is. After all those years of being a judge sitting in power has skewed his perception that he can pull this off. I'd rather see mutual destruction than to see him slink away and for the threads of corruption to be unable to be tracked to ground.

The question I have is will Eakin's fellow justices suspend his law license? They have certainly set themselves up to look foolish.
I'm glad Eakin is committed to defend far he is playing a game that he isn't too good at, but he believes that he is. After all those years of being a judge sitting in power has skewed his perception that he can pull this off. I'd rather see mutual destruction than to see him slink away and for the threads of corruption to be unable to be tracked to ground.

The question I have is will Eakin's fellow justices suspend his law license? They have certainly set themselves up to look foolish.
Excellent question. Certainly if he is charged with a crime hey have to suspend his law license, regardless of how ridiculous the charge is. lol.
I think Wishful is toast too. He must have been banned? Wow. Meanwhile Ditka and GREGGERS remain.
Actually, I do not have the same goals as the mods, and I am not sure even what their goals are, so I cannot say whether it serves their goals to ban him. It does not serve mine, though. It helps all of us sharpen our arguments to have some useful idiot take the other side. :)

They have now charged him. I welcome that, just like he does. So we have that in common, which is nice.

This is a PENNLIVE story. My operating assumption is that if there is any break they could give Eakin, they give it every time. In that light, read the linked story.

Here is a highlight for Wishful:
"By this fall, when Attorney General Kathleen Kane rekindled the case, her office was able to present the Judicial Conduct Board with evidence suggesting that Eakin was a far more active participant in the email chains.

This time, there were 943 additional files, including 157 that were in some way sent or forwarded by Eakin.

Besides the third-party attachments, these emails shared with Eakin's golfing buddies also included a handful of personal references to woman who worked for Eakin."

And then there is this, buried in the story:
"At some point, the justice created a new personal email account under the alias John Smith "as a result of the content of McGowan's emails," and then continued to willingly receive them.

He continued to receive McGowan's blasts filled with sexually-suggestive and stereotyping racial, ethnic and religious humor even after participating in a 2013 Supreme Court case that set out for all in-state judges that 'off-bench conduct is subject to discipline.'"

So, he conceded by his conduct in creating the account that the emails were wrong, and that he knew they were wrong. The attempt to hide your conduct is relevant evidence of your knowledge of its wrongful nature.

He also knew, if he was not asleep at the time of his participation in the 2013 case, that his off-bench conduct subjects him to discipline. Now it is a well-settled that excessive masturbation can make one sleepy, so maybe he will claim his was asleep when the 2013 opinion with his name on it was issued. I welcome the chance to her is answer.

He will now slightly escalate the apologetic-like statements he has made to date. He previously made apology-like noises about this when it first came out, saying it did not reveal his true nature or some such crap. Now he will step it up and maybe even go so far as to tell the Judicial Discipline Court that he deserves the lightest of punishments.

This is rapidly becoming a painful time for our friend and colleague, "Wishy" Wishful. Please be cognizant of his tender feelings as you post about this craven, racist, misogynist, hateful sonofab!tch and his attempt to pretend to give a damn about the 10-course dinner of pain his conduct has served up to The Court and the people of Pennsylvania. Craven, racist, misogynist, hateful sonsab!tches have feelings, too, and kindness requires that we recognize that Wishy feels sorry for Eakin.

If I do say so, it was quite a fast turnaround to charging him after the information came out that Graci was Eakin's buddy. I often try to imagine future headlines. Like this:

Eakin: Jack-fodder Emails "Unfortunate, but do not impact my role on the Supreme Court."
"Porny racist misogynist emails never influenced any case": Eakin
Eakin: "I suspend my porny racist misogyny when I come to court."
Random Message Board Poster Says 2013 Opinion Re: Off-Bench Conduct "Simply Wrong."

Try it! It's fun!

"Eakin to Court: That was only KIDDIE porn"
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Actually, I do not have the same goals as the mods, and I am not sure even what their goals are, so I cannot say whether it serves their goals to ban him. It does not serve mine, though. It helps all of us sharpen our arguments to have some useful idiot take the other side. :)

Michy and cr are counting the number of ways your post makes them happy.

They have now charged him. I welcome that, just like he does. So we have that in common, which is nice.

This is a PENNLIVE story. My operating assumption is that if there is any break they could give Eakin, they give it every time. In that light, read the linked story.

Here is a highlight for Wishful:
"By this fall, when Attorney General Kathleen Kane rekindled the case, her office was able to present the Judicial Conduct Board with evidence suggesting that Eakin was a far more active participant in the email chains.

This time, there were 943 additional files, including 157 that were in some way sent or forwarded by Eakin.

Besides the third-party attachments, these emails shared with Eakin's golfing buddies also included a handful of personal references to woman who worked for Eakin."

