BTN network defending targeting call for OSU


Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2001
Turned on the BTN in the background this morning to get some PSU highlights. They teased it a couple of times, but have yet to see an actual highlight or acknowledgement that someone from the Big14 besides OSU played yesterday. Instead, they keep cutting to discussions about how OSU was jobbed last night. Amazing to me, to a man (mind you 90% OSU grads) they defend the OSU guy called for targeting. It was a quintessential targeting call, he lowered his head and led with the crown of the helmet. I have heard that the OSU playerd "did not have intent," the rule is too harsh and shoule be reduced to a 2 minute or up to one-half, etc etc. Not one mention that the guy should have kept his head up, and then there would have been no targeting call. Not once have I heard any of this discussion about any other targeting call over the years.
Big14, get over it. No matter how many times you get caught paying your players and skirting the rules, OSU still cannot beat a southern team in bowl games (except Arkansas.)
Turned on the BTN in the background this morning to get some PSU highlights. They teased it a couple of times, but have yet to see an actual highlight or acknowledgement that someone from the Big14 besides OSU played yesterday. Instead, they keep cutting to discussions about how OSU was jobbed last night. Amazing to me, to a man (mind you 90% OSU grads) they defend the OSU guy called for targeting. It was a quintessential targeting call, he lowered his head and led with the crown of the helmet. I have heard that the OSU playerd "did not have intent," the rule is too harsh and shoule be reduced to a 2 minute or up to one-half, etc etc. Not one mention that the guy should have kept his head up, and then there would have been no targeting call. Not once have I heard any of this discussion about any other targeting call over the years.
Big14, get over it. No matter how many times you get caught paying your players and skirting the rules, OSU still cannot beat a southern team in bowl games (except Arkansas.)
It hurts for tOSU faithful but that call was correct.
It hurts but that call was correct.

And it's a dumb rule. How do you tackle without leading with your head? How do you prevent another player from moving his body so that his head hits yours? Maybe a penalty, but not an ejection. Until they change how the game is played, more than half of these calls are not the fault of the tackler. It's because the player being tackled puts himself in a position to have his head hit. Lawrence lowers his head as Wade approaches.

And it's a dumb rule. How do you tackle without leading with your head? How do you prevent another player from moving his body so that his head hits yours? Maybe a penalty, but not an ejection. Until they change how the game is played, more than half of these calls are not the fault of the tackler. It's because the player being tackled puts himself in a position to have his head hit. Lawrence lowers his head as Wade approaches.

If his head was up, it wouldn’t have mattered what Lawrence did. That is the point and what the want reinforced. Right call, and what Ryan day deserves with his mentality
And it's a dumb rule. How do you tackle without leading with your head? How do you prevent another player from moving his body so that his head hits yours? Maybe a penalty, but not an ejection. Until they change how the game is played, more than half of these calls are not the fault of the tackler. It's because the player being tackled puts himself in a position to have his head hit. Lawrence lowers his head as Wade approaches.

Laughable bullshit from someone who clearly doesn't understand the rulebook (and is intentionally misquoting it - a clear argumentation logical fallacy). The rule says you are forbidden from I intentionally using the helmet as a weapon to inflict punishment - "leading with the CROWN OF THE HELMET". Nowhere does it say a word about "leading with the head" - that's bullshit that you made up. The duhO$U player dropped his head to SPEAR his opponent - the hit is, and ALWAYS HAS BEEN, illegal and a Personal Foul. You, and the BTN hypocritical, POS, homer, parochial douchebags, are just plain utterly wrong.
Laughable bullshit from someone who clearly doesn't understand the rulebook (and is intentionally misquoting it - a clear argumentation logical fallacy). The rule says you are forbidden from I intentionally using the helmet as a weapon to inflict punishment - "leading with the CROWN OF THE HELMET". Nowhere does it say a word about "leading with the head" - that's bullshit that you made up. The duhO$U player dropped his head to SPEAR his opponent - the hit is, and ALWAYS HAS BEEN, illegal and a Personal Foul. You, and the BTN hypocritical, POS, homer, parochial douchebags, are just plain utterly wrong.
Geez, take it down a notch.
Laughable bullshit from someone who clearly doesn't understand the rulebook (and is intentionally misquoting it - a clear argumentation logical fallacy). The rule says you are forbidden from I intentionally using the helmet as a weapon to inflict punishment - "leading with the CROWN OF THE HELMET". Nowhere does it say a word about "leading with the head" - that's bullshit that you made up. The duhO$U player dropped his head to SPEAR his opponent - the hit is, and ALWAYS HAS BEEN, illegal and a Personal Foul. You, and the BTN hypocritical, POS, homer, parochial douchebags, are just plain utterly wrong.

