Andrew Ellis of 11 Warriors CB for Kaindoh to PSU!

Another CB for Kaindoh to PSU. Deal with it haters.
I like it. Maybe there is a group of guys who have made a change? Winning - in general - and the atmosphere at the whiteouts didn't hurt none.
Pretty odd thing to think when you're the only one constantly addressing things to me about conversations years ago.

Stalker: "no, she's stalking me! She's always right there at her house when I'm minding my own business outside her window."

"Petulant child"...and about 20 other childish name calling attacks from you. Pretty odd thing that you're even bringing it up with me.
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"Petulant child"...and about 20 other childish name calling attacks from you. Pretty odd thing that you're even bringing it up with me.

You are the only one incapable of seeing a post of mine without referencing the Pirates ownership. It's weird man, you should get some hobbies or something, I shouldn't possess this much of your mind.
You are the only one incapable of seeing a post of mine without referencing the Pirates ownership. It's weird man, you should get some hobbies or something, I shouldn't possess this much of your mind.

I'm the one who is in yours, not vice versa. You respond to every single thread, every post.
I'm the one who is in yours, not vice versa. You respond to every single thread, every post.

Patently false, I bet if you go check your history, I respond to less than 5% of your posts. Do you work for Louis Freeh? Awfully lot of made up facts to support your argument going on here.