A9 report out in the open

It's not like this. We don't tolerate a few things. Calling out players, No 1. Calling out posters No 2. There's no reason for it. Thus why I warn. Making your point is no big deal. Calling out posters and mocking, I'm done with it. There's no reason for it. Ever.
In fairness, posters on this board have been calling one another out for as long as I can remember.
Why did the OGBOT want Joe and others to go down?

Speaking as a horribly jaded, angry, bitter PSU grad A-hole, without evidence to the contrary I would guess that the money coming into the coffers of the members of the BOT and their associated businesses was so extraordinarily lucrative that any and all slings and arrows levied at our school were so minuscule, so irrelevant that no public shaming would bother them.

The amount of money that must come into the wallets of the people in power at PSU must be so fantastic, so unbelievable that there is no level below which they will stoop to paint the place as a den of hell, a place where you wouldn't send your worst enemy (let alone your kids), and to present the fans of all the generations past as a cabal of sickos wouldn't bother them or let them lose a minute's sleep. A sixty million dollar fine from Blemmert was a drop in the bucket, as an old poster here used to say. He was correct. It didn't mean a flea on a goat's ass.

That's why. JMO. I can't fathom another reason.
Source documents support the following:

  • Extensive use of Baldwin as a source; 20% of citations of interviews were attributed to her.
  • 30% of citations referencing interviews are Trustees.
  • Triponey: One interviewee stated, "the only person he could recall that made the University better by leaving."
  1. "strong consensus from administrators and trustees that Triponey was unprofessional, combative and had an axe to grind with athletics, especially football."
  2. investigators acknowledged that they did "not want to reference Triponey in any way(given her issues)..."
page 79​
Source documents support the following:

  • Extensive use of Baldwin as a source; 20% of citations of interviews were attributed to her.
  • 30% of citations referencing interviews are Trustees.
  • Triponey: One interviewee stated, "the only person he could recall that made the University better by leaving."
  1. "strong consensus from administrators and trustees that Triponey was unprofessional, combative and had an axe to grind with athletics, especially football."
  2. investigators acknowledged that they did "not want to reference Triponey in any way(given her issues)..."
page 79​

Her poor, poor husband. At least she has her looks..
To be fair, he isn’t living high on the hog. His wife plus child support and his lawyer took the majority.
"the university has settled the case for "a lesser amount" than the verdicts totalling $12.3 million awarded to McQueary, plus an additional $1.7 million to cover attorney's fees and costs."

Let's say the settlement was $8 million + legal fees. It's still unjust.

For some reason MM turned into a dishonest coward. I believe that MM experienced something that was truly disturbing to him. It was right for him to tell Joe and later C&S. My guess is that he gave a soft story because he wasn't sure what he experienced and he didn't want to accuse JS falsely. When the story became public he didn't want to be accused of not doing enough to stop JS so he started embellishing his story wrt what he told the administrators.
Original drafts of the Report contained a TSM section outlining the connections to the BOT and their millions dollar contracts secured thru the university.
Technical question. Anyone know how to print this thing off on Scribd?
As someone said a loooong time ago, the one thing the Freeh Documents coulda’ woulda’ shoulda’ done...... if they hadn’t been shoved into a black hole for two years..... woulda’ been to put Baldwin in the shit hole wrt her unethical (illegal?) behavior.

But that cow left the barn a long, long time ago.
You're right. That COW is out to pasture on Turks and Caicos.
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I'm so glad everyone is fired up again.

That BOT meeting is next Thursday and Friday..... I hope to see all my friends there!!!
Educating themselves and making their concerns known.


Especially my "Super-Hero" friend :)

Are you on the left or the right??
The most enjoyable part of the report is the Triponey stuff. Seems like she was probably frothing at the mouth to take Paterno down and the investigators were not buying her.
I read the report quickly, but didn't it say that she got paid for her interview?
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From Onward State article

The university provided the following statement, signed by Board of Trustees chair Mark Dambly and Penn State President Eric Barron:

The public disclosure of this unauthorized report in apparent violation of court-ordered confidentiality is reprehensible. We wish to make clear the report does not represent the position or opinions of the Penn State Board of Trustees or the University in any way. It is the expression of the personal opinions of the authors. It is also important to understand the University obtained a confidentiality order for the Freeh materials from a court in order to protect and promote a culture that asks employees to tell the truth and to speak up and report wrongdoing when they see it, without fear of retaliation. Finding the truth is dependent on such a commitment of confidentiality. This leak undermines these values and discourages a culture of reporting at Penn State. Furthermore, it is unfair to the men and women who provided information to Judge Freeh and his team, with an understanding that what they said to the interviewer would be maintained in confidence to the extent possible.