Shut the **** up already you clown.
Textbook targeting and proper call from the tweet. If Wade didn’t lower his helmet and would have instead kept his head up it’s all good. Young should have also received an unsportsmanlike penalty for trying to rip his head off.

How do you tackle then? With your chest? Biology suggests your head goes first. Not sure how you tackle while making sure your head is behind everything else.
Laughable bullshit from someone who clearly doesn't understand the rulebook (and is intentionally misquoting it - a clear argumentation logical fallacy). The rule says you are forbidden from I intentionally using the helmet as a weapon to inflict punishment - "leading with the CROWN OF THE HELMET". Nowhere does it say a word about "leading with the head" - that's bullshit that you made up. The duhO$U player dropped his head to SPEAR his opponent - the hit is, and ALWAYS HAS BEEN, illegal and a Personal Foul. You, and the BTN hypocritical, POS, homer, parochial douchebags, are just plain utterly wrong.
But what do the shizolians think of the call?
Turned on the BTN in the background this morning to get some PSU highlights. They teased it a couple of times, but have yet to see an actual highlight or acknowledgement that someone from the Big14 besides OSU played yesterday. Instead, they keep cutting to discussions about how OSU was jobbed last night. Amazing to me, to a man (mind you 90% OSU grads) they defend the OSU guy called for targeting. It was a quintessential targeting call, he lowered his head and led with the crown of the helmet. I have heard that the OSU playerd "did not have intent," the rule is too harsh and shoule be reduced to a 2 minute or up to one-half, etc etc. Not one mention that the guy should have kept his head up, and then there would have been no targeting call. Not once have I heard any of this discussion about any other targeting call over the years.
Big14, get over it. No matter how many times you get caught paying your players and skirting the rules, OSU still cannot beat a southern team in bowl games (except Arkansas.)

Shouldn’t O$U have been able to plug in another 5 Star kid and the juggernaut kept on churning? After all this is one of the “greatest teams in college football history.” Apparently losing one player cost them the game.
Richard Sherman, the San Francisco 49ers’ Pro Bowl cornerback, called the new rule a “disaster” and mocked the notion that every tackle could be made without helmet contact.

“There are going to be times when players tackle with their shoulder, as they should, but the fact is your head comes before your shoulder,” Sherman said. “If there was a way somebody could pull their head back and only lead with their shoulder, I’m sure they would — but your body doesn’t work that way.”
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Shaun Wade is 6’1

Trevor Lawrence is 6’6

why are we pretending like there was no other place for Wade (who was untouched and had 10 yards to line him up) to hit him?

Because Lawrence crouched and leaned into the hit with his upper body when Wade got close. If Lawrence stays upright he hits him in his chest.
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That was pretty much the definition targeting.

The definition is this, which is pretty much anything:

Targeting does not solely occur when players initiate helmet-to-helmet contact. It's defined as occurring when a player "takes aim at an opponent for purposes of attacking with forcible contact that goes beyond making a legal tackle or a legal block or playing the ball." Instances include, but are not limited to:

  • Launch--a player leaving his feet to attack an opponent by an upward and forward thrust of the body to make forcible contact in the head or neck area.
  • A crouch followed by an upward and forward thrust to attack with forcible contact at the head or neck area, even though one or both feet are still on the ground.
  • Leading with helmet, shoulder forearm, fist, hand or elbow to attack with forcible contact at the head or neck area.
  • Lowering the head before attacking by initiating forcible contact with the crown of his helmet.
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How do you tackle then? With your chest? Biology suggests your head goes first. Not sure how you tackle while making sure your head is behind everything else.

How do you tackle? With your head up! He was going for the tackle and lowered his head so that the top of his helmet, the crown as is often called, was used to hit the qb. If he had kept his position and tackled with his head up, and say hit facemask to side of the head while wrapping him up there would be no targeting. In the replay he clearly lowered his head when going in for the hit therefore targeting is the correct call.
Because Lawrence crouched and leaned into the hit with his upper body when Wade got close. If Lawrence stays upright he hits him in his chest.