And then there is this, buried in the story:
"At some point, the justice created a new personal email account under the alias John Smith "as a result of the content of McGowan's emails," and then continued to willingly receive them.

He continued to receive McGowan's blasts filled with sexually-suggestive and stereotyping racial, ethnic and religious humor even after participating in a 2013 Supreme Court case that set out for all in-state judges that 'off-bench conduct is subject to discipline.'"

So, he conceded by his conduct in creating the account that the emails were wrong, and that he knew they were wrong. The attempt to hide your conduct is relevant evidence of your knowledge of its wrongful nature.

He also knew, if he was not asleep at the time of his participation in the 2013 case, that his off-bench conduct subjects him to discipline. Now it is a well-settled that excessive masturbation can make one sleepy, so maybe he will claim his was asleep when the 2013 opinion with his name on it was issued. I welcome the chance to her is answer.

He will now slightly escalate the apologetic-like statements he has made to date. He previously made apology-like noises about this when it first came out, saying it did not reveal his true nature or some such crap. Now he will step it up and maybe even go so far as to tell the Judicial Discipline Court that he deserves the lightest of punishments.

This is rapidly becoming a painful time for our friend and colleague, "Wishy" Wishful. Please be cognizant of his tender feelings as you post about this craven, racist, misogynist, hateful sonofab!tch and his attempt to pretend to give a damn about the 10-course dinner of pain his conduct has served up to The Court and the people of Pennsylvania. Craven, racist, misogynist, hateful sonsab!tches have feelings, too, and kindness requires that we recognize that Wishy feels sorry for Eakin.

Making more sense all the time why the OAG under Corbett's hand-appointed AG changed the email retention policy from something like 5 years to 6 months before vaacating the office to the newly and duly-elected AG that was an outsider to the corrupt "Good 'Ole Boys NetworI" that existed between the Pennsylvania State-Level Judiciary and Law Enforcement.
Making more sense all the time why the OAG under Corbett's hand-appointed AG changed the email retention policy from something like 5 years to 6 months before vaacating the office to the newly and duly-elected AG that was an outsider to the corrupt "Good 'Ole Boys NetworI" that existed between the Pennsylvania State-Level Judiciary and Law Enforcement.

Yep, one would think that the Pa media might perk up a little bit when they heard about the email policy change (by an interim AG nonetheless) from 5 years to 6 months. Talk about a red flag....but at the time the media in PA couldn't care less. God knows what else is in those emails besides porn. What a joke the media and judiciary is in PA....smh.
It was a huge red makes no sense to reduce document retention policies for a law enforcement or prosecutorial agency to below five years. By the time many cases wind there way through the investigation, prosecution, and trial, they have passed five years already. A six month retention policy is ludicrous on its face...a kindergarten teacher keeps records for longer than that.

And a 90% reduction in retention schedule does not pass anyone's sniff test...other than to telegraph the time period that they wished to push things under the rug, which was Tom Corbett's tenure. He made his hay on political prosecutions but was lazy or ignorant enough to be sloppy because he thought it would never see the light of day...regardless of whether Kane is better, worse, or the same as Corbett, at least it was a transition of power that provided the insight into the lack of OAG oversight. And now it looks like Fina, Eakin, and buddies will be the balls busted rather than the ball busters. They are reaping their just rewards for such shady service....
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Yep, one would think that the Pa media might perk up a little bit when they heard about the email policy change (by an interim AG nonetheless) from 5 years to 6 months. Talk about a red flag....but at the time the media in PA couldn't care less. God knows what else is in those emails besides porn. What a joke the media and judiciary is in PA....smh.
What a joke the entire State of Pa. is!
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God knows what else is in those emails besides porn. .
This Maryland dude is supposed to find out. And now, in a sudden about-face, our boy Seth is calling for Kane to release all the emails to the masses and admits sensitivity training was a mistake. One way or another we will know what's in that mess.
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This Maryland dude is supposed to find out. And now, in a sudden about-face, our boy Seth is calling for Kane to release all the emails to the masses and admits sensitivity training was a mistake. One way or another we will know what's in that mess.

Got a link to this?

Oh my....Williams must really think everyone is an idiot and not paying attention.

The quote is a gem:
"He says they contained "things that were repulsive," adding, "I am not defending them at all. But what I should have asked for then is what I am asking for today. I should have asked for the entire cache of emails." "

So, Seth is told about the emails that he thinks are repulsive back in August and only now he wants to see the full cache, since he's getting blasted left and it. One would think the first thing he would do is ask for the full cache of emails. He's only doing so now because his hand was forced by Kane/media/city council.

Also, why is there a need to see the full cache in order to fire Fina et. al.? He's already seen some of them and they are MORE than enough cause to remove these scumbags. Seth continues to drag his feet and further cement the end of his political career.

Fina must really have some good stuff on Seth.
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