The five current Penn State trustees who were involved in the report (Brown, Doran Jubelirer, Oldsey, and Pope) responded with the following:

We are offended by the implication that we are anything but conscientious stewards of the University who have honored our confidentiality obligations. The fact is the Board’s tacit acceptance of the Freeh Report led to profound reputational damage, along with over $250 million in costs so far to Penn State. It is perplexing that the University clings to the conclusions of a report that has been criticized by so many, including Penn State President Eric Barron. We fervently believe that the best way forward is for the Board and the University to openly and thoughtfully consider the comprehensive and well-researched findings from our review so that we can finally come to an honest conclusion.
After reading this report, it provides the opportunity to relive 5-7 years of history in the span of an hour or so. Saddening. Maddening.

There was a crime that was committed. Unfortunately, the crime was a carefully crafted extortion of Penn State by Louis Freeh, Our own dog-gone BOT; the state of PA (where no one is above the law) and the NCAA (including our dear comrade LuAnna Simon). They collectively extorted $250+ million dollars for reasons that nobody can chase and nobody will answer.

The four most honest people in the entire saga probably are Paterno, Curley, Schultz and Spanier.

I am not sure that Sandusky ever abused anyone after letting this fester in my head overnight.
Speaking as a horribly jaded, angry, bitter PSU grad A-hole, without evidence to the contrary I would guess that the money coming into the coffers of the members of the BOT and their associated businesses was so extraordinarily lucrative that any and all slings and arrows levied at our school were so minuscule, so irrelevant that no public shaming would bother them.

The amount of money that must come into the wallets of the people in power at PSU must be so fantastic, so unbelievable that there is no level below which they will stoop to paint the place as a den of hell, a place where you wouldn't send your worst enemy (let alone your kids), and to present the fans of all the generations past as a cabal of sickos wouldn't bother them or let them lose a minute's sleep. A sixty million dollar fine from Blemmert was a drop in the bucket, as an old poster here used to say. He was correct. It didn't mean a flea on a goat's ass.

That's why. JMO. I can't fathom another reason.
....I believe that MM experienced something that was I believe that MM experienced something that was truly disturbing to him. It was right for him to tell Joe and later C&S.. It was right for him to tell Joe and later C&S.....

I realize that making any statements on this whole matter rarely use this as a basis for that statement (FACTS) ...but here goes -

MM's "....truly disturbing to him...". description is nothing more than an added piece of BS in a professionally engineered political "hit" story controlled by OAG benefactors..

FACT - in 2001, the only point of reference which applies to the entire PSU "linkage" to Sandusky crimes, NOT ONE PERSON stated that they believed anything happened that was criminal and therefore needed to be reported. NOT ONE PERSON - including MM's own family! This is the key to this entire fiasco. It is the smoking gun that no one wants to admit or address. The "disturbing" term added to MM's "testimony" was added in 2011 as a means to support a "rape" that MM stated emphatically (at first) DID NOT HAPPEN!! Funny but what $12m buys you.

So now - 7 years later - we have a 6 year "after the fact review by the BOT" which FORMALLY states the Freeh report was BS. The MM actions taken in 2001 ONLY support that what REALLY happened could only be the following... MM had AFTER-THOUGHTS of what could have been happening in that shower. This re-examination by MM was days or weeks after the event. No one saw this from day one? Crimes ONLY on unsupported speculation - what "could have been" - are not legal in a court of law - that is in any state but the Corrupt PA Leagl system..

The reality is PSU money was thrown to anyone needed to support the fictitious Grand Jury Presentment "story". Any others key to the "story" was bought off with PSU $$$$$ (promised by those in PA's rouge government). Everyone of the key players in this - ESPECIALLY FREEH - were associated with Tom Corbett in one way or another aided by the political control (obtained by back-door sweetheart deals) executed by the "stooges" of the Executive BOT.

