Like a lot of targeting calls, this one could be argued either way. No question, though, it was a critical turn-around in the game.
The way my twisted brain works, however, is that it's precisely because I hate OSU that I don't feel the need to defend that call -- or the even more questionable booth reversal of the turnover-TD called on the field in the 2nd half.
Because if you really hate OSU, there's something very satisfying about the idea of the zebras shafting them.
In fact, I just caught part of Day's post-game press conference, and it was almost funny how he kept talking about all the critical "plays" going against OSU, when it was clear he meant "calls." He knows it's a bad look to blame the refs, so he keeps babbling about "plays."
Honestly, they have an outstanding team and played hard, so I'd almost feel bad for them if not for the conference's history of screwing over Penn State in every way possible. Given that, I don't feel bad at all. I'm actually enjoying the hell out of it.