Another flat tire in Stilly

Was this reported or tweeted about earlier?

I'd be surprised if not, because the alleged incident happened over a month ago.

More likely there was something vague mentioned that can now be taken credit for as alluding to it.

Looks like no zealot females were involved the investigation.

What's going on in Stillwater?

When will Coach Smith announce he plans to retire at the end of this season?

When will Coach Pop announce his contract has been bought out and he's taking over the reigns?

🙄 🙄 🙄
Is that basically saying that he got in a fight? There was a lot of that happening when I was younger, but charges were never filed. It might be wise to wait before jumping on and claiming to have the higher ground.
the story out there is a lot bigger than getting in a fight.
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the story out there is a lot bigger than getting in a fight.
And even if it were "just a fight" -- he's (allegedly) no stranger to them including why the brothers left Blair. And no ability to learn from his brother's myriad issues?
the story out there is a lot bigger than getting in a fight.
Care to elaborate?

A quote that comes to mind re: the Ferraris, "If you run into an asshole in the morning, you ran into an asshole. If you run into assholes all day, you're the asshole."

This has been trained into them, and it will be hard to train out of them.
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It's been floating around for about a month....
As the screenshot alleges:
  • Shooting up a house doesn't sound to me like a misdemeanor assault and battery;
  • Following through on killing dogs would not be misdemeanor assault and battery;
  • Following through on torture that involves physical contact (vice only psychological) would be assault,
but I'll defer to lawyers.

Not sure what's out there reflects reality. Can't even tell whether Travis alleged actions actually occurred or were only rumored/suppose to have occurred.
Nutted ON??

Real men leave it in, right Wino?
the story out there is a lot bigger than getting in a fight.
This isn’t related to the alleged mastro incident, people assuming. The same person who pressed the bogus burglary charge on AJ that was dismissed has pressed this one on Anthony now… Seems a bit odd.

But wanted to clarify for you and the gallery of people who are assuming, this has nothing to do with the mastro/sister/etc thing.
This isn’t related to the alleged mastro incident, people assuming. The same person who pressed the bogus burglary charge on AJ that was dismissed has pressed this one on Anthony now… Seems a bit odd.

But wanted to clarify for you and the gallery of people who are assuming, this has nothing to do with the mastro/sister/etc thing.
Posting behind a fake internet name is no worse than posting “ facts” without sources.
This isn’t related to the alleged mastro incident, people assuming. The same person who pressed the bogus burglary charge on AJ that was dismissed has pressed this one on Anthony now… Seems a bit odd.

But wanted to clarify for you and the gallery of people who are assuming, this has nothing to do with the mastro/sister/etc thing.
Since you are not a reporter and just post about stuff you hear from various sources from your Facebook page, how about spilling the tea on the Mastro tweet. After all it is the off season!
Good thing you that your safe filter is on..
Little people NSFW videos popped up for me.. and it wasn't all good.
  • Haha
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