He was crouched well before Wade got there and Wade did nothing to change his level, which is too high even if Lawrence is standing fully upright

At 6 seconds Wade has 2 steps to adjust and doesn’t.

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How do you tackle? With your head up! He was going for the tackle and lowered his head so that the top of his helmet, the crown as is often called, was used to hit the qb. If he had kept his position and tackled with his head up, and say hit facemask to side of the head while wrapping him up there would be no targeting. In the replay he clearly lowered his head when going in for the hit therefore targeting is the correct call.

So, you tackle upright while leading with your shoulder? Okay. Is this targeting? Should be according to the definition.

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He was crouched well before Wade got there and Wade did nothing to change his level, which is too high even if Lawrence is standing fully upright

At 6 seconds Wade has 2 steps to adjust and doesn’t.

Adjust how? Stop running? I don't know how you adjust while running full speed trying to make a tackle. Remember, it's not just that they helmets hit - it's that he *led* with his helmet. How the F do you tackle any other way?
Adjust how? Stop running? I don't know how you adjust while running full speed trying to make a tackle. Remember, it's not just that they helmets hit - it's that he *led* with his helmet. How the F do you tackle any other way?
You’re reaching. The way you’re defining “led” means that targeting can never be called.
It was a stupid, stupid play. It would have gotten called 95% of the time in Big Ten games because it was so obvious. OSU fans can say as targeting goes, it wasn't the worst, but that's idiotic because targeting is a zero-tolerance rule. It's not like holding or PI which is a judgment call. There's no "bad" vs. "not-so-bad" targeting. Targeting is targeting.

What I can't get over is how stupid it was. Wade has a free shot, he has 1 1/2 seconds to think about how he's going to hit Lawrence, who is a sitting duck. Wade is allowed to hit him as violently as he wants, he can plant him into the turf, he can pound his ribs, his shoulder, knees, anything.

There are only two things Wade can't do - don't lead with the freaking helmet and don't aim at Lawrence's head. So of course Wade does BOTH of those things.

It's rare that you can say one bad play in the 1st half cost a championship-caliber team their season -- but you can say that in this case. Wade is going to have to live with that for his career.

It was a dirty play. **** the BTN and it's half rate, amateur shows. The B10 suck but we'll never leave the conference. Healthier to just hate everything about the conference instead of having the fantasy that anything will change.
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You’re reaching. The way you’re defining “led” means that targeting can never be called.

No, it means it can always be called. And it's not my definition - look at the rule. Includes the words 'not limited to,' - so, that means the scope can be expanded for each play. I know you all hate OSU, but it's a bad call and a dumb rule. Later.
So, you tackle upright while leading with your shoulder? Okay. Is this targeting? Should be according to the definition.


Huh? That's clearly NOT targeting (the gif you posted) by the way the penalty is written in the rule books.

There's no launch to force contact in the head or neck area.

There's no crouch or upward thrust to hit the head or neck area.

There's no leading with the helmet to force contact with the head or neck area.

And there's no lowering of the head to hit with the crown of the helmet (the helmet-to-helmet aspect of the rule).

I'm seriously confused why you posted this.

Now, if your argument is that the rule as written sucks, that's fine -- and I think there's validity to your argument. Should Wade's hit have been targeting? In my world, not necessarily. But as written in the rule books, it was clearly targeting (see the #4 criteria above).
Turned on the BTN in the background this morning to get some PSU highlights. They teased it a couple of times, but have yet to see an actual highlight or acknowledgement that someone from the Big14 besides OSU played yesterday. Instead, they keep cutting to discussions about how OSU was jobbed last night. Amazing to me, to a man (mind you 90% OSU grads) they defend the OSU guy called for targeting. It was a quintessential targeting call, he lowered his head and led with the crown of the helmet. I have heard that the OSU playerd "did not have intent," the rule is too harsh and shoule be reduced to a 2 minute or up to one-half, etc etc. Not one mention that the guy should have kept his head up, and then there would have been no targeting call. Not once have I heard any of this discussion about any other targeting call over the years.
Big14, get over it. No matter how many times you get caught paying your players and skirting the rules, OSU still cannot beat a southern team in bowl games (except Arkansas.)
And Fuller ( OSU safety) went helmet to helmet with the QB 1 or 2 plays before the targeting....but nothing was mentioned