Check this one out - one of many in the "suspicious" features of the entire Sandusky matter - the funds for all of this were released by PSU on the review and authority of ONLY ONE BOT member!!! Check that person's political "advantages obtained from PA. But....the American public must not "look behind the curtain"!! Nothing wrong here!!!

Let's face it - this is the largest THEFT OF FUNDS ever created involving a public institution and the greatest politcal scandal in modern US history. FACTS ARE FACTS!
The public disclosure of this unauthorized report in apparent violation of court-ordered confidentiality is reprehensible. We wish to make clear the report does not represent the position or opinions of the Penn State Board of Trustees or the University in any way. It is the expression of the personal opinions of the authors. It is also important to understand the University obtained a confidentiality order for the Freeh materials from a court in order to protect and promote a culture that asks employees to tell the truth and to speak up and report wrongdoing when they see it, without fear of retaliation. Finding the truth is dependent on such a commitment of confidentiality. This leak undermines these values and discourages a culture of reporting at Penn State. Furthermore, it is unfair to the men and women who provided information to Judge Freeh and his team, with an understanding that what they said to the interviewer would be maintained in confidence to the extent possible.

Promote a culture in which employees feel free to speak up without retaliation? Like when Freeh's interviewers threatened employee's jobs and browbeat them unless they said what Freeh wanted to hear? Sure, that'll encourage people to come forward and talk. o_O

The irony is that the person who leaked the alumni review did so because they felt certain things needed to be exposed to sunshine. However, they did it anonymously because they knew they would otherwise be retaliated against by the very university which claims it wants people to step up and expose wrongdoing.
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"the university has settled the case for "a lesser amount" than the verdicts totalling $12.3 million awarded to McQueary, plus an additional $1.7 million to cover attorney's fees and costs."

Let's say the settlement was $8 million + legal fees. It's still unjust.

For some reason MM turned into a dishonest coward. I believe that MM experienced something that was truly disturbing to him. It was right for him to tell Joe and later C&S. My guess is that he gave a soft story because he wasn't sure what he experienced and he didn't want to accuse JS falsely. When the story became public he didn't want to be accused of not doing enough to stop JS so he started embellishing his story wrt what he told the administrators.

From Onward State article

The university provided the following statement, signed by Board of Trustees chair Mark Dambly and Penn State President Eric Barron:

The public disclosure of this unauthorized report in apparent violation of court-ordered confidentiality is reprehensible. We wish to make clear the report does not represent the position or opinions of the Penn State Board of Trustees or the University in any way. It is the expression of the personal opinions of the authors. It is also important to understand the University obtained a confidentiality order for the Freeh materials from a court in order to protect and promote a culture that asks employees to tell the truth and to speak up and report wrongdoing when they see it, without fear of retaliation. Finding the truth is dependent on such a commitment of confidentiality. This leak undermines these values and discourages a culture of reporting at Penn State. Furthermore, it is unfair to the men and women who provided information to Judge Freeh and his team, with an understanding that what they said to the interviewer would be maintained in confidence to the extent possible.

The five current Penn State trustees who were involved in the report (Brown, Doran Jubelirer, Oldsey, and Pope) responded with the following:

We are offended by the implication that we are anything but conscientious stewards of the University who have honored our confidentiality obligations. The fact is the Board’s tacit acceptance of the Freeh Report led to profound reputational damage, along with over $250 million in costs so far to Penn State. It is perplexing that the University clings to the conclusions of a report that has been criticized by so many, including Penn State President Eric Barron. We fervently believe that the best way forward is for the Board and the University to openly and thoughtfully consider the comprehensive and well-researched findings from our review so that we can finally come to an honest conclusion.

LOL, Oh now the leaks are "reprehensible" funny how that now applies once the tables are turned.
The Penn State Board of Trustees (outside of the 5 mentioned above) can kiss my ass.
Promote a culture in which employees feel free to speak up without retaliation? Like when Freeh's interviewers threatened employee's jobs and browbeat them unless they said what Freeh wanted to hear? Sure, that'll encourage people to come forward and talk. o_O

The irony is that the person who leaked the alumni review did so because they felt certain things needed to be exposed to sunshine. However, they did it anonymously because they knew they would otherwise be retaliated against by the very university which claims it wants people to step up and expose wrongdoing.

Yea what ever happened to that whole "transparency" thingy the BOT's were touting several years ago?