Ask the experts on here because they’re the ones saying that Franklin can only beat teams with less talent. I never said coaching doesn’t influence talent, but no coach in the world is going to win a ton of games without talent. The more talent a coach has, the more of a genius that coach seems to be (like Nick Saban). Franklin gets criticized on here because he only beats teams with less talent, but that’s how it is for all the coaches. Nobody’s going 10-2 with no talent no matter how good a coach they are.
No, Franklin is not criticized here because he only beats teams with less talent. He gets criticized because he never beats teams with more talent. And no, that is not true of all coaches. Ask Vanderbilt or Northern Illinois.
Huge difference.
For PSU we have to go back 8 years, and even then it took a blocked kick-6 defensive touchdown. That is a long time to go without generating any kind of significant upset. This is why people are losing confidence in his ability to coach.
On the flip side sometimes a team doesn't show up and loses to an underdog. Did the losing coach screw up, or was the winning coach a genius? The problem here is that PSU opponents always show up and our coaches are never geniuses. Does that even make sense over time unless there is something wrong?
Now, I am hoping that today Franklin and company will break the trend. But it is not something we can expect. I will be cheering as hard as anyone for success.