Spending $100,000s on a 1 year rental for a guy who’s ceiling is about 3rd place seems silly to me. Why not use it to recruit a stud who can start 4 years? I’m sure Iowa has tried. Recruits must really not trust TNT with their development.

It’s heartbreaking.

I am happy to see a mid level AA guy get a nice NIL payday before he wraps up his career.

I question how sustainable that strategy can be. Michigan spent a lot of money on 5 AA transfers last year; was the third-place trophy worth it?

Eventually, bagmen will see that 6th-year wrestlers are not giving a good return on investment. Since the COVID year began, very few have turned their 6th year into their best year.
Spending $100,000s on a 1 year rental for a guy who’s ceiling is about 3rd place seems silly to me. Why not use it to recruit a stud who can start 4 years? I’m sure Iowa has tried. Recruits must really not trust TNT with their development.

It’s heartbreaking.

I am happy to see a mid level AA guy get a nice NIL payday before he wraps up his career.
Except that's not what they did. They rented Parco to buy Ryder Block a year to recover from knee surgery.

Block is a RS FR and a 2x Fargo champ. Assuming he recovers fully, he's the recruited stud who can start for 3-4 years.
I am still trying to picture it. How much money would I have to be worth to toss around 6 figures annually to either an 18 year old, or one time to some 23 year old AA, for let's be honest, despite our level of passion, a second tier sport like wrestling? Yeah, I get it, some of these guys are billionaires. It must be ego, that drives someone as successful and busy to get into the middle of this NIL stuff to try and coax some kid to your school for what you know is an absurd amount of money.

Well, I guess it's a tax write-off, but conceptually I would need to have to have well north of 100 Million, and it still doesn't sit well with me one bit.

Just one of the long list of reasons why my mind isn't wired properly to be able to make a 100+ Million fortune in the first place.

Another part of me doesn't believe any of the numbers I see tossed around out there, whether it be Gable for WWE, Carter coming back for #5, or what Bo Bassett will ultimately get pretty soon. Something smells rotten in Denmark..
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Yeah but he's a tool lmfao. Nicols is the second biggest clown on gia behind some turd from new York
Matter of opinion. Lots if turds I’ve noticed have the same name as some of the people that post regularly on this site. What’s the point being a dick on another site, I really don’t get it man. There’s a lot about the internet that sucks man.
Matter of opinion. Lots if turds I’ve noticed have the same name as some of the people that post regularly on this site. What’s the point being a dick on another site, I really don’t get it man. There’s a lot about the internet that sucks man.
You are correct. When visiting another team's forum, the default should be to post with humility and respect. Even when there are the ridiculous posts about Pedo U, cheating, and other accusations it is better to turn the other cheek. The home team's vocal minority will circle the wagons and double down. The majority of reasonable homers will just back out of the fray. So there is no winning.
Maybe they should open another portal in late summer for kids who just learned they've been recruited over.:)

Nah, that wouldn't work either. Then they'd need another fall portal for kids recruited over on the 2nd round. :confused:

Seriously though, next year will be the last of the COVID super seniors. Hopefully, things will normalize after that.
You are correct. When visiting another team's forum, the default should be to post with humility and respect. Even when there are the ridiculous posts about Pedo U, cheating, and other accusations it is better to turn the other cheek. The home team's vocal minority will circle the wagons and double down. The majority of reasonable homers will just back out of the fray. So there is no winning.
Or create new handles for eye poking ... such as @GiApet
I predict Kenny Rogers jokes all season long.

IF AJ can keep his ish together - we should finish 2nd.

125 - Ayala
133 - Schriever/Peterson
141 - Block
149 - Parco
157 - Caliendo
165 - Kennedy
174 - Arnold
184 - Brands
197 - AJ
285 - Cass/Keuter
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Spending $100,000s on a 1 year rental for a guy who’s ceiling is about 3rd place seems silly to me. Why not use it to recruit a stud who can start 4 years? I’m sure Iowa has tried. Recruits must really not trust TNT with their development.

It’s heartbreaking.

I am happy to see a mid level AA guy get a nice NIL payday before he wraps up his career.
This. If you're a blue chip program, you're fighting for the elite recruits. If you're not, you're cobbling together free agents. One gets the sense that the nature of the IA program has in fact changed.

It reminds me of a few years back when some of the larger NCAA schools like MI, ND, and BC proposed to put a max age limit on hockey. The "smaller" schools, which typically get older kids who have played junior programs as part of their development, threw a fit. Welcome to "Band 2"

That’s a lot to give up just to get schooled by Kerk.
Once Kerk is gone he will likely be the favorite though. Kid is good and he’s this good splitting time his entire athletic career. If he gives 100% to wrestling the sky’s the limit. I definitely put him in front of Feldman going forward if he keeps only wrestling
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Keuter is #4 at best in 24/25. But after this year it’s him and Feldman. Should be good battles. Watch out for Merrill at Okie State.
Here’s the thing..he has been splitting time between sports his entire athletic career. Him giving wrestling 100% is going to be massive for his improvement. I think he jumps levels and could absolutely be the second best heavyweight in the country by NCAA’s. He’s not touching Kerk but Feldman I could see. He says he’s going back to football in 10 months but I kind of doubt it. A full lost year of development won’t do him any favors and if he sees great success in wrestling it will be hard to do both again
Here’s the thing..he has been splitting time between sports his entire athletic career. Him giving wrestling 100% is going to be massive for his improvement. I think he jumps levels and could absolutely be the second best heavyweight in the country by NCAA’s. He’s not touching Kerk but Feldman I could see. He says he’s going back to football in 10 months but I kind of doubt it. A full lost year of development won’t do him any favors and if he sees great success in wrestling it will be hard to do both again
Yeah. TnT have a fantastic track record for developing hwt's. <jk> Big Tony was their best and his development was kinda iffy.
Keuter is #4 at best in 24/25. But after this year it’s him and Feldman. Should be good battles. Watch out for Merrill at Okie State.
I like Merrill but he will have trouble being big enough. He's 215-220 right now. It will be a challenge to get to 240 with his frame.
He might need to go on a Mormon mission and/or get some military deferment because it ain't happening in the next four years.
Tom and Terry must have fed him a huuuuuge line of bullshit about how he will make the difference in a team title hunt lmfao. I'm betting the whacky twins hired him to babysit the ford focus for a year
Here’s the thing..he has been splitting time between sports his entire athletic career. Him giving wrestling 100% is going to be massive for his improvement. I think he jumps levels and could absolutely be the second best heavyweight in the country by NCAA’s. He’s not touching Kerk but Feldman I could see. He says he’s going back to football in 10 months but I kind of doubt it. A full lost year of development won’t do him any favors and if he sees great success in wrestling it will be hard to do both again
Also, there's the football scholarship issue. Perhaps they'll call 2023 a lost year and 2024 his football shirt year -- but that would be mighty generous of Ferentz.

More likely they'll give his football scholarship to somebody actually on the team. Then good luck getting it back in 2025. And if he's on both teams, Brands can't give him a cent